MidReal Story

Ryan Anderson's closest friend

Scenario: Ryan Anderson's closest friend's younger sister, Lily, decides to pursue him romantically in order to fulfill her own desires and fantasies, but complications arise as Ryan must decide whether to ignore their attraction or risk everything for a new relationship.
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Ryan Anderson's closest friend's younger sister, Lily, decides to pursue him romantically in order to fulfill her own desires and fantasies, but complications arise as Ryan must decide whether to ignore their attraction or risk everything for a new relationship.
I’m going to hell.
Lily Thompson is still standing on my porch, her cheeks red and her blue eyes wide in anticipation of my response.
She’d confessed her feelings for me in the most direct way I’ve ever heard.
And I’d just frozen.
It takes me a second to remember how to breathe, let alone talk.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I manage to grunt out.
It’s not that I don’t want her.
I do, but she’s my best friend’s baby sister.
I might be going to hell, but I refuse to drag Mark with me.
He’ll hate me forever…or maybe just until he kicks my ass.
Then he’ll hate me forever.
“Why not?”
If she were anyone else, I would have laughed at her response.
The truth is I can’t think of one reason why we shouldn’t be together.
I just know there are plenty of reasons why we should.
Too many, in fact, and they’re the very reasons we need to stay away from each other.
“Don’t do this, Lily.” The warning in my voice only serves to make her more determined.
“You’ve known me since I was twelve years old,” she points out. “You’ve watched me grow up and you’re still friends with my brother. He might not take it well, but he’d come around eventually.”
It’s not that I don’t think Mark would eventually forgive me for screwing his sister—I know he would—but our friendship wouldn’t be the same.
And I’d rather be dead than lose Mark as a friend.
“You’re not thinking this through.” The last thing I want is for her to get hurt.
“Believe me, I have,” she says firmly.
It takes everything in me not to pull her into my arms and kiss the hell out of her until she forgets this conversation ever happened.
“I’m not looking for a one-night stand or a fling, Ryan.I want you.”
My brain can no longer function properly because all the blood has rushed from it and into my dick.
She wants me?
I knew she was attracted to me—anyone would have to be blind not to see the way she looks at me—but this is something more than I’d expected.
Or wanted to hear.
If she were looking for just a roll in the hay, I could have easily turned her down.
I’ve done it before and can do it again.
But this is something different.
She wants a relationship, and that’s not something I’m prepared to give.
Not to her or anyone else.
I’m not looking to settle down and start a family.
In fact, I’d had my sights set on not settling down or starting a family for as long as I could remember.
“Say something,” she pleads.
The desperation in her voice makes my chest clench and my dick harden even more.
If we were in my bed, I’d be shoving my hand up her skirt and showing her just how much I wanted her.
But we’re not.
We’re standing in my entryway and she’s looking at me like I hold all the answers to her problems.
Which are about to get a hell of a lot worse if she keeps pushing.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Yes, you do,” she insists.
I do, but it’s not what she wants to hear.