MidReal Story

There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing

Scenario: There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing, called Fuling, White crane Liang, mustard, world famous. Between Fuling and Chongqing, there is a small town called Shituo, near the Yangtze River, is also a beautiful scenery This time the employer is stone Tuo a funeral one-stop service company. They said that they had met the rooster's foot God several times in a row when they were doing funerals for guests. In some villages or remote mountains, there is a legend that when a person dies three days later, there will be animal footprints in the coffin room, usually chicken footprints, which are the emissaries of the underworld to bring the spirits of the dead to the King of Hell. That's why they call it the chicken-foot God。
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There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing, called Fuling, White crane Liang, mustard, world famous. Between Fuling and Chongqing, there is a small town called Shituo, near the Yangtze River, is also a beautiful scenery This time the employer is stone Tuo a funeral one-stop service company. They said that they had met the rooster's foot God several times in a row when they were doing funerals for guests. In some villages or remote mountains, there is a legend that when a person dies three days later, there will be animal footprints in the coffin room, usually chicken footprints, which are the emissaries of the underworld to bring the spirits of the dead to the King of Hell. That's why they call it the chicken-foot God。
In a small village called Shituo, there is a funeral service company.
I am the owner of the company.
I have no family or children, and the company is like my child.
The company was not very big, but it was well known in the county.
I was meticulous and superstitious, so I chose to set up a funeral service company in Shituo because of the air of death in the place.
But then, weird things started happening.
It was around 10 a.m. and the sun was shining brightly.
We were getting ready for the funeral of a guest.
My employee Liang White Crane was preparing the incense paper money when she suddenly rushed into the room, her eyes filled with fear.
“There are rooster footprints on the floor!”
I was surprised and looked at where she pointed.
The floor was covered in fresh rooster footprints.
The guest had died three days ago, so who made these footprints?
White Crane said, “It’s said that the Chicken-foot God walks with his feet reversed.”
My heart skipped a beat.
In the underworld, there was a legend about the Chicken-foot God.
He was an emissary of the underworld who would come to take the deceased to see the King of Hell three days after they died.
If you saw rooster footprints that were reversed, it meant that the Chicken-foot God had already walked past you.
But if you saw normal rooster footprints, it meant that he was on his way to take the deceased away.
A chill ran down my spine when I thought about this.
Our colleagues hurried over when they heard us shouting.
They were all shocked when they saw the footprints on the floor.
They asked, “Didn’t we lock the door last night?
How did roosters get in?”
In our place, people used roosters to symbolize the arrival of guests or relatives coming to see their dead family members off.
They also let out their roosters so they could be free and not be eaten by others.
We were all shocked when we realized this, and some people’s faces even turned pale.
The house was locked last night, so how did these rooster footprints appear?
There were no other houses nearby, so no one else could have come in.
But then, someone said, “Did the house owner come in without us noticing?”
We were all confused, as we didn’t know what had happened either.
I asked Mustard, one of my employees, “Did you see anyone when you came in?”
He shook his head and said, “No one came in except me.”
I looked at the rooster footprints on the floor, and suddenly, I thought of something.
I asked White Crane to check if anything was wrong with the deceased, and she shook her head when she came out of the room.
I went inside with her to take a look and found that the guest’s body was still there, untouched.
We were puzzled by this turn of events, so we decided to ignore the footprints for now.
There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing
But then, something even more terrifying happened.
When I finished talking to Mustard, I went to check the incense paper money made by White Crane.
She shouted in surprise when she saw me and pointed towards the coffin room’s door.
There were more rooster footprints at the door, leading straight into the coffin room!
White Crane stammered in fear, “I-I just went out for a moment to get some things.”
Someone asked nervously, “Did you really not step on them?”
White Crane’s face turned pale as she shook her head repeatedly.
Our colleagues’ faces turned ashen as they looked at me fearfully.
Mustard said, “I’ve heard that when a person dies, three days later, there will be animal footprints in the coffin room.
There’s usually chicken footprints, as they are the emissaries of the underworld.”
“The Chicken-foot God has three eyes, a pair of chicken feet, and a human body.
He’s in charge of bringing the deceased to see the King of Hell.”
“A villager’s grandfather died before, and he saw a chicken with three eyes when he went to light incense.”
I asked nervously, “Isn’t this a good thing?”
Mustard looked at me in surprise.
“Don’t you know?
The Chicken-foot God always walks with his feet reversed, but I’ve never heard of him leaving rooster footprints.
Why did he leave them here?”
I was so scared that I couldn’t say anything.
Mustard looked at us fearfully and said, “Maybe we should inform the village chief about this.”
I nodded repeatedly when I heard this.
White Crane rolled her eyes at him and said rudely, “Don’t talk nonsense!
No one believes in these things now!”
I glared at her, but she couldn’t care less.
She didn’t believe in these things since she was young, so she always spoke rudely about them.
I had no choice but to explain awkwardly, “Maybe it’s just a coincidence.”
White Crane mocked me when she heard what I said.
She looked at Mustard disdainfully.
“You’re already at this age, but you still believe in these nonsense?
Do you also believe that there are ghosts?”
Mustard looked at her angrily.
“Why can’t you believe it?
I’ve seen it before!
The Chicken-foot God really exists!”
White Crane didn’t believe him even after hearing this.
Then she left angrily, as she didn’t want to listen anymore.
We wanted to clean up the footprints in the coffin room, but we were too scared to do it.
So we gathered together outside, discussing what had happened just now.
I looked at the rooster footprints on the floor and asked myself how we had ended up in Shituo.
There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing