MidReal Story

Unraveling the Deadly Game: Secrets Revealed

Scenario: Danganronpa V1: Kyoko Kirigiri prevents all the 5 murders, Sayaka Mizono, Chihiro Fujisaki, and the others
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Danganronpa V1: Kyoko Kirigiri prevents all the 5 murders, Sayaka Mizono, Chihiro Fujisaki, and the others
The first thing I felt was the cold floor beneath me.
It was as if I was lying on a block of ice, the chill of it seeping through my clothes and into my bones.
The second thing I felt was the pounding in my head, as if someone had taken a hammer and was striking my temples repeatedly.
I groaned, reaching up to press my hands to my face.
My fingers came away sticky with blood, and it was only then that I realized what had happened.
I had been hit on the head.
My mind struggled to make sense of what had occurred, the memories coming back in a rush.
The classroom, my fellow students, the bear that called itself Monokuma…
This wasn’t a nightmare.
This was real.
I was trapped in Hope’s Peak Academy, caught up in a twisted game of life and death where failure meant losing more than just your life.
A cold shudder ran through me at the thought.
As the Ultimate Detective, I was well aware of what could happen if we failed this sick game.
More than that, I knew that my classmates were in danger.
At any moment, Monokuma could decide to strike again, and someone else would die.
It was up to me to save them.
To keep that from happening.
And I would do whatever was necessary to achieve that goal.
Even if it meant sacrificing myself in the process.
A voice called out from the other side of the bathroom door, and I forced myself to shake off the memories and focus on the task at hand.
Though I couldn’t make out the words Sayaka was saying, it was clear that she was panicking.
She was trapped, with no way out of the bathroom.
And she would do anything to escape that room, even if it meant killing someone else in the process.
Monokuma’s motive for this first murder may have been a little more…personal than usual, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t resort to his usual tricks now that we were in the main killing game.
I had to stop her.
I had to figure out a way to get her out of there and away from Leon.
But how could I do that without raising suspicion?
With my luck, Monokuma was probably watching us right now, waiting for me to make a move so he could punish me for breaking his rules.
And there was no way I was going to let Sayaka hurt one of our classmates, not when it was something I could prevent.
Not when it was something I should have prevented.
I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what I was about to do, and then began to write furiously on a sheet of paper I found lying on the floor next to me.
I slid it under the bathroom door, praying Sayaka would understand what I was trying to say.
She took the paper, her voice trailing off as she read what I’d written.
There was only one way you could know that, right?
The letter she left behind talked about a screwdriver, but she never mentioned she actually used it…