MidReal Story

Family Ties: A Journey to Unity

Scenario: Family guy RP
Create my version of this story
Family guy RP
I was jolted out of my sleep by the sound of Jane’s alarm.
She hit snooze, and I rolled over to give her a good-morning kiss.
“Good morning, Jane,” I whispered as I slid my arm around her waist and cuddled into her back.
“How are you this morning?”
“I’m great, John,” she said sleepily.
“Time to get up and make breakfast.”
As I rolled out of bed, I had another thought about her parents visiting.
They were in Korea for a couple of years, so they hadn’t met our youngest daughter yet, and they wanted to see Michael and his new baby too.
I was really happy for Jane, even though she was obviously stressed out about their visit and that made me even more stressed out about it too.
I went to take a shower and get ready for work, while Jane got the kids up and moving.
It was a tough routine, but we managed.
Our eight-year-old daughter was up without a problem, but it was always a struggle to get our twelve-year-old son up.
Michael was just starting to go through puberty, and he was such a handful.
He was so rebellious and protective of his little sister, it drove him crazy when she wasn’t ready on time.
He had taken to disabling the alarms in the middle of the night, so he could sleep in just that much longer.
Jane wanted me to punish him by taking away his computer time or not letting him have friends over as much as he usually did, but I didn’t really like punishing him like that.
It only made him resentful and more rebellious.
I tried to be patient with him and take his computer away for a day or two or not let him play with his friends by making them do some chores around the house, but it just seemed like it didn’t work anyway.
So we just argued about it all the time because she thought I wasn’t doing my part as a parent and I thought she was being too hard on him.
We couldn’t agree on anything, but I tried not to let it affect our daughter.
I tried to make everything look normal for her, so she wouldn’t think we were having problems with each other or that we were mad at Michael when we were really mad at each other instead.
It was hard, but I thought we were doing a pretty good job making it look like everything was okay for her sake anyway.
I got ready for work while they ate breakfast and got ready for their day, and then I went into Michael’s room to make sure he was up and moving too.
The little squirt had already gone back to bed after Jane had taken him to school, so I had to get him up again and make sure he was dressed and ready to go himself before it was too late for him to go at all.
“Did you take him?”
I asked, when I saw that Michael was still lying in bed with his clothes on and they didn’t look like they had been slept in at all.
“Yeah,” she said, “he got up, so I took him.”
"BREAKING NEWS: family guy coming near you in 3 minutes"
“How long ago did you take him?”
I asked as she poured herself another cup of coffee and started the dishes.
I didn’t know why she thought that was necessary, since I had already made a mess in the bathroom getting dressed while I was getting ready for work, and she wasn’t going to see it anyway since we were going to clean everything up before her parents came over for dinner tonight.
“I don’t know,” she said, “like ten minutes ago.”
“Did he get his stuff together?”
“No, what do you think?”
she asked, looking pissed off for some reason.
I didn’t know why she was so mad at me, but she did seem mad at me a lot lately about everything.
“I’ll go get him then,” I said, heading towards the door.
“You just take care of your own stuff, like you always do.”
I went down the hallway toward his room and heard Jane say something that sounded like ‘shit’ under her breath before she turned on the water really loud to start doing the dishes again.
I went into Michael’s room and knocked on his door to make sure he was still in there and hadn’t snuck out or anything while Jane was in the bathroom and I was in our room getting ready for work.
He didn’t answer me, so I opened his door to make sure he was already gone to school without me having to take him after all.
He was still lying in bed with his clothes on, so I turned on the light to see if he was even awake yet, but he flipped over on his stomach and covered his head with his pillow like he was trying to hide from me, so I knew he was probably still asleep and late for school again too.
“Why aren’t you up yet?”
I said, opening his curtains to let some light into his room.
“I’m not feeling good,” he said, from under his pillow where he thought I couldn’t hear him or something.
“You’re fine,” I said, going into his room to make sure he was actually sick this time or if he was just trying to get out of going to school because he hadn’t finished his homework again last night.
He had been doing this a lot lately when he didn’t like how things were going for him, but I didn’t want him to get into a bad habit of it or anything either, so I tried to be patient with him when he was feeling like this anyway too.