MidReal Story

Lost in Twilight's Embrace

Scenario: A story of ancient islamic times where a muslim beautiful girl girl who visited her sick aunt in another village to give her medicine because of her expertise knowledge in herbs had trouble coming back to her village because the group she was travelling with had left her and she has lost her sense of direction now she was alone and it was magrib and she was worried and she prayed to ALLAH to help her reach her home and just as she got on her horse again she saw a group near fire 6 men and 4 women, they didn't particularly look muslims but look as though they were friends she introduced herself to them and told them their problems one of the men had caught her eye
Create my version of this story
A story of ancient islamic times where a muslim beautiful girl girl who visited her sick aunt in another village to give her medicine because of her expertise knowledge in herbs had trouble coming back to her village because the group she was travelling with had left her and she has lost her sense of direction now she was alone and it was magrib and she was worried and she prayed to ALLAH to help her reach her home and just as she got on her horse again she saw a group near fire 6 men and 4 women, they didn't particularly look muslims but look as though they were friends she introduced herself to them and told them their problems one of the men had caught her eye
It was a beautiful morning at the village.
The sun had just risen from behind the mountains, and the birds were chirping.
I was preparing to go to another village to see my sick aunt.
I am a young woman known for my skills in herbs and medicine.
And, because of that, I was preparing to go to her village to help cure her illness.
I chose to take my horse as my mode of transportation because the journey would be quite difficult.
It would take me almost a day and a half to reach her village, and the path was challenging as well.
However, I wasn’t worried about it because I had been through this path several times before.
I prepared a bag full of all the essential items I needed to treat my aunt, and then I went on my horse.
When I arrived at the location where the men from the village were waiting for me, I saw them having breakfast.
They were all sitting down on mats and eating some bread and some scrambled eggs.
The men were my companions on this journey, and they were all from the village.
Since I was a young woman, my father thought it would be best if they could accompany me on this long journey.
“Good morning, everyone,” I said as I approached them.
The men quickly stopped eating and went to greet me instead.
“We have been waiting for you, Aisha.And now that you are here, we can start our journey.”
They greeted me while smiling, and then we went on our way.
The six men walked beside my horse while we ascended the mountain to reach the other village.
The path on the way to the other village was quite challenging, and since it had just rained yesterday, the path had become more slippery.
We needed to be careful because it would be easy for us to slip and fall if we weren’t paying attention.
After an hour of walking through the path, we finally reached the top of the mountain; we were halfway there now.
Since we needed to go down the mountain to reach the other village, it would take quite a while before we could get there.
“It’s so difficult climbing up this mountain,” one of the men said as he wiped off the sweat from his forehead with his hand.
“It’s not difficult at all.How can you say that when you are not even carrying anything?”
I said while looking at him.
“I’m tired of walking now.I want to ride your horse,” he said again as he pouted his lips at me.
“Okay, come here.”
He quickly ran towards me after I gave him permission.
And then he rode my horse with me behind him.
He is one of my favorite people in the group, so I don’t mind sharing my horse with him.
After a few hours of walking, we finally reached my aunt’s village.
When we arrived in front of her house, I called her name so she would know that I was here.
My aunt quickly opened the door and came outside when she heard her name being called.
“Aisha, is it really you?”
my aunt asked with joy after she saw me in front of her house.
Yes, Auntie.I’m already here,” I said as I dismounted my horse.
Afterward, I walked towards her to give her a hug.