MidReal Story

Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance

Scenario: It’s a corporate office setting with sexual tension between myself and a female coworker
Create my version of this story
It’s a corporate office setting with sexual tension between myself and a female coworker
I’m distracted at work.
Incredibly so, I might add.
One would think that the office would be the perfect place to find my focus, but no, not today.
Today, my eyes keep wandering, and my mind can’t seem to concentrate on anything that I have to do.
It’s all because of her.
Jane Doe, one of the most captivating and intelligent women I’ve ever met.
She’s seated a few rows away from me, and I can’t help but be drawn to her.
It might be because she’s so damn sexy—or maybe it’s those tight dresses she wears, the ones that make it impossible for me to focus on anything else.
Honestly, I have no clue what it is, but I can’t seem to stop staring at her.
The way she walks into the office, with her professional attire and bright smile always in place—it’s like she was made just for me.
I know I shouldn’t watch her like this.
I know I shouldn’t be obsessing over her every movement or the way her eyes light up when she’s speaking to someone who interests her, but I can’t help it.
It’s like Jane has some sort of invisible trap set just for me.
She knows I’ll be watching—she must—and instead of turning away or ignoring my gaze like most women would, she chooses to embrace it.
To let me look as much as I want.
My colleagues have noticed too.
They’ve caught me staring at her more than once, and they never fail to tease me about my “lady in red” obsession.
But today is different.
Today I’m not just watching her from afar; today we’re starting a new project together.
This means she’ll be seated right in front of me every single day until we’re done with what we need to do, and there will be no hiding from my obsession then.
Jane will be in my sightline all day every day until we get this project done.
The thought alone is enough to make me shiver with anticipation—and with dread, too.
“Morning Jane.” I nod as she walks into the office, looking drop-dead gorgeous in a knee-length white dress that highlights her curves and makes me want to rip it straight off her body.
“Hey John.” She smiles brightly as she places her handbag under the desk before taking her seat.
I can’t help but be mesmerized by her beauty; it’s like a spell has been cast over me and I’m powerless to resist the enchantment she brings.
“Ready for this?”
she asks when we’re all settled in our seats and her focus is back on me once more.
She doesn’t seem affected by the sexual tension between us at all; if anything, it feels like she’s immune to it—like my desire for her is one-sided and all in my head.
This thought only makes me crave her more, and when Jane smiles that heart-stopping smile of hers, looking like an angel sent down from heaven to test me, I know that today is going to be a very long day indeed.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
Yep! Let’s go! We’re going to do some great things
I can’t help but watch Jane as she types away at her computer keyboard with enthusiasm, her fingers moving like lightning over the keys as she focuses on what she’s doing.
Her eyes are fixed on the monitor, and she isn’t paying any attention to me at all, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to look at her anyway.
There’s something about Jane that makes it impossible for me to stay away: those bright blue eyes of hers or maybe that killer smile—or perhaps it’s just the way she carries herself so effortlessly every time she moves.
No, it’s more than that; it’s everything about her that captivates me and makes it impossible for my mind to concentrate on anything else but her—whether she knows it or not.
“Jane,” I call out when I hear her start to giggle as she reads something on the computer screen in front of her.
“Is that it?”
she asks after a few seconds, and my eyes narrow as I wait for Jane to explain what she found so amusing.
We’ve been working together for two hours already, and we haven’t gotten much done because Jane can’t stop laughing at some of the things she finds online when we’re supposed to be working on this project.
I’ve never met anyone who gets so distracted while working, but there’s something about Jane that makes her different from the other women I work with.
She’s smart, funny, and independent, and even though I know she can do this project on her own if she wanted to, I can’t help but be happy that I get to work with her.
Jane is unlike any other woman I’ve ever met before, and I know that our time together is going to be amazing.
I can’t wait to see what happens next; whatever it is, I’m sure that Jane’s going to make it memorable.
That’s the plan.
The sooner we start working, the sooner we’ll finish.
It’s not difficult if you try.
Some of us are better at this than others.” I grin and shrug my shoulders when Jane starts laughing again.
For some reason, Jane thinks that the fact that she can’t focus on our project is hilarious, and even though I should be annoyed with her for being so carefree when there’s so much work to do, it’s impossible for me to stay mad at her.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I know it’s not going to be easy working with Jane because there are times when she’s going to get distracted, but I don’t mind staying late if it means I get to spend more time with her.
She’s worth the extra effort.
I know you.” She giggles again when I raise an eyebrow, daring her to finish her thought, but she shakes her head and turns back to the computer screen instead.
“What was that?”
I ask after a few seconds of silence pass between us.
“Nothing,” Jane says quickly, and I frown because I hate it when she keeps things from me.
It’s not like we haven’t spent a lot of time together over the past six months, and even though I know we should have finished this project by now, I have a feeling it’s going to take us longer than I hoped if we don’t start concentrating.
I wish there was something I could do about it, but the only thing I can think of is to keep waiting for Jane to get over whatever this is so we can finally start making some progress.
