MidReal Story

The planets.

Scenario: The planets.
Create my version of this story
The planets.
I am Luna Black.
Astronaut, adventurer, and friend.
Mars Red and I are on a seven-year mission to study the planets in our solar system up close and personal.
But, before we get to the good stuff, we need to land on this planet.
We’re the first humans to ever see it in person, and I’m so excited.
It’s hard to believe that we were chosen for such an important mission, but I’m glad that Stella Green has such faith in us.
The two of us have been close friends with her for years now.
She’s the one who taught us everything we know about space and has supported us through thick and thin.
Without her, we wouldn’t be where we are now.
Even though this is our first major mission, I’m not worried at all.
We may be young, but we’ve been training for this moment since we were small.
And no one knows us better than we know each other.
I’ve always been the more cautious type, but Mars makes up for my lack of boldness with his daring personality.
This past year in space has been a breeze because of him.
Mars Red is currently sitting across from me in the spacecraft, his red hair gelled back as he looks at his watch for the thousandth time.
I roll my eyes, but a smile plays at my lips.
“Do you mind?”
he asks, raising a brow.
“Just a little bit,” I reply with a small huff, looking away from him.
He laughs and leans back, stretching his arms above his head before letting out a long breath.
His eyes meet mine once more, and he grins at me before raising his fists in the air and punching them together dramatically.
“It’s almost time,” he says with a laugh, “Our time to shine.”
“Don’t tell me you’re getting nervous now,” he teases, and I can see the twinkle in his eye that says he’s joking with me.
I shake my head with a laugh and wave him off.
“Please,” I say with a snort, “You’re the one who was freaking out about a spider in the shower last night.”
He looks offended for a moment, but then his eyes light up with laughter as he remembers my reaction to the small bug.
“It was huge!”
he cries out, and I can’t help but break out into full laughter at his expense.
Despite his large stature, Mars is terrified of insects.
I’ve never seen anything like it, and I love to tease him about it whenever I get the chance.
“Whatever you say,” I reply with a grin, “Just remember that you’re going to have to be brave when we land.”
He crosses his arms and leans forward, “That’s what you’re here for.”
We stare each other down for a moment before bursting out into laughter.
“Stella Green has trained us well.
We’ll be fine.”
He nods and looks down at his watch, counting down the seconds until our landing.
This is our moment to shine.
In just a few short hours, we’ll be able to tell Stella all about our findings on this strange planet.