MidReal Story

Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter

Scenario: An encounter between a bodyguard and a heroine, the bodyguard realizes that the heroine is a doctor who saves herself in a car accident
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An encounter between a bodyguard and a heroine, the bodyguard realizes that the heroine is a doctor who saves herself in a car accident
I’m a highly trained bodyguard.
I’m paid to protect people from all kinds of danger.
I can do my job for anyone, but I’m assigned to protect Dr.
Emily Parker, a petite blonde doctor with a fierce mind and a body that makes me want to protect her in all sorts of ways.
So I do my job and try to stay out of her way, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.
“Alex, can you walk Lucy for me?”
Sarah Thompson asks.
She’s one of Dr.
Parker’s colleagues and close friends, and she’s talking about Dr.
Parker’s dog, who I’ve walked plenty of times before.
I nod and follow Sarah back to Dr.
Parker’s office, where she’s just finished her shift in the ER.
She looks up, takes in the sight of me, and raises an eyebrow.
“I didn’t realize when I asked that you’d be standing there looking like a Greek god,” she says, her voice low and sexy.
“You have a problem with that?”
Sarah shakes her head.
“No, I don’t think I do,” she says.
“But maybe you should put on some clothes before you take Lucy out for a walk.”
Usually, I keep my shirt on when I’m on the job, but it’s been a long day and I don’t have another shift until tomorrow morning, which means it was the perfect time to go for a run around Central Park with my shirt off, even if it meant I’d have to put it back on before taking Lucy out for a walk.
When I come back from the walk, Sarah asks me if I want to grab dinner with her and Emily at their favorite Thai place.
I usually prefer to eat alone so I can keep an eye out for any possible threats, but there are cameras everywhere in the restaurant and it’ll be nice to spend some more time with Dr.
Parker outside the hospital, so I agree to go with them.
I’ve been working as Dr.
Emily Parker’s bodyguard for nearly three months now, and I still don’t understand why she needs one.
She’s a brilliant doctor who has made enemies by reporting other doctors for malpractice and mistreating patients, but she hasn’t received any threats against her life yet, so as far as I can tell, there’s no reason for me to be here.
She’s also a quick thinker who can handle herself in all sorts of dangerous situations, which makes it even harder for me to believe that she really needs me watching her every move.
Most people wouldn’t know it by looking at me, but I take my job very seriously, so if Dr.
Parker wants me here, then I’ll stay here until she tells me it’s time to go or until she fires me herself.
It’s not like my company is paying me to stand around doing nothing anyway—Dr.
"Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter"
Suddenly one day I met the heroine, who didn't seem to remember me very well, in her employer's home, where her family was bankrupt and her siblings were fighting over their inheritance
I know that Dr.
Parker’s security team hasn’t always been so thorough about keeping her safe, which is why my company was called in to take over for them, but it still feels like overkill to me to have someone like me guarding her all the time, especially when I’m not the kind of guy who can just sit back and watch while someone else takes care of the person I’m supposed to be protecting, even when that person is as strong and capable as Dr.
But that’s not the only reason Dr.
Parker needs someone invisible like me to protect her, I remind myself as I keep an eye on her while she eats dinner with Sarah in their favorite Thai place.
With the amount of time Dr.
Parker spends at work, doing surgeries once or twice a day in addition to her regular shifts in the ER, it’s impossible for the people who want to do her harm to keep track of her all by themselves, which is why they’re willing to pay someone like me to do it for them.
I remind myself that the best way for me to do my job is to be close enough that I can protect Dr.
Parker from any possible threats but far enough away that I don’t get in the way or make her feel like I’m watching her all the time.
It’s important to be invisible when you’re working security, especially when your boss is as paranoid about her privacy as Dr.
Parker is, even more so than most people who are in the public eye like she is because they’re used to having cameras following them wherever they go.
As a well-known and respected trauma surgeon who has appeared on television and been featured in magazines, it’s important for Dr.
Parker to keep her private life as private as possible, which isn’t always easy when she’s as popular as she is because the media and her fans are always trying to get pictures or interviews with her, which means that I always need to be ready to step in and stop them before they get too close or take things too far, which has never happened yet, not under my watch.
“Thank you,” Dr.
Parker says to the waiter who brings her the check after they finish eating dinner, signing the bill before he walks away so she can leave some extra money behind for him as a tip.
I follow them back to the hospital, where I keep an eye on Sarah while Dr.
Parker scrubs in for her next surgery, which goes off without a hitch, just like all the others she’s done since she started working at this hospital as part of her fellowship after finishing her residency at another hospital across town, where she was one of the best residents they had ever seen, according to everyone who worked with her, which shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who knows Dr.
"Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter"
Parker, considering how dedicated and talented she is when it comes to her work, which is one of the reasons why I respect her so much, even more than I did before I got to know her better after becoming her bodyguard when there were signs that someone was making threats against her, which I take very seriously as someone who has been in the business for as long as I have been, not that I’m old or anything but that’s just the way things are in this profession most of the time, even though no one likes to talk about it when they’re not at work because that makes it harder to relax and live your life like anyone else, which can make it hard to connect with people who aren’t in the business, which isn’t usually a problem for me since most of my friends are here at the hospital where I spend most of my free time when I’m not working or sleeping, which isn’t very often considering how much I enjoy being here and how hard I have worked to get here in the first place and don’t want to let anything get in the way of my chances to succeed here.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
Sarah asks as we walk back to the locker room to change into our regular clothes after another long day at the hospital, an easy smile on her pretty face, which is framed by her long dark hair and clear brown eyes that sparkle in the bright light from the hallway where people are still walking around and talking to each other because the hospital never really sleeps since people are always getting sick or hurt and needing help, which I’m happy to give all the time, which is one of the reasons why I became a nurse in the first place and why I am so excited to be working here with some of the best doctors in the world who know what they’re doing and aren’t afraid to do what it takes to save their patients no matter what happens because that’s what we’re trained to do and what we love most about our jobs, even though it can be hard sometimes when things don’t go according to plan and people die when you’re trying to save them because you don’t have the right tools or something goes wrong because you’re only human and can’t be perfect all the time, even when you want to be more than anything else in the world, which happens more often than anyone likes to admit when they’re not at work because they don’t want to think about how hard it can be to do our jobs sometimes and don’t want to worry anyone who isn’t used to working in an environment like this one.
"Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter"
“I’m sure,”I reply with a smile of my own as we step into the locker room and I start changing out of my scrubs into my regular clothes since we don’t have much time until Alex gets here and I don’t want him to have to wait for me after he’s had a long night watching over me in case someone decides they want to hurt me because I’m more popular than I used to be after being on TV a few times and saving some pretty important people during my career, which is something I’m proud of but don’t like talking about unless I have to because it makes me uncomfortable and doesn’t really matter very much anyway since that’s not why I became a doctor in the first place or why I love my job so much and would do it for free if I didn’t have bills to pay and student loans to worry about because that’s just the way things are these days when you’re trying to get ahead in this world and make something of yourself, even if it means you have to work two jobs just to stay afloat sometimes, which isn’t lost on me no matter how busy I get or how much I want to be here all the time because that’s where I belong and feel most at home in this crazy world we live in.
“You know how much I hate driving at night,”she says as she takes off her shoes and puts on a pair of flip flops that she’s been keeping in her locker since her very first day at the hospital because she knew she would need them eventually and didn’t want to have to go all the way home just to get them before we went out for drinks with some of the other doctors and nurses after work since we both have tomorrow off and don’t have anything better to do except hang out and have fun with our friends who like spending time with us even though they know we’re both really busy most of the time and don’t have much free time to spend with them even though we would love nothing more than to be here every day if we could because this is where we belong and feel most at home in this world that doesn’t always make sense but can be beautiful sometimes if you know where to look and are willing to take a chance on it no matter how scared you are or how hard it is sometimes because that’s what life is all about anyway and why we do what we do even when it doesn’t seem worth it at first and makes us doubt ourselves more than we should sometimes.
“Then let me drive,”I tell her as I finish changing into my regular clothes and put on a pair of comfortable shoes so we can go back home when Alex gets here in a few minutes, even though I’m not very good at driving since I don’t have a license yet and haven’t had much practice doing it since I don’t have a car anyway and don’t like going anywhere else when I’m not working or sleeping because this is where I belong and feel most at home in this world that doesn’t always make sense but can be beautiful sometimes if you know where to look and are willing to take a chance on it no matter how scared you are or how hard it is sometimes because that’s what life is all about anyway and why we do what we do even when it doesn’t seem worth it at first and makes us doubt ourselves more than we should sometimes.
"Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter"
“What, are you going to carry me on your back or something?”
“Maybe,” I say before adding with a big smile on my face that I can’t help but feel because of everything that happened earlier today and the reason for it all that is standing right in front of me wearing a pair of high heels that look great on her feet but not so great if we need to make a quick escape from danger one day. “But you’re going to have to take off these heels first because I don’t think I can run fast enough while you’re wearing them.” She just looks at me for a few seconds without saying anything before starting to laugh, which is something she always does when she thinks something is funny or doesn’t know what else to do or say about something that surprises her or makes her happy somehow.
"Guardian's Awakening: A Heroic Encounter"