“You’re so distracting,” I mumble under my breath before I turn away from Jane and try to focus on my work instead.
“What was that?”
Jane asks after a few seconds, and I look up only to find her staring at me with an amused expression on her face.
Doesn’t matter,” I say with a shrug when I see the other women in our department watching us from across the room.
I know what they’re thinking.
They’ve been making fun of me ever since they found out that I was going to be working on this project with Jane, and even though I know that they only want me to be happy, it’s hard not to take it personally.
The other women in the office haven’t had much luck finding a man to settle down with because a lot of the guys we work with are taken, and even though I don’t have a problem sharing a workspace with another woman, I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t looking forward to working with Jane.
Not only is she cute, but she’s also a lot of fun to be around.
I know that it’s going to take some time before we figure out how to work together, but I can’t wait for us to finish this project so we can finally spend more time together outside of the office.
“Whatever,” I tell the other women when I notice them looking at me again.
They don’t have to worry about me because I have everything under control.
“And then what happened?”
I ask when I notice Jane staring at me out of the corner of my eye.
She looks so cute when she’s trying not to smile that I can’t help but stare at her when she starts talking.
“You really want to know?”
she asks after a few seconds have gone by.
“Of course,” I tell her even though I know I shouldn’t be encouraging Jane to get off track again.
I know that she has a tendency to lose focus when we’re working on projects like this one, but it’s hard not to talk to her when she looks at me like that.
I know she’s supposed to be off-limits because we work together, but I can’t help myself; there’s something about Jane that drives me crazy in all the best ways.
“Are you sure?”
I look away from Jane and take a deep breath when she leans across the desk and gives me a good look at her cleavage.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I notice how she lingers when she sees me looking down her blouse. I shake it off and focus on my project. I remind her that we fly out tonight for our big presentation
“The way you’re looking at me…”
Jane says with a wicked grin, but I just smile back at her because I can’t tell her the truth.
I want her more than anything, but I know that it’s not right for me to think about Jane like that when we’re working on a project together.
Even though I’m sure that it’s going to take us longer than I hoped if we keep getting distracted, I can’t stop myself from looking at Jane when she looks at me like that.
She’s so petite with a captivating smile, and she smells like vanilla, which drives me crazy in all the best ways because it’s one of my favorite scents in the whole world.
The way she walks in those heels, the way they click when she passes by or stops next to me, gets me every time because I can’t help but feel a little turned on when she’s near me.
She knows it too; she knows what she does to me when we’re in the same room or when we’re talking because she always seems to be around when I need her the most.
It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing because I’m always thinking about Jane.
Even when she’s across the room, and I can barely see her, it’s all I can do to keep from staring at her in front of everyone.
I try to wait for Jane to get over whatever it is that’s on her mind so that we can finally get to work, but it takes too long, and before I know it, we’ve been sitting across from each other for an entire hour without making any progress at all.
It’s so frustrating because I can’t stop myself from looking at Jane, and even though I do my best to remember why we’re here, it’s hard not to think about the way Jane feels when she’s pressed up against me with nothing but her skin between us.
Just thinking about it makes my cock twitch in my pants, and I have to sit back so that Jane won’t notice.
It happens every time she touches me; every time she gets close to me.
I close my eyes and try not to think about it, but it’s no use because the harder I try to ignore it, the more I want Jane.
I know that we shouldn’t be thinking about this right now because we have work to do, but it’s hard not to get turned on when Jane is next to me.
I know that it would be a lot easier if we weren’t here because then I could do something about it, but there are too many people around for me to act on my desire for Jane.
I try to keep still while I wait for the feeling to pass, but it takes forever for the tension in my pants to go away, and by then, we’ve been sitting across from each other for an entire hour without making any progress at all.
“I need some coffee,” I mumble under my breath before I stand up and make my way toward the door.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” Jane says with a small smile when she sees me heading toward the kitchen because she knows why I’m leaving, but that doesn’t stop her from smiling when she looks at me.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I can’t help but look over my shoulder when I see Jane smiling at me, but I quickly turn away and make my way toward the kitchen because I don’t want her to see how much she affects me.
But it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be because as soon as I walk into the kitchen, I see Jane bent over the counter while she fixes her coffee.
She has some kind of whipped cream on her spoon, and it takes all of my strength not to go over there and help her with it so that I can watch her lick it off.
She must have felt my eyes on her because she looks up, and when she sees me standing there with my hand pressed against my crotch, she smiles and makes her way over to the coffee pot.
“Do you want some?”
she asks in a sweet voice before she pours herself a cup.
“The coffee is pretty weak, but it’ll have to do.” She looks around the room as if she’s searching for something, but when she doesn’t find whatever it is she’s looking for, she turns back toward me and fixes her coffee in silence.
I take a step back so that Jane won’t see how hard she makes me when I look at her, and even though I try not to stare at her as she fixes her coffee, I can’t help myself.
It’s not my fault because Jane chose to wear the smallest skirt in her closet, even though we’re not supposed to wear casual clothes in the office.
