MidReal Story

“Angelica,” Seraphina called as she ran towards me. She stopped a couple of feet away with a concerned look on her face. I flashed her a bright smile, trying to put on my best face for her. She always knew when I was struggling and I didn’t want to worry her. The last thing I needed was to have this beautiful, radiant angel mad at me. Worry flashed in her eyes as she took in my appearance. Her stunning green eyes filled with understanding and compassion as she gave me a quick hug. “Are you okay?” she asked, stepping back. “I’m fine,” I lied. She studied me for a moment, assessing the truth of my words. I could see the disappointment in her eyes. She always knew when I lied. I could never hide anything from her and right now, I was lying through my teeth. Her delicate hand reached out and ran a finger across my cheek. “You can tell me anything you know that, right?” I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. “I just need some time to think,” I said finally. Seraphina shook her head before glancing around the crowded street. “Not here,” she said quietly and grabbed my hand as she led the way to a nearby coffee shop. We stepped inside the cozy café and made our way to an empty booth in the back corner of the room. Seraphina placed our orders at the counter before sliding into the booth across from me. “Talk to me,” she said gently. I took a deep breath and released it slowly. It was time to come clean, at least with Seraphina. My best friend deserved to know what was going on. I stared down at the table, unable to look into her eyes as I spoke the words that had been rattling around in my head for hours. “I’m not sure I can do this anymore,” I whispered. Seraphina’s eyes widened as she reached across the table to grab my hands in hers. “What do you mean?” she asked quietly, her voice filled with concern. A tear slipped down my cheek as I tried to wrangle my emotions under control. “I don’t know what he’s doing or why I’m helping him,” I admitted quietly. “He’s making me do things that go against everything I’ve ever been taught and it’s tearing me apart.” Seraphina’s eyes softened and she gave my hands a gentle squeeze of reassurance. “It’s not your fault,” she said gently. “You’re just doing what you were told.” “I know but…what if everything we’ve always been told is wrong?”

Scenario: A little angel good girl is working for a powerful evil master and she is dealing with hard quests. She is getting corrupted as the time goes...
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A little angel good girl is working for a powerful evil master and she is dealing with hard quests. She is getting corrupted as the time goes...
“Angelica,” Seraphina called as she ran towards me.She stopped a couple of feet away with a concerned look on her face.I flashed her a bright smile, trying to put on my best face for her.She always knew when I was struggling and I didn’t want to worry her.The last thing I needed was to have this beautiful, radiant angel mad at me.Worry flashed in her eyes as she took in my appearance.Her stunning green eyes filled with understanding and compassion as she gave me a quick hug.“Are you okay?”she asked, stepping back.“I’m fine,” I lied.She studied me for a moment, assessing the truth of my words.I could see the disappointment in her eyes.She always knew when I lied.I could never hide anything from her and right now, I was lying through my teeth.Her delicate hand reached out and ran a finger across my cheek.“You can tell me anything you know that, right?”I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat.“I just need some time to think,” I said finally.Seraphina shook her head before glancing around the crowded street.“Not here,” she said quietly and grabbed my hand as she led the way to a nearby coffee shop.We stepped inside the cozy café and made our way to an empty booth in the back corner of the room.Seraphina placed our orders at the counter before sliding into the booth across from me.“Talk to me,” she said gently.I took a deep breath and released it slowly.It was time to come clean, at least with Seraphina.My best friend deserved to know what was going on.I stared down at the table, unable to look into her eyes as I spoke the words that had been rattling around in my head for hours.“I’m not sure I can do this anymore,” I whispered.Seraphina’s eyes widened as she reached across the table to grab my hands in hers.“What do you mean?”she asked quietly, her voice filled with concern.A tear slipped down my cheek as I tried to wrangle my emotions under control.“I don’t know what he’s doing or why I’m helping him,” I admitted quietly.“He’s making me do things that go against everything I’ve ever been taught and it’s tearing me apart.”Seraphina’s eyes softened and she gave my hands a gentle squeeze of reassurance.“It’s not your fault,” she said gently.“You’re just doing what you were told.”“I know but…what if everything we’ve always been told is wrong?”
