MidReal Story

Something shiny caught my eye.I leaned forward to look closer at the antique desk.The drawer was half open and inside lay a small, round object.I reached in and pulled it out.It was a CD.There was a strange logo on it: a pentagon with a skull in the middle.I felt my heart beat faster.Maybe this was some kind of secret message!“Hey, guys,” I said, “look what I found!”I held up the CD for Alex and Sarah to see.They were both so surprised, they didn’t know what to say at first.“Wow,” Alex said, “that’s so cool!But what’s it doing here?”Sarah wasn’t as excited as we were.Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the CD in my hand.“How do you know it’s not just some music?”she asked in a skeptical tone.I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn’t want to be rude.Instead, I sighed and put the CD down on the desk.“Fine,” I said, “let’s say it is some music.Do you have any idea how much money we could make from it if it was a rare CD from the 1800s or something?”Sarah just shrugged her shoulders.Alex, on the other hand, looked interested.“Really?” he asked me.I nodded eagerly.“Oh, yes,” I replied.“There are so many music collectors out there who would pay a fortune for an old CD like this one!And if it turns out to be something like that, we could use the money to buy the mansion new furniture and decorations!Imagine how cool that would be!”The more I thought about it, the more excited I got.What if we really did find a rare antique CD?The mansion was so big and beautiful, but there were so many empty rooms that needed to be filled with furniture and decorations.If we found something worth a lot of money, we could finally afford to fix up the place!We could buy all new furniture for the empty rooms and maybe even hire someone to take care of the garden!It would be like a dream come true!We would give this old mansion new life!“Come on, let’s see what’s on it!”I said, picking the CD back up.I was about to put it in my bag when Alex stopped me.“I have a better idea,” he said, “let’s see if there are any clues on this thing.You know, like maybe an old treasure map or something.That would be a lot cooler than finding some boring old CD.”I smiled at him and nodded.“You’re right,” I agreed, “that would be amazing!We should definitely check to see if there are any clues on the CD first.”Alex’s eyes lit up with excitement and he grinned at me.He was always coming up with fun and creative ideas like that.That was one of the many things I loved about him.He was always ready for an adventure!Sarah, on the other hand, didn’t look as thrilled as we were.She was Alex’s cousin and had only recently joined our group of friends.

Scenario: cds
Create my version of this story
Something shiny caught my eye.I leaned forward to look closer at the antique desk.The drawer was half open and inside lay a small, round object.I reached in and pulled it out.It was a CD.There was a strange logo on it: a pentagon with a skull in the middle.I felt my heart beat faster.Maybe this was some kind of secret message!“Hey, guys,” I said, “look what I found!”I held up the CD for Alex and Sarah to see.They were both so surprised, they didn’t know what to say at first.“Wow,” Alex said, “that’s so cool!But what’s it doing here?”Sarah wasn’t as excited as we were.Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the CD in my hand.“How do you know it’s not just some music?”she asked in a skeptical tone.I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn’t want to be rude.Instead, I sighed and put the CD down on the desk.“Fine,” I said, “let’s say it is some music.Do you have any idea how much money we could make from it if it was a rare CD from the 1800s or something?”Sarah just shrugged her shoulders.Alex, on the other hand, looked interested.“Really?” he asked me.I nodded eagerly.“Oh, yes,” I replied.“There are so many music collectors out there who would pay a fortune for an old CD like this one!And if it turns out to be something like that, we could use the money to buy the mansion new furniture and decorations!Imagine how cool that would be!”The more I thought about it, the more excited I got.What if we really did find a rare antique CD?The mansion was so big and beautiful, but there were so many empty rooms that needed to be filled with furniture and decorations.If we found something worth a lot of money, we could finally afford to fix up the place!We could buy all new furniture for the empty rooms and maybe even hire someone to take care of the garden!It would be like a dream come true!We would give this old mansion new life!“Come on, let’s see what’s on it!”I said, picking the CD back up.I was about to put it in my bag when Alex stopped me.“I have a better idea,” he said, “let’s see if there are any clues on this thing.You know, like maybe an old treasure map or something.That would be a lot cooler than finding some boring old CD.”I smiled at him and nodded.“You’re right,” I agreed, “that would be amazing!We should definitely check to see if there are any clues on the CD first.”Alex’s eyes lit up with excitement and he grinned at me.He was always coming up with fun and creative ideas like that.That was one of the many things I loved about him.He was always ready for an adventure!Sarah, on the other hand, didn’t look as thrilled as we were.She was Alex’s cousin and had only recently joined our group of friends.
At first, she didn’t believe that there were any hidden treasures or secrets in this mansion.But after we showed her the secret tunnel entrance in the basement, she changed her mind.Now she was determined to find out what was on that CD just as much as Alex and I were.We all went back over to the couch and sat down.I still had the CD in my hand.Sarah sat next to me and Alex sat on the other side of her.He pulled his laptop out of his bag and set it in front of us.“Let’s see what’s on there,” he said, grinning at us, “I’m sure there has to be something cool.”Sarah leaned over so that she could get a better look at the screen of Alex’s computer.“Do you really think there are any clues or treasure maps or something like that on there?”she asked in a hopeful tone.Alex just shrugged his shoulders.“Who knows,” he replied, “but there’s only one way to find out.”Sarah and I both nodded in agreement, eager to discover what secrets were hidden on that mysterious old CD.It felt like we were on a treasure hunt.There was no telling what kind of clues we would find on that CD or where those clues might lead us.The excitement was building inside of me and I could hardly stand it!I put the CD into Alex’s computer and waited for it to load.A few seconds later, a bunch of files popped up on the screen.They all had different names and Alex clicked on the first one.It was just some text that we couldn’t understand.The same thing happened with the second one.But finally, on the third file that he clicked on, there was something that looked familiar.A map of the mansion appeared on the screen.It wasn’t very detailed and we could only see part of it.But it showed most of the first floor and part of the second floor.Alex zoomed in on it so we could get a better look at it.“Wow,” I said, “there really is a treasure map on that CD!”My heart was racing with excitement as I stared at the screen in front of me.What kind of treasure would we find?And where would we have to go to find it?After looking at the map for a while, Alex clicked out of that file and opened up another one.This time, there were pictures of different rooms in the mansion.Each one had a number and some text underneath it.The numbers were written in cursive and were hard for us to read.But Alex copied them down onto a piece of paper so we could look at them later.There were several other files that we checked out as well.Some of them didn’t have anything that seemed like it could be a clue or a treasure map.But others did and we wrote them all down so we wouldn’t forget any of them.It took us about half an hour to finish going through everything on that CD.By the time we were done, it was starting to get dark outside and we were really hungry from not eating lunch yet.