But I don’t want to think about that right now because it’s hard enough trying not to get turned on by Jane as it is, and even though we all agreed not to talk about what happened last time, there’s something about Jane’s knowing smile that makes me want to change my mind.
I try not to stare at Jane while she fixes her coffee, but it’s hard not to look at her when she looks so pretty in her tiny little skirt.
I know that Jane is trying to keep things professional between us, but there’s something about the way she looks in her clothes that makes me want her more than anything else in the world.
And even though I know that we shouldn’t be talking like this right now, I can’t help but wonder if Jane showed up for work like this today because she wanted me to look at her.
“Are you sure you don’t want any?”
Jane asks when she finishes fixing her coffee.
“It’s not that bad.”
“I’m sure,” I reply with a small smile when I feel Jane’s eyes on me.
“I made some before I walked over here, but it’s gotten cold since then.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Jane says with a small laugh before she takes a sip of her coffee and makes her way over to the counter.
“Do you have enough sugar?”
she asks when she sees me adding some sugar cubes to my coffee, but even though I try not to stare at Jane as she talks to me, there’s something about the way she looks in her short skirt that makes me wonder if Jane showed up for work like this today because she wanted me to look at her.
“Yeah, I have plenty,” I reply with a small smile when I realize that Jane is talking to me.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
“I don’t know what it is,” Jane says with a small laugh when she hands me my coffee, but when our fingers touch for the second time this morning, it sends a shock of electricity through me.
“I just haven’t been able to wake up no matter how much coffee I’ve had today.”
“Maybe you need to find another way to wake up,” I suggest with a small smile when Jane hands me my coffee.“I hear that sex is a good way to wake up.”
“Is it really?”
Jane asks with a laugh.
“I’ll have to try that next time.”
“That’s not what I meant,” I reply with a smile when Jane gives me a funny look.
“I was just joking.”
“I know,” Jane replies with a smile before she sips her coffee again.
“But it’s not the worst idea you’ve ever had.”
“I know,” I reply with a smile when Jane gives me a funny look.
“But it’s not the worst idea you’ve ever had.”
“I know,” Jane says with a small laugh.
“But I think I just need more caffeine right now.”
“Are you sure?”
I ask when I see Jane looking at me.
“Because there are plenty of other ways to wake up besides drinking coffee all day.”
“Yeah, but what if they don’t work?”
Jane asks with a small smile when she hands me my cup of coffee.
“Then you’ll be out of luck,” I reply with a small laugh when Jane hands me my cup of coffee.
“But something tells me that you won’t have any trouble waking up after this.”
“I hope so,” Jane says with a small smile.
“Because if this doesn’t work, then I don’t know what will.”
“I’m sure it will work just fine,” I reply with a small smile when Jane hands me my cup of coffee.
“Because if it doesn’t, then you have my permission to do whatever you want to me.”
“Oh, really?”
Jane asks with a small smile when she hears what I just said.
“I do,” I reply with a smile when Jane gives me a funny look, but there’s something about the way she looks at me that makes me wonder if she knows that we’re talking about sex.
“Good to know,” Jane replies with a small smile.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
The hours drag on. I send Jane an instant message that says. “Still tired, that coffee isn’t working ;-)”
She types back.
“I don’t think it was supposed to work that way.”
We both laugh, and then we have to stop because Michael, our HR manager, is here for a meeting.
I can barely concentrate on the meeting, and normally, I’m really good at being able to focus on what people are saying when they’re giving a presentation.
But Jane is talking, and all I can think about is the way she looks.
The way her clothes hug her body, the way her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, the way those glasses sit on her face.
I can feel my cock getting hard in my pants, and all I want to do is touch myself, but I don’t know if anyone will be able to see it, so I just try to block out my thoughts as best as possible.
I try to think about baseball or whatever it is that men are supposed to think about when they don’t want to get hard, but it doesn’t work.
All it does is make my mind go down an even dirtier path, and pretty soon, all I’m thinking about is Jane naked, and how much I want to fuck her.
I want to bend her over and pull those panties down and fuck her until she begs me to stop.
I sit there and think about all the things that I would do to her if she was in this room with me, and before long, my face gets hot and my cock is rock hard in my pants.
I cross my legs and hope to God that no one notices how hard I am, or that I won’t have to stand up anytime soon so that they won’t be able to see it in my pants.
I try to think about something else so that my cock will go down, but all that does is make it worse, so pretty soon, all I can think about is the way Jane’s mouth would feel on me.
All I can think about is how warm and wet her mouth is, and how much I want her to put me in there and suck me until I come in her mouth.
I know that she would do a really good job sucking my dick, and that makes me even harder than before.
I’m so lost in thought that when someone says my name, it takes me a minute to realize that they’re talking to me.
“Is there something that you’d like to say?”
The CEO asks me when he sees that I’m not paying attention.
“No,” I say quickly as soon as he looks at me.
How long have you been feeling this way?
And why haven’t you said anything yet?”
The CEO asks me.
“Because there’s nothing to report,”
I reply with a small smile when he gives me a funny look.
