MidReal Story

Invasion's Betrayal: A Tale of Courage and Loyalty

Scenario: China attacks Taiwan and occupies the island
Create my version of this story
China attacks Taiwan and occupies the island
It was supposed to be just another ordinary day.
The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear, and the streets were bustling with activity.
I had been here in Taipei to visit my family.
It had been a while since I last saw them, and I had missed them so much.
We had just finished our family lunch, and I was about to leave when everything went to hell.
I had just stepped out of the restaurant when I heard a loud explosion behind me.
I turned around just in time to see a huge plume of smoke billow into the sky.
I stood there frozen, my mind unable to comprehend.
It’s impossible, I thought.
That’s not how it’s supposed to happen.
I’m from Taiwan, and we all knew that China wanted to take us back one day.
But we had always thought that we would have enough time to prepare, that we would have enough time to escape, to fight back.
We were wrong.
They had caught us unprepared.
They had caught us off guard, and we were about to pay the price.
I was thrown off balance as another explosion shook the ground.
Screams filled the air, and people around me started to panic as they tried to flee.
I snapped out of my trance, and I quickly called my brother, Alex Chen.
He was a member of the Taiwanese resistance, and he would know what to do.
When he picked up, he told me to make my way back home immediately so that he could extract me from the city before it was too late.
But when I got back home, I saw my parents frozen in front of the television with horror-stricken expressions on their faces.
The news report was saying that the Chinese military had launched an invasion of Taiwan, and they were attacking critical infrastructure across the island.
“Taoyuan International Airport has been destroyed.”
“Songshan Airport has been destroyed.”
The news report kept listing out all the places that had been bombed: power plants, radar stations, government buildings.
Almost everything on that list was in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan.
My heart sank.
They were going to make us kneel.
They were going to make us beg for mercy.
My brother called again and told us that they would come to our location to pick us up instead.
Since both of Taipei’s airports had been destroyed, we would have to travel to the south of Taiwan by ship if we wanted to get back to safety.
We didn’t have any other choice.
He told us to pack our bags and go to Keelung Harbor immediately.
And so we did.
The highway that led to Keelung Harbor was jammed.
There were millions of cars on the road, and everyone was trying to flee from Taipei.
And then I heard an airplane flying overhead at an unusually low altitude.
I looked up and saw a Chinese J-20 fighter jet streaking across the sky with a pair of bombs strapped under its wings.
It was heading straight for us.
As I watched in horror, the pilot released the bombs and veered away just right before it hit a large oil tank near the harbor.