MidReal Story

Fame's Dilemma: Taylor's TikTok Ultimatum

Scenario: Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
Create my version of this story
Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
This is my first time doing a press conference, and I already feel the pressure.
I have to do this, though, so I straighten my back and prepare myself.
The journalists are all waiting for me to say something.
They were waiting for me to say something big.
I take a deep breath and answer one of their questions.
I don’t even remember what it was, but I know it was something about TikTok.
I say something that doesn’t really make much sense.
I’m not really following the news lately, so I’m not sure what’s going on with the app.
But I know that, at this point, there are only two possibilities: a ban or being sold to Microsoft.
And neither of them is good news for the people who rely on TikTok to make a living out of it.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to leave the country.”
After answering that question, I did realize that it would make the headlines of every media channel.
But maybe that’s what I wanted.
I thought it was important for me to say that.
If TikTok is banned, millions of people will lose their jobs.
Including myself, my best friend Emma Watson, and many artists and influencers around the world.
That can’t go unnoticed.
Therefore, I decided to keep the focus on this matter by making that bold claim, even though it would probably get me in trouble with some people later on.
But it was too late now; I had already said it, and I wasn’t going back on my words.
The room fell silent when they heard what I said.
They knew how serious my announcements were, and they knew how serious this one was too.
I looked at the journalists in front of me, but when my eyes found her in the first row, I was able to read her reaction perfectly: Emma’s eyes widened as she looked at me with concern written all over her face as if trying to ask me if I knew what I had just done.
I couldn’t help but smile a little when she made that face because it was really cute and genuine.
And with everything that was happening, she still looked like an angel who had come to Earth to save me from the storm.
After our eyes locked for a few seconds, she quickly looked away as she blushed and smiled too.
That added even more sweetness to her expression.
And then, as if someone had pressed play after pausing the simulation for a few seconds, all the noise returned to the room.
And so did the questions for me.
“Can you tell us more about your decision to leave the country if TikTok is banned?”
“Do you think your career will survive without this platform?”
“What about your fans?”
There were so many questions that I couldn’t keep up with them.