MidReal Story

Lost Journeys: Aisha's Unexpected Adventure

Scenario: A muslim girl who wears hijab and covers herself complete while travelling from aunt's place whom she visited because she was sick faced some adventures while coming back home as she didn't know she'd be left behind by the group she was travelling with and lost her sense of direction. She meets another group of 10, people of which 6 were Men and 4 were women
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A muslim girl who wears hijab and covers herself complete while travelling from aunt's place whom she visited because she was sick faced some adventures while coming back home as she didn't know she'd be left behind by the group she was travelling with and lost her sense of direction. She meets another group of 10, people of which 6 were Men and 4 were women
I was returning home after visiting my sick aunt in the hospital when I found myself in a pickle.
The bus I had been on suddenly stopped and, without any warning, all the passengers were asked to get off because the route had changed.
Now I was stranded at this bus stop, not knowing where to go or what to do.
The rest of the group had left me behind and were long gone by now.
It was almost afternoon, and the sun was burning hot in the sky.
My house was at least one hour away from here by bus, and if I walked, it would take even longer.
I sighed and looked around for a solution.
But apart from the pharmacy next to the bus stop, I couldn’t see anything else.
I decided to ask the pharmacist for directions to my house, but he told me that he had just shifted to this area and didn’t know the locations around here.
I then asked him if there were any other buses I could take, but he said that there were no buses going there.
I didn’t know what to do next.
I was about to call my dad and ask him to pick me up when I decided against it.
He would panic if he found out that I was stranded here all alone.
I looked at the time and date on my phone because I didn’t have a watch.
It was 11:30 am, and the date was 15th July 2016.
I checked the map on my phone and saw that my house was almost 2 hours away from here on foot.
But what other choice did I have?
So, after tying up my hijab properly and putting on my glasses, I started walking in the direction of the main road which would lead me to my aunt’s house first and then mine.
It was really hot, and the sun was burning fiercely in the sky, making it difficult for me to walk even a little bit without feeling tired.
My backpack was heavy because it was full of clothes for my aunt.
But it wasn’t like I could leave it behind or anything.
The road ahead of me wasn’t paved with stones or bricks; it was sandy and full of small pebbles which made it even harder for me to walk on them without tripping or falling over.
The area around me was mostly barren with only a few small houses standing on the side of the road.
There were no trees nearby, but I could see some of them on the horizon.
If only I could reach them soon, I would have some cover from the sun at least for a while because there was no way I would be able to walk this long if the sun kept shining down on me like this.
I walked a bit more and saw a small shop at a distance where they sold cold drinks, chocolates, and chips.
I was feeling thirsty so I decided to take a short break here and drink something cold before continuing my journey on foot.
After buying two bottles of soft drinks, I walked back out of the shop and stopped in my tracks when I saw a group of people standing outside at a distance.
I could hear them laughing loudly at something that someone had said and having fun.
I knew them; they were the group that I had traveled here with earlier today in the morning.
"Lost Journeys: Aisha's Unexpected Adventure"