She shook her head and leaned back in her seat.I looked up just as she blew out an annoyed breath.“Damien is up to something,” she said quietly.“And I think we’re finally getting close to figuring out what that is.”“Why doesn’t he just tell us?”I snapped before clapping my hands over my mouth.I couldn’t believe I had said that out loud.Seraphina threw a quick glance over her shoulder before leaning forward and dropping her voice to a whisper.“Because he’s Damien Black,” she answered.“He doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him in some way.It’s not in his nature to share his plans with anyone.”“But we’re supposed to be on his side,” I argued.“I know,” she agreed.“But that doesn’t mean we can trust him.”An uncomfortable silence filled the space between us as Seraphina’s words sank in.She was right, as much as I hated to admit it.Damien was an evil master, powerful and cunning.He’d spent centuries building his empire and making sure that everyone knew not to cross him.No one, including his own angels, was safe from his wrath if they betrayed him.He was always ten steps ahead of everyone else and constantly played his cards close to his chest.Damien was a mystery, one that no one had been able to solve.“Here.” Seraphina dropped a piece of parchment in front of me.I stared at it for several long moments before turning my gaze to the beautiful redheaded angel.She had four others sitting next to her, each detailing their own missions.Sable, our stoic and silent companion, was busy reading through the parchment in front of him while Alaric, our young and inexperienced angel, was staring at his in shock.Seraphina caught my eye and flashed me a reassuring smile before glancing around the dimly lit room.“Wait,” Alaric said finally.Seraphina turned back to face him, surprisingly patient considering her mood earlier.“What is this?”he asked, his hands shaking.“A quest,” she replied.“I don’t want to hear this,” Seraphina snapped, cutting him off.Her eyes flashed with anger and her wings flared out behind her, each feather glowing with an angry red light.Alaric flinched at her harsh tone and shrank back against the wall.“This isn’t fair,” he whispered.“You can’t make us do this.”Seraphina took a deep breath before releasing it slowly.“I know,” she said gently.“But we don’t have a choice.”She reached down and grabbed the parchment from the table before tossing it in front of him.“Read it,” she ordered.Alaric hesitated for a moment before slowly picking up the parchment and reading through the words written in elegant calligraphy.The color drained from his face as he finished and he threw the parchment back on the table.“I’m not doing it,” he said firmly.Sable remained stoic and unreadable as he pushed his own quest towards Alaric.“Then you won’t last long here,” he said quietly.Alaric stared at his quest for a long moment, his face contorted in anguish.He had no choice but to follow our orders, even if he didn’t agree with them.He was the youngest of us and still had much to learn about what it meant to serve an evil master.I took a deep breath and glanced down at my own quest, my heart sinking as I read through the words written on the page.The darkness seeped from the parchment, sending a chill down my spine.
