MidReal Story

Chasing Destiny's Whisper

Scenario: Найти мужчину своей мечты
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Найти мужчину своей мечты
I stared at the metal key in my hand and took a deep breath.
It was time to start over, time to leave my past behind and start fresh.
The heaviness in my chest made it hard to breathe so I closed my eyes, hoping the feeling would pass.
It didn’t, but I knew it wouldn’t.
It had been with me for too long.
My eyes opened as I exhaled again and I knew then it would follow me wherever I went.
I just hoped this time it wouldn’t be so heavy.
I had left New York City with one goal in mind, to find him.
To find the man who would make me whole and who would make the world seem brighter, more exciting.
I had been searching for him for years and I was starting to lose hope that he even existed.
That night all those months ago, I had let him go and now I was trying to find him once again.
But as my cab rode through the streets of Paris, I knew that my time was probably up.
My quest would soon end and I would have to return to my old life and pretend that everything was fine.
But not yet.
Not until I had exhausted all possibilities.
I was looking for love but so far all I had found were heartbreaks.
My first one came when I was twenty-five and I caught my fiancé cheating on me with one of his co-workers at his law firm.
He had said he was too young to be tied down and wanted nothing to do with me or our life we had planned together.
The second man I thought I loved was a few years later and he had left just as quickly as he came into my life.
And so the story went, man after man leaving me feeling emptier than the last.
But I never stopped looking, never stopped hoping that one day I would find him, the true love of my life.
So I decided to quit my job in finance in New York City and travel the world in search of love.
First stop: Tokyo, Japan.
By day two of my trip, I had already found myself lost on one of the busy streets of Tokyo and too embarrassed to ask anyone for help.
It was then that I realized this trip would be different.
This trip was about me.
After a week of eating sushi like my life depended on it and attempting to order food at local restaurants in broken Japanese, I finally felt comfortable on my own.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, my comfort turned to independence.
Gone were the days of waiting to find someone to travel with me—now I was making my dreams come true one country at a time.
And to do so, I used the money that was left to me when my parents died a few years earlier.
I knew they would want me to use the money for something important, not just let it sit there.
So I used it to fund my travels and wrote freelance articles along the way.
The memories of my travels will stay with me forever.
Hiking between the villages of Cinque Terre in Italy, spending the day at Ha Long Bay in Vietnam or eating at the Sydney Opera House in Australia—all experiences of a lifetime that were unforgettable.
Chasing Destiny's Whisper