“Then what have you been thinking about this whole time?”
The CEO asks me.
“Just some stuff that’s going on at work,”
I reply with a small smile when he looks at me.
“Well, is it something that you’d like to share with the rest of us?”
The CEO asks me.
I reply with a small smile.
“Then why don’t you keep your thoughts to yourself until after the meeting’s over?”
The CEO asks me.
I reply with a small smile.
The CEO replies with a nod.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I know that I should be paying attention to Jane, but I just can’t help myself; all I can think about is what I’m going to do to her as soon as we get out of this room.
I can’t help but wonder how many other people in this room are thinking about those things, too, and I hope that I’m not the only one.
I really hope that I’m not the only one, because I don’t know if I would be able to handle being around her all day if she had any idea about what’s going on inside my head.
As soon as Jane finishes her presentation, she looks up at me with a smile, and for a second, I think that she knows what I was thinking about.
Jane’s pretty eyes look up at me for a second, and before long, I can feel my face getting hot once again.
I know that if I don’t say something soon, she’ll think that I wasn’t paying attention, but I can’t help myself; all I can think about is how much I want her to suck my dick.
I try to think about something else, but when Jane smiles at me, all I can think about is how good her mouth would feel on me.
All I can think about is how good Jane’s mouth would feel on me, and before long, my cock is hard once again.
I don’t know how to pay attention to anything else when all I can think about is how much I want her to put me inside of her mouth.
And then Jane slides off of her chair and walks over to where I am sitting.
She puts one hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she sits down next to me, and as soon as her fingers touch my skin, a shiver goes down my back.
I don’t know why this is happening or why there’s nothing that I can do to stop it from happening; all I know is that all I want in this moment is for Jane to take me in her mouth.
Jane says with a smile as soon as she sits down.
“I just wanted to get your opinion on something that we talked about earlier.”
I say after a second once my heart rate slows down and my breathing goes back to normal.
“What did you want to know?”
I ask when she doesn’t say anything for a second.
Jane’s pretty eyes look up at me, and before long, my face gets hot once again.
All I can think about is how much I want to kiss her, and how much I wish that she was kissing me right now.
I try to think about something else, but all that does is make it worse, so before long, all I can think about is the way Jane smiles at me.
All I can think about is how pretty she is, and how much I want to put my mouth on hers.
All I can think about is how good it feels to have her hands on me, and before long, my cock is hard once again.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
“Do you remember that thing we were talking about earlier?”
“I remember,”
Jane says with a smirk.
“But we can talk about it later if you want.”
“Do you want to talk about it now?”
I ask after a second, and Jane just rolls her pretty eyes at me again.“I guess not,”
Jane says after a second with a smirk, and all I can think about is how much she loves to tease me.
I don’t know why Jane loves to tease me so much, but all I know is that it drives me insane.“That’s not what I meant,”
she says with a smile after a second, and even though we’re only talking about work, all I can think about is how good it would feel to have her lips on mine.“I just meant that we could talk about it later if people were bothering you.”“People aren’t bothering me right now,”
I say after a second, and all Jane does is roll her pretty eyes at me again.“You did such hard work during your presentation, Mr.
Smith,” Jane says with a smirk and a giggle, and all I can do is look away from her pretty face.
If there is one thing that I never want Jane to know, it is that I was thinking about her while I was presenting my project.
If there is one thing that I never want her to figure out, it is that I was thinking about her while I was standing in front of all of our coworkers with a hard-on in my pants.
But the truth is that I was thinking about her, and before long, all I can do is put my hands in my lap and try to hide the outline of my hard dick.
And all I can do is wish that it wasn’t happening, and hope that no one notices the way I am struggling to hide it from everyone else in the room.
Or maybe not,”
Jane says after a second with a smirk and a giggle, and all I can do is look away from her pretty face once again.
“And here I thought you were just happy to see me.”
“Of course I am,”
I say after a second, and all Jane does is roll her pretty eyes at me once again.
“That’s not what I meant,”
Jane says after a second with another smirk and a giggle, and all I can do is look away from her pretty eyes once again.
“I guess not,”
she says with a smile after a second, and even though we’re only talking about work, all I can think about is how much I want her to put her mouth on me.
All I can think about is how much I want to put my mouth on hers, and all I can do is wish that she was mine right now, even though I know that there’s nothing that could ever happen between us anyway.
“So are you free after work?”
Jane asks after a second with a smile, and before long, all I’m doing is looking down at my feet again.
“We should talk some more.”
“We should talk some more,”
Jane says with a smile after a second, and all I can do is look down at my feet once again.
“We could talk over dinner,”
she suggests with a smile, and before long, all I’m doing is trying to hide my hard-on once again.
“We could talk over lunch,”
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
she says after a second with a smile, and all I can do is look down at my feet once again as Jane bites her bottom lip and looks up at me through her eyelashes.
“We could talk over dinner,”
she says after a second with a smile, and before long all I’m doing is trying to hide my hard-on once again.
“Or we could talk now.”