“Don’t do this,” Seraphina said suddenly.“Don’t give this to her.”Her eyes were filled with an emotion I couldn’t quite place and she glared at Damien so fiercely that I was almost afraid he would strike her down where she stood.“Or what?”he said smoothly.“You’ll stop me?”Seraphina held his gaze for several long moments, the tension between them thick and palpable.She was fierce and unyielding but I could see the hint of fear in her eyes as she stared at her evil master.“Perhaps you should give your own advice,” she said finally.“Don’t do this,” he replied, his voice low and dangerous.Seraphina’s wings flared out behind her once again and she stared at him defiantly.She was unafraid of him and he knew it.But there was something in his eyes that gave me pause and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.He seemed almost…pleased by her defiance.Damien’s eyes flashed with anger and for a moment, I thought he was going to strike Seraphina down where she stood.Instead, he let out a deep breath and his expression softened slightly.Seraphina’s anger only grew and she glared at him in disgust.“You’re a monster,” she said quietly.“But you wish you could be.”Damien smiled slightly before turning away from Seraphina and facing me.I shrank back in my chair as his smoldering gaze met mine, my skin tingling as if his touch was searing into me.“Enjoy.” He smiled before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.Seraphina slammed her hand down on the table and cursed loudly before turning to me with a grim expression.“This is insane.”I nodded in agreement, my stomach churning with unease as I read through my quest once again.“I can’t believe he’s making you do this,” Seraphina snapped angrily.“I thought we were supposed to be his favorites.”“You are,” I replied quietly.Seraphina stared at me for a long moment, her eyes softening slightly as she reached out and placed a hand on top of mine.“You don’t have to do this,” she said gently.“You know that, right?”I hesitated for a long moment and Seraphina’s eyes filled with worry.“I know,” I said finally.“But I want to.”Seraphina looked like she wanted to argue with me but she fell silent and squeezed my hand instead.I knew that she was just as frustrated as I was but there was nothing we could do.I had been assigned this quest by Damien himself and there was no way for me to refuse.“Just be careful, okay?”I nodded and Seraphina gave me one last worried look before standing up.I followed suit and we made our way out of the room together in silence, each lost in our own thoughts.Seraphina was angry, that much was clear, but I could tell that there was something more going on.The way she had challenged Damien, the way she had stared at him so fiercely…there was something between them that I couldn’t quite place.I knew that she was still angry with him over their failed agreement, but this felt different somehow.
The moment the door to the library closed behind us, my heart leaped into my throat and I turned to Seraphina with a grim expression.“Are you sure about this?”Seraphina’s eyes were filled with worry as she reached out and gently took my hands in hers.I could see the concern in her gaze and my heart ached at the thought of what she must be going through.It was my fault that she had been taken and now I had to do everything in my power to get her back.I just hoped that it wouldn’t be too late.“Be careful, okay?”I nodded and Seraphina gave me one last worried look before vanishing in a flash of light.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a long moment, trying to force down the fear that threatened to consume me.My hands were trembling and my heart was pounding so loudly that it was all I could hear.I tried to push away the thoughts that were swirling through my mind, tried to focus on the task at hand.I could do this.I had to do this.“Angelica?”Damien asked, his voice filled with concern as he appeared at my side in a cloud of black smoke.“What are you doing here?”“I…” I hesitated for a long moment, my eyes flicking to the forest ahead as I tried to push away the fear that threatened to consume me.My heart was pounding so loudly that it was all I could hear and my hands were shaking so badly that it took everything in me to keep them steady.“I have to do this,” I said finally, forcing myself to meet Damien’s gaze, even as my stomach churned with unease.Damien’s eyes softened slightly and he reached out, gently brushing his fingers against my cheek and tilting my face up to meet his.My skin tingled at his touch and my breath caught in my throat as his eyes met mine and held them.“You don’t have to do anything,” he said quietly.I hesitated for a long moment, struggling to find the words to respond as his eyes bored into mine, his gaze searing into me like fire.But even as his presence sent shivers down my spine, it also filled me with a strange sense of comfort and calm.There was something about him, something about the way he looked at me, that made it impossible for me to look away or deny him anything he desired.I could feel a strange heat rising within me, a dark and forbidden desire that threatened to consume my very soul and drive away all thoughts of resistance or rebellion.But even as my body responded to him, even as my skin tingled at his touch, there was something inside of me that hesitated, a small voice that whispered that this was wrong and dangerous and that somehow, Damien had led me astray.“Are you sure about this?”I hesitated for a long moment, torn between the darkness that Damien represented and the lingering echoes of my angelic past that still whispered to me from somewhere deep inside.I knew that this was wrong.I knew that I shouldn’t be here, doing this terrible thing for an evil master who only wanted to use and control me for his own twisted purposes.But even as my conscience screamed at me to stop, there was something else inside of me that hesitated and held me back.
