MidReal Story

Obsession Unleashed: A Foot Fetish's Manipulative Tale

Scenario: I have a foot fetish and threaten other girls to lick their feet every day.
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I have a foot fetish and threaten other girls to lick their feet every day.
I have a secret, one that I keep so well hidden that no one in my life knows about it.
Starting my junior year of high school, I developed a fetish for feet.
I don’t know why, but I can’t stop thinking about women’s feet; it’s like a constant craving at the back of my mind.
I’ve tried to ignore it, to force myself to like other things, but nothing works.
No matter how many boys I’ve dated or how many times I’ve tried to have sex with them, nothing can make this craving go away.
It’s not like I don’t enjoy sex—quite the opposite, in fact.
I love the feeling of a hard cock inside me and I almost always cum.
It’s just that when a boy goes down on me, all I can think about is going down on a girl.
And when I’m giving head, all I can think about is how much better it would be to be the one receiving.
I’ve tried dating girls before, but that never works out either.
They don’t appreciate my advances and usually run away from me when I try to kiss their feet.
It’s really frustrating because I feel like there is something wrong with me.
Why do I obsess over women’s feet so much?
It’s not something I can tell anyone—I’m too embarrassed by it and I’m scared they will think I’m weird or gross.
So instead, I keep it to myself and live my life on this endless cycle of wanting what I can’t have.
I try to ignore my craving most days and just go about my life as normal.
But sometimes, it gets so bad that I can’t help myself and I end up doing something stupid because of it.
One day at school, I was sitting in the library catching up on some reading when Sarah Thompson walked in and sat down at a table nearby me.
Sarah was a classmate of mine that year—she was a junior who had just come to the school from another town—and she was absolutely gorgeous.
She had long brown hair, green eyes, and was always put together in such a way that made her seem almost unattainable.
But it wasn’t her face that caught my attention when she walked into the library that day, it was her feet.
I had noticed them before, but something about that day was different.
Sarah had on a pair of strappy sandals that showed off her perfect toes and polished toenails.
When she sat down and crossed her legs, her foot extended out into the aisle for me to see, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
It was like a wave passed over me and all I wanted to do was grab her foot and stick it in my mouth right there in front of everyone.
But of course, I didn’t.
Instead, I went back to my reading, but it was hard to concentrate on anything else.
All I could think about were Sarah’s feet and how much I wanted to put them in my mouth.
Later that day, as we were leaving for the day, I saw Sarah standing by her locker getting ready to leave and decided that she would be my next target.
She had the most beautiful feet I had ever seen and I wanted to experience them for myself.
Obsession Unleashed: A Foot Fetish's Manipulative Tale