“Or we could talk now,”
Jane says after a second with a smile in the middle of our conversation about work, and all I can do is look down at my feet once again as she bites her bottom lip and looks up at me through her eyelashes.
“We could talk now.”
“So we’re going to finish talking tonight?”
I ask after a second instead of saying that we should go get lunch or that we should keep talking about our project right now.
“So we’re going to finish talking tonight?”
Jane asks after a second with a smile and a giggle, and before long all I’m doing is looking down at my feet once again so that she doesn’t see the way that they’re shaking in my shoes.
“So we’re going to finish talking tonight,”
she says after a few seconds of silence, and before long all she’s doing is biting her bottom lip as she looks up at me through her eyelashes in nothing but my dreams again.
“Or we could leave right now?”
“We could leave right now?”
I ask after a second instead of saying that we should keep talking about our project right now or that we should go get lunch together later instead of waiting until tonight like Jane suggested that we do in the first place.
“We could leave right now?”
Jane asks after a few seconds of silence instead of saying anything like she usually does when she makes a suggestion like this one.
And then she picks up her purse and stands up from the table and walks around it towards where I am sitting down on the other side of it.
And then she puts out her hand and waits for me to take it before she starts walking with me towards the door of the meeting room where everyone else is still sitting even though the meeting was over a few minutes ago already.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
Why don’t we head to my office. It’s private and we can finish our conversation there. I’m pretty tired if you know what I mean
So we head to the elevator instead of back to our own desks like we usually would after a meeting like this one.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
We stand close to each other in the elevator than normal
Jane looks up at me, her eyes meeting mine.
I can practically hear my heart beating in my chest, loud and fast, as if it’s trying to get out.
“Do you want to come over to my apartment?
We can look at the documents together.”
I’m unable to answer her for a moment.
That’s not what I expected her to ask me, not at all.
I figured we’d head back to our own desks and maybe meet up again later.
But her suggestion makes my entire body respond, a surge of heat going through me from head to toe at the thought of spending any time alone with her, much less in her apartment, where we could be even more alone than usual.
It would be easy to say no, but I’m not sure I want to, not anymore.
Besides, what kind of fool would turn down an invitation from Jane Doe?
“Sure,” I say, hearing a note of uncertainty in my own voice.
She smiles at me, her expression pleased, as if she knew what my answer was going to be all along.
“We could have dinner together while we look through it, if you’re hungry,” she says.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anything more appealing in my life.
“Sounds great,” I say, willing my voice to go back to its normal tone of neutrality that I usually reserve for Jane’s presence but finding that it seems impossible now that the two of us are going to be alone together in such a short while.
“Can I have a few minutes?”
I ask her as we reach the ground floor and step out of the elevator together.
“I need to tell my boss that I’m leaving early.”
She looks at me and smiles a little more widely than usual, as if she understands why I might be a little bit tense all of a sudden after she invited me over to her apartment and suggested that we have dinner together.
Sure.” She nods in the direction of her desk and waves me toward it as if I need any more encouragement than the sound of her voice to make my way over there as quickly as I possibly can.
I hurry over to my desk and quickly type up an email letting Michael know that I’ve finished what we were working on and that Jane and I are going over the documents one more time at her place before I send it off.
I don’t even wait for his response before I hurry back over to Jane’s desk.
She looks up at me when she sees me coming, reaching out to place a hand on me far more familiarly than she ever has before.
It feels like an electric shock runs through me at the touch of it, and I have to fight to keep myself from grabbing onto her right there in the middle of the office and pulling her close for a kiss that would make all of our coworkers stop and stare.
She leans in close to me as if she knows exactly what I’m thinking.
“I’ll bring a bottle of wine.
You can bring your laptop so we can look at the documents.” She takes her hand off me, stepping back and looking at me with an expression of exaggerated innocence on her face that makes her look even sexier than usual.
As if she has any right to be trying to play that card right now after the invitation she just gave me.
Sounds good.” The words come out before I can give any thought to them at all.
It’s like Jane is taking control of the situation and not giving it back to me until she tells me exactly what she wants from me.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
“And you can give me a ride home since we’re both leaving early.” She says it so nonchalantly that it takes me a moment to realize what she’s actually said.
I look at her in shock for a moment, feeling my mouth fall open a little bit.
It’s like she knows exactly what kind of effect it has on me and is enjoying watching me react to it.
She looks up at me with a wide smile, running her tongue over her lips in a way that makes it look like she’s just invited me over to her apartment to do something other than discuss work and eat dinner.
“You want me to give you a ride home?”
I ask her with my mouth still hanging open and my voice sounding like I’ve just been punched in the stomach.
She raises an eyebrow at me and looks up at me from under her eyelashes in a way that makes my entire body go hard and hot at once.
“I mean,” she says with a shrug and a smile.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated or anything.I know you’ve got your own plans for the evening.” She turns away from me and starts to gather up some of her things as if she’s going to leave without waiting for an answer.
I reach out and grab onto her arm before she can make it too far away from me, pulling her back around so that she’s facing me once again.
