MidReal Story

Frostbound Love

Scenario: The Anti-Mage in Dota 2 is falling in love with Crystal Maiden.
Create my version of this story
The Anti-Mage in Dota 2 is falling in love with Crystal Maiden.
I found myself on the battlefield of Dota 2, my mind suddenly clouded by a mysterious force that left me disoriented and questioning my resolve.
Frostbound Love
The chaos around me, the clash of Radiant and Dire forces, felt strangely distant as if I was in a world of my own.
In this moment of vulnerability, a faint whisper called out to me, urging me to seek its source.
I could not resist the enchantment it held over me, and I moved on my own accord to find who was calling me.
Before I could resist, I was moving.
As if my body wasn't my own, I was walking in the wrong direction, toward an enemy, with no way to stop myself.
I wanted to turn around but I couldn't.
My body didn't obey me.
I couldn't even shut my eyes.
The figure was cloaked in white and blue, mirroring the design of the Dire throne.
She seemed to be radiating an aura of cold and mystery.
Frostbound Love
She seemed like a frosty version of my own dark lord.
Frostbound Love
A dark lord of ice?
That didn't make sense.
My mind was falling apart.
I felt like a marionette, being controlled by some unseen puppet master.
Then I realized that maybe that's exactly what was happening.
The game was broken?
We were all being controlled by some unseen force?
The voice was growing louder now.
It sounded like a feminine voice but it wasn't speaking any language I recognized.
It was just making noise like someone who had never spoken before and didn't know how words worked.
And yet, somehow, it was telling me to come closer.
To find her?
My vision was growing blurry now.
I felt like I was going to pass out but my body wouldn't stop moving.
What's going on?
Who are you?
Why can't I stop?
The voice seemed to understand my question because it became clearer now:
"Come and find me."
The voice… was coming from the figure in front of me?
She lowered her hood and I saw her face properly for the first time.
Her icy blue eyes were locked on mine and she smiled at me.
It was a beautiful smile but it didn't put me at ease.
It made my skin crawl.
Why can't you talk properly?
What's wrong with you?"
But she didn't answer.
She just kept smiling.
And now, I was close enough to see her breath in the cold air.
Frostbound Love
It was… glowing?
Something about this woman was all wrong.
As I got closer, the voices in my head grew louder, and more insistent.
They were talking to me, begging me to touch her.
To take her hand.
To kiss her lips.
Frostbound Love
And for some reason, I wanted to.
I didn't want to kill her anymore.
Was it because of this voice?
Or because she was beautiful?
Or because she looked so alone and cold all the time?
I had never met anyone like her before.
I had never met anyone who made me want to put down my sword.
"I don't know what you've done to me," I said as I took her hands into mine.
"But I know you're not my enemy."
Frostbound Love
The enemy was right in front of me, and I knew I should kill her.
Mages are weak.
Mages are nothing.
There was no reason to fear her.
But I knew, deep down, that I couldn't kill her.
She was too beautiful.
And I was too captivated.
My blood boiled and my breath quickened.
I had never felt like this before.
It scared me, how much I wanted the woman in front of me.
And it scared me, how much I hated the man controlling me.
The Radiant and Dire Ancient were locked in a never-ending war for supremacy.
The battlefield was an eternal stalemate, where armies would clash and heroes would rise and fall, and yet neither side would emerge victorious.
Nobody could remember why they were fighting, or what they were fighting over.
But none of that mattered now.
Not when I was standing in front of this beautiful woman who had called out to me, and had made me come to her.
Frostbound Love
My vision started to clear again and my mind started to sharpen into focus once more.
The voices were gone now, replaced by the sounds of war and the heat of battle all around us.
For a moment, we just stood there in silence, holding hands and looking at each other.
The world seemed to stand still, if only for a moment, so I could enjoy the sight of her icy blue eyes, and her long hair that looked like it had been spun from winter's frost.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Crystal Maiden," she said, those beautiful eyes twinkling in the sunlight.
"Crystal Maiden," I repeated, tasting the words on my tongue.
A fitting name for someone so beautiful and so cold.
A name that sounded like it came from an old fairy tale or legend.
It sounded like a name that would last forever.
"And you are…?"
"Anti-Mage," I said, my voice catching in my throat.
"Anti-Mage," she repeated back to me.
Her voice was light and airy, like the wind over the snow.
The woman in front of me was obviously a mage, but she wasn't dressed like one.
She didn't have any robes or a staff, or any of the other trappings I had come to associate with magic users.
She was wearing a simple, flowing white dress that looked like it was made from silk, and she had a small dagger strapped to her thigh.
I knew better than to underestimate her, however.
Just because she didn't look dangerous didn't mean she wasn't.
She was a member of the Radiant faction, and anyone who fought for them was powerful and deadly.
A single mage could rout an entire army if they were allowed to get close enough.
If she was alone, that meant she was even more dangerous.
Her presence alone could cripple an army.
I should have been afraid of her and everything she represented, but instead, I was fascinated.
In all my years of training, I had never met a mage who made me feel this way.
Most of them were weak and greedy, and they used their power to exploit others.
Frostbound Love
I had nothing but contempt for them, and I would never have lowered myself to be with one.
But there was something different about her.
Something that drew me to her and made me want to get closer.
I had never met a mage who could make me feel like this, not even Crystal Maiden.
She was special, somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on why.
I had to remind myself that she was still my enemy, no matter how beautiful she was or how much I wanted her.
If she got too close, I would have to kill her.
I would have to kill her even if it meant my own death.
I could think of no greater honor than dying in battle against an opponent like her.
I could think of no greater dishonor than running away from her in fear.
As much as I hated to admit it, I wanted to see what she could do.
I wanted to see if she was as strong as she looked, or if it was all just a facade.
I didn't have to wait long to find out.
Without warning, she lunged at me with her dagger raised high.
I barely had enough time to raise my sword in defense before her blade rained down on me like frozen rain.
The impact sent a shockwave through my arm that threatened to knock me off balance.
The force of her strike was incredible.
I had fought many warriors over the years, but none of them had been able to hit me this hard before.
Or perhaps I had just grown complacent and lazy after so many easy victories.
Before I had time to react, she raised her hands and sent a blast of ice at my feet that froze them solid.
I struggled to free myself while she channeled a second spell, but I was too slow.
A ball of frozen energy appeared above her head and shot toward me like a cannonball.
I instinctively raised my sword to block it, but it shattered on impact, sending shards of ice flying in all directions.
I raised my sword to defend myself, but it was useless.
The ice cut through my armor like a hot knife through butter, and soon, my entire body was covered in a thick layer of frost.
I struggled to move, but the ice held me in place, leaving me helpless and exposed to whatever she wanted to do with me next.
I might have been a powerful warrior, but even I couldn't break out of the mage's spell on my own.
For a moment, I panicked, unsure of what to do, or how to escape from this situation before it was too late.
Then I remembered the illusions I had summoned earlier, and I knew what to do.
I called them forth from the shadows and sent them charging toward the mage before she could finish me off.
She was ready for them this time, however, and she raised a wall of ice to block their path.
They shattered on impact, leaving me alone once again.
She laughed at my feeble attempt to fight back.
Frostbound Love