MidReal Story

Eternal Rivalry: Love Amidst Ancient Warfare

Scenario: Cute argument between enemies to lovers in ancient times
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Cute argument between enemies to lovers in ancient times
I should be strategizing with my brother, the king.
Instead, I’m charging into a battle I might not win, with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, leading my soldiers into the fray.
I scan the field for my brother but he’s nowhere to be found.
He should be right beside me, fighting at my side—but he’s disappeared.
A pit forms in my stomach, but I force myself to focus.
I have to win this war.
I’m the only one who can.
My father was king of Aurelia before my brother took over the throne and he used to tell me that the best defense is a good offense.
That’s why I’m leading the charge today.
If I can take down their leader, maybe the rest of their army will follow.
My soldiers are brave and loyal, but they lack the strength of our enemies.
For generations, we’ve been at war with Antonia, and even though we’re bigger, they hit harder.
But we’re smarter.
And I know I can outwit them and outfight them.
We’re almost to their front line, so I raise my sword and prepare myself for battle.
They’ve got shields up and swords drawn, just like us…
But something is different today.
The man leading their soldiers isn’t the same as usual—it’s not their king or their princess, it’s a warrior prince from one of their smaller cities.
He doesn’t have the same authority as their ruler, but I know better than to underestimate him.
He’s good with a sword, that much is clear from the way he moves, and he’s smart enough to know when I’m about to outmaneuver them.
His eyes are as blue as the sea and just as cold, but there’s something else there too… something almost…
No, I can’t think about that now.
Not when I’m trying to kill him.
It’s been five generations since our two kingdoms were at peace.
If fate is trying to throw us together, then it’s only so we can destroy each other.
And today, I’m going to make sure it’s him who falls… not me.
I scream as I charge toward him and use all my strength to knock an Antonian soldier off his feet and into the dirt.
His shield screeches as it skids across the ground in front of me and I raise my sword to finish him off before he can get up—
But then I see Marcus raise his hand just beyond him, signaling his army.
They rush forward just as quickly as we do, and instead of finishing off my opponent, I use his chest to push myself into the air and over him so I can face my real enemy—