I don’t know what I want right now except for Jane.
I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything else before in my entire life.
But I know we’re playing with fire by doing this.
And I know we have to be careful not to take things too far or be too obvious about what we’re doing.
That’s why we’re doing it this way in the first place instead of just giving into temptation and tearing each other’s clothes off right here in the middle of the office where everyone can see us.
“Maybe you’re right,” I say as calmly as I can manage even though every one of my instincts is telling me that she’s not right at all.
That she’s going against everything she wants by saying this and that she’s forcing herself to be more careful than she wants to be.
“We shouldn’t be too obvious about the fact that we’re working together on this project.” That’s why I’m really going over to her apartment and it’s definitely why I’m giving her a ride home from work.
“So maybe it’s a good idea if we both drive separately and meet at your place.
That way it won’t look like anything suspicious to anyone who might be watching us.”
She looks up at me and narrows her eyes for a moment as if she knows exactly what I’m trying to do here and doesn’t like it at all.
“Fine,” she says after a moment.
“Maybe you’re right.”
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I follow Jane inside of her apartment building when we get there only a few minutes later.
My heart is pounding so hard in my chest from a mix of excitement and fear that it feels like it might come crashing out of my chest at any moment.
The elevator ride up is too short and too quick but it also gives me a chance to calm myself down and stop my hands from sweating so much.
I know she can see how nervous I am and how much I want this.
She knows because she feels the same way.
It’s obvious in every glance, every smile, every word, every touch between us.
She feels something for me and it’s strong enough that it’s left a mark on both of our hearts and our souls.
I can feel it like a physical weight between us every time we’re together in the same room and every time we touch one another.
There’s something electric about this pull between us and it’s something we can no longer ignore or pretend isn’t happening.
Jane uses the time we have alone in the elevator together to touch up her makeup and make sure she looks perfect when we get back to her apartment.
She doesn’t need any makeup at all because she’s already the most beautiful woman in the entire world but the fact that she’s doing it right now as we’re on our way back to her apartment makes her seem even more irresistible than she already does.
I can barely keep my hands off of her and I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to wait before I do something more than just touch her perfectly sculpted arm or gently hold her hand like we’re nothing more than friends or coworkers who are still trying to feel one another out without letting each other know how much we really want each other more than anything else we could ever have or hold or touch or want or need.
When we step off the elevator, Jane’s apartment is only a few feet away from where we exit into the hallway.
That’s when it hits me that we’re not just going back there for a few minutes so we can work together on a project that we’ve been assigned together.
This isn’t just another meeting between two coworkers who have been given a job to do by their bosses.
This is different from anything else we’ve ever done before in our entire lives together and it’s an opportunity for something special and different than anything else we’ve ever had before either, an opportunity for us finally be together the way we’ve both been wanting since the very first moment we met each other so many months ago now.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
Jane opens the door and lets me into her apartment.
She takes my coat and hangs it up on the coat rack by the door before leading me inside and closing it behind us.
Then she takes me by the arm and leads me through her apartment from the entrance hallway into her living room where we sit down on her couch and I find myself completely under her spell.
Jane is wearing tight black pants and a white shirt along with a black jacket and little black kitten heels.
She looks amazing.
She’s so sexy and beautiful and perfect in every way.
She’s so incredibly beautiful and sexy and perfect.
I still can’t believe how lucky I am to be sitting here with her in her apartment right now.
I still can’t believe how much I want her, how much I want this, how much I want everything.
How everything about Jane turns me on so much and makes me want her so badly.
I can barely even stand it just looking at her right now and feeling the way I do about her.
Jane takes my hand in hers and squeezes it tightly as if to reassure me that everything is going to be okay, even though I know that it’s not, even though I know that there’s no way for us or anyone else to know for sure what’s going to happen right now or what either of us are going to do or say next.
I can feel Jane’s soft skin against my palm, feel her delicate fingers wrapped around mine, feel her warmth enveloping all of me.
I am completely hypnotized by her beauty, by her grace, by her style, by her intelligence, by her confidence, by everything about her.
I could sit here and listen to Jane talk all day long and never get tired of hearing her voice or wondering what she might say next or looking at her beautiful face as it moves in time with every word she speaks.
But I can’t do that right now and neither can Jane or anything else.
And it’s not just because we’re not supposed to be doing this at work and because we both have jobs and responsibilities and duties that we’re supposed to be getting done instead of sitting here on her couch and talking and touching each other.
It’s also because we have a job and responsibilities and duties that we’re supposed to be getting done instead of sitting here on her couch and talking and touching each other and doing everything we both know we’re not supposed to do.
We have a meeting that we were supposed to be having with each other in order to discuss something important and urgent that we’re both supposed to be working on together in order for us both and our company and everyone else who works here and depends on us or anything else for that matter to succeed.
We are coworkers who are supposed to be able to work together on a project without letting our personal feelings or relationship get in the way of our ability to cooperate with each other or anything else.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I tell myself that this is inevitable. The work can wait. It’s time for us to enjoy each other physically
As Jane talks, I find myself shifting even closer towards her, almost as if she were pulling me towards her with an invisible force.