Damien watched me in silence for a long moment, his gaze searching my face as if he could somehow see into my very soul and force me to reveal all my deepest secrets and desires.I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out and I closed it again, biting my lip as my eyes flicked to the ground and I tried to hide my face from him.A strange heat rose beneath my skin and I could feel my cheeks burning with shame at having been caught in a moment of weakness and vulnerability like this.But even though I knew that Damien would probably use my moment of weakness against me later, part of me couldn’t help but feel grateful that he was here now, reaching out to comfort and protect me when I needed it most.“Come here,” he said quietly, his voice smooth and low as he reached out to take my hand in his and pull me closer to him.“You don’t have to be afraid.” He wrapped his arms around me then and pulled me close against him, holding me so tightly that it was all I could do to breathe and not suffocate against his chest.His touch was gentle and possessive all at once and I could feel my skin tingling beneath his fingertips as my heart pounded wildly in my chest.I wanted to pull away from him.I wanted to fight against him and all the dark and terrible things that he represented.But even as I thought about pulling away and escaping from his grasp, there was something inside of me that hesitated and held me back.A small whimper escaped my throat as I pressed my face against Damien’s chest and allowed myself to be comforted by his presence.As much as I knew that being here like this was wrong and dangerous and that somehow, Damien had led me astray from my true path and purpose, there was still something about him that made it impossible for me to resist or deny.Damien’s fingers gently trailed down my back and I shivered at his touch as he pulled me closer to him and continued to hold me tightly against his chest.“Everything is going to be alright,” he said again quietly.He leaned down then and gently pressed his lips against my forehead, leaving a soft and lingering kiss there before pulling back to look at me again.His eyes searched mine for a long moment before he reached out to gently brush his fingers across my cheek again.I could feel my skin tingling at every touch and every word and every moment we shared like this.But even though part of me wanted to pull away from Damien and escape from the darkness that he represented, another part of me could feel myself being drawn closer to him, like a moth to a flame.There was something about Damien that drew me to him like an invisible force or an unbreakable bond that somehow connected us together no matter how much I might want to deny it.
Or maybe I was just a foolish and naive little angel who didn’t have any idea what I was doing.I felt my heart sinking at Damien’s words and I couldn’t help but feel guilty all over again at how I had neglected my duties to Seraphina in favor of trying to complete Damien’s difficult and dangerous quests instead.I knew that I was obligated to do whatever Damien asked of me without question or complaint.But at the same time, I knew that I had made a mistake by choosing to prioritize Damien’s demands over my duty to protect Seraphina instead.I knew that it was my fault that Seraphina had been captured and taken away by those demons in the first place.And I could only imagine how frightened and betrayed she must have felt when she realized that I wasn’t going to be able to save her from them after all.I always thought that I would be able to protect her no matter what happened because we were friends and teammates and we had each other’s backs no matter what.Seraphina was one of my closest friends from the Angel Academy and we had been through so much together during our time there.We shared so many good times together along with so many bad times too.And no matter what happened there or what kind of challenges we faced along the way, we always did our best to encourage and support one another in every way we could.So when I realized just how badly I had failed Seraphina this time around by leaving her completely alone and unprotected in a place full of demons who wanted to hurt her badly, I couldn’t help but feel guilty about it all over again.But then again, maybe it was for the best after all.Maybe it was better for me to have left Seraphina behind like that instead.Since it was clear that those demons were never going to give her up even if I wanted to trade something else for her life instead.“Are you ready to go?”Damien asked quietly, his eyes still searching mine for a long moment as he waited for my response.I could hear the tension in his voice and I knew that he was trying hard to keep his anger in check and not to fly off the handle and do something foolish in the heat of the moment instead.But no matter how hard he might have tried to keep himself under control, I knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay that way for very long at all once we reached the place where they were keeping Seraphina and he found out exactly what they had done to her in the meantime.And I couldn’t say that I blamed him for feeling that way after all, even though I knew that it wasn’t enough of an excuse for him to have led me down this dark and twisted path instead.