I am so close that I can smell her perfume and feel her breath against my face as she moves her mouth in time with every word she speaks.
She is so close that I can see her deep brown eyes staring back at me as she looks at me with a look that is so intense and so powerful that it causes a jolt of electricity to shoot through my entire body from head to toe.
It is so intense that I can feel my entire body shivering uncontrollably as if it were an electric current running through me.
I feel like I could melt into Jane as she leans into me and wraps her arms around me as if they were made for each other as she pulls me towards her and brings me closer towards her until I am almost sitting on her lap.
I am so close that I can feel her body rising and falling with every breath she takes as she breathes in time with me, as she breathes in the same air that I am breathing, as she breathes in the same moment that we are having.
She is so close that I can feel her heart beating as if it were my own as she holds me tightly against her chest as if she never wants to let me go.
And yet, somehow, we are still not close enough.
Somehow, there is still something missing, something keeping us apart, something preventing us from being one.
Somehow, there is still something separating us, something that we both know is there but neither of us can say what it is or why it is there.
I am so close that I can feel my body starting to move towards Jane as if it were being drawn towards her by some invisible force, as if it were being pulled towards her by some powerful magnet that is attracting everything around it towards it.
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to move my mouth towards Jane’s mouth as if it were the only thing in the entire world that I could possibly want to do right now, as if it were the only thing in the entire world that could possibly make me happy right now.
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to lean in closer to Jane as if it were the most natural thing in the world for me to do right now, as if it were the only thing in the entire world that made any sense to me right now.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I unbutton my top button off my shirt and kick my shoes off to get comfortable
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to close my eyes in order to prepare myself for what is about to happen, as if it would help me gather up all of my courage, all of my bravery, all of my strength before I do something that will change everything forever.
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to tense up in anticipation of what is about to happen as if I had never been ready for anything more than this moment in my entire life, as if everything else had only been leading up to this moment.
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to part my lips in order to prepare myself for what is about to happen, as if it would help me take a deep breath before diving into something that will swallow me whole.
I am so close that I can feel myself starting to pucker up my lips in order to prepare myself for what is about to happen, as if it would make me look more kissable, more attractive, more appealing before doing something that will change everything forever.
But then, suddenly, all of my anticipation starts melting away, all of my tension starts releasing itself, all of my preparation starts disappearing because everything that I was waiting for was already happening before I even realized what was happening.
Everything that I was anticipating was already happening before I even realized what was happening.
Everything that I was preparing for was already happening before I even realized what was happening.
Everything that I was waiting for was already happening.
Everything that I was anticipating was already happening.
Everything that I was preparing for was already happening.
Everything that I was expecting was already happening.
Everything that I was hoping for was already happening.
Everything that I was dreaming about was already happening.
Everything that I was fantasizing about was already happening.
Everything that I had ever wanted in my entire life was already happening.
And as soon as we start kissing each other, there is nothing else that is happening in this world.
There is nothing else that is going on in this world.
There is nothing else that is affecting us in this world.
There is no one else who matters in this world.
There is no one else who is watching us in this world.
There is no one else who is judging us in this world.
There is no one else who is keeping us apart in this world.
There is no one else who is making us wait in this world.
There is only the two of us, and there is only what we are doing right now together in this world.
And it feels absolutely amazing to finally be doing what I have been dreaming about doing with Jane ever since the first time I saw her standing in the elevator at work without knowing her name or anything about her except for how she made me feel when she walked into the room and how she made me feel when she left the room and how she made me feel when I thought about her later on and how she made me feel when I dreamed about her later on and how she made me feel when I fantasized about her later on.
And yet somehow it feels completely wrong to be doing what I am doing with Jane right now because it feels like it is not real and it feels like it is not true and it feels like it is not possible and it feels like it is not happening.
But it really is happening.
It really is possible.
It really is true.
It really is real.
It really is right.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I in button her blouse revealing…
I can hardly believe that Jane and I are already kissing each other and that we are already kissing each other like this and that we are already kissing each other like we are already lovers who have been waiting to kiss each other like this for our entire lives.
That we are already lovers who are finally being able to kiss each other like this after waiting for our entire lives.
That we are already lovers who are finally able to kiss each other like this after waiting for our entire lives after wanting to kiss each other like this after wanting to kiss each other at all after wanting to kiss each other after seeing each other in the office after wanting to kiss each other after hearing about each other in the office after wanting to kiss each other after asking about each other in the office after wanting to kiss each other after thinking about each other in the office after wanting to kiss each other after dreaming about each other in the office after wanting to kiss each other after fantasizing about each other in the office.
And yet I am not able to believe it is actually happening because I am not able to believe it is actually possible because I am not able to believe it is actually true because I am not able to believe it is actually real because I am not able to believe it is actually right.
Even though I know it is.
Even though I know there is nothing wrong with it.
Even though I know there is nothing wrong with us.
Even though I know there is nothing wrong with what we are doing.
Even though I know there is nothing wrong with how we are feeling.
Even though I know there is nothing wrong with our feelings.
And even though I know there is nothing wrong with our feelings for each other.
And even though I know there is nothing wrong with how our feelings for each other feel.
And even though I know there is nothing wrong with how our feelings for each other feel for me.
And even though I know there is nothing wrong with how our feelings for each other feel for her.
And even though I know there is nothing wrong with how our feelings for each other feel for us.
Because kissing Jane makes me feel like I am out of my mind and makes me feel like I am in my right mind and makes me feel like I have lost my mind and makes me feel like I have found my mind and makes me feel like I never want to stop and makes me feel like I never want to start and makes me feel like everything is happening all at once and makes me feel like everything is happening all over again.
Everything coming back together again.
Everything falling apart.
Everything falling into place.
Everything falling into place all over again.
Everything falling apart all over again.
Everything coming back together again all over again.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
I tell Jane that I’ve always fantasized about coming in her face and tits
I tell her that I’ve always fantasized about coming in her pussy and ass
I stop talking and start kissing her, harder than before, more passionately, more urgently, more desperately, more deeply, more hungrily, more fiercely, more mercilessly, more violently
I close my eyes
I open my eyes
I see her
I see her
I see her
I see her
I see her
I see myself
I see ourselves
I see us
I see him
I see himself
I see themselves
I see them
I see herself
I see herself in myself
I see myself in herself
I see ourselves in ourselves
I see himself in myself
I see themselves in themselves
I see them in us
I kiss her, harder than before, more passionately, more urgently, more desperately, more deeply, more hungrily, more fiercely, more mercilessly, more violently
She kisses me back, just as hard, just as passionately, just as urgently, just as desperately, just as deeply, just as hungrily, just as fiercely, just as mercilessly, just as violently
She pushes me onto the couch and straddles my lap and grinds onto my crotch and brings her hands to my chest and unbuttons my shirt and runs her fingers down my abs and across my cock and undoes my belt and unzips my fly and frees my cock from the confines of my underwear and strokes me with one hand while she squeezes and pinches and twists and pulls and tugs and yanks and slaps and smacks my balls with the other hand and kisses me harder than before and sucks on my bottom lip and bites down on it hard enough to draw blood, a little blood, just a little blood, just enough blood, just the right amount of blood
She stops kissing me and gets up from the couch and takes off her shirt and takes off her bra and takes off her skirt and takes off her panties and takes off her shoes and takes off her socks and takes off her earrings and takes off her necklace and takes off her watch and takes off her bracelet and takes off her ring and takes off everything and she is completely naked and she stands at the edge of the couch and she says that she wants me to come in her face and tits first.
I tell Jane that I’ve always fantasized about coming in her face and tits.
I stand at the edge of the couch and I start jerking myself off, hard than before, harder than before, harder than ever, harder than anything, harder than everything.
I close my eyes.
I open my eyes.
I see Jane.
I see myself.
I see us.
I see everything.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"
Jane tells me to come closer.
I get up from the couch and I walk over to Jane as if in a trance and as if on air and as if by magic and as if by fate and as if by luck and as if by chance and as if by choice and as if by chance and as if by grace and as if by God and as if by love and as if by lust and as if by passion and as if by pleasure and as if by desire and as if by sin and as if by skin and as if by sweat and as if by smell and as if by touch.
Jane grabs me by my cock and pulls me closer to her face and rubs my dick on her nose and cheeks and forehead until my cock is completely covered with Jane’s face cream.
Jane tells me to come all over her face.
I tell Jane that I’m going to come on her face.
I stand at the edge of the couch again and start jerking myself off again.
Jane gets down on her knees again.
Jane gets down on all fours again.
Jane leans forward again.
Jane opens her mouth again.
Jane sticks out her tongue again.
Jane widens her eyes again.
Jane blinks again.
Jane smiles again.
Jane nods again.
Jane moans again.
Jane groans again.
Jane sucks on my balls again.
Jane licks my tank again.
Jane groans into my dick again.
Jane moans into my dick again.
Jane grunts into my dick again.
Jane growls into my dick again.
Jane roars into my dick again.
Jane takes my dick in her mouth for the second time and starts jerking me off with both hands as hard as before, harder than before, harder than ever, harder than anything, harder than everything, harder than anything else, harder than everything else, harder than anyone else, harder than everyone else, harder than anything, anyone or everyone else, harder than anyone else, harder than everyone else
I close my eyes
I open my eyes
I see Jane
I see myself
I see us
I see everything
I tell Jane that I’m going to come on her face.
Jane tells me to come in her face now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now
I come on Jane’s face then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then then
Jane licks my semen off her face with one hand while she continues to jerk me off with the other hand until I’m completely soft and clean as a whistle.
I have never seen a woman as sexy as Jane before—completely naked, kneeling before me, covered in my semen, licking herself clean like a kitten.
"Corporate Desires: A Forbidden Office Romance"