MidReal Story

Chapter One Marie I was fifteen when my sister died. Or so I thought. “Callie?” I gaped at the girl in front of me, pale and bloodied, an almost unrecognizable version of the sister I hadn’t seen in three years. “What the fuck?” “Marie.” The word was a sigh of relief, but she didn’t move from the doorway. Her head lolled forward, and a whimper escaped her lips. “Callie.” I stepped closer, and she flinched back. “What happened to you? Are you okay?” She laughed, a pained sound that cut through me like a knife. “No.” “You’re bleeding.” I had to press my hand to my mouth to stop myself from reaching out to her. “Let me help. Come inside.” “Marie.” My name was a prayer on her lips, and she wobbled on her feet. “Why are you dressed like that? Are you hurt? Callie!” The words were a panicked shout. “You’re not joking, right? You’re really here?” “Of course, I am.” She laughed again, then winced. Relief washed over me, but there was something in her eyes that I couldn’t place. Something…desperate. I reached out for her this time, my hand brushing her arm. And she recoiled like I’d struck her.

Scenario:The Story of Splatoon 4, Marie, also known as Agent 2, Finds a shocking discovery.. she sees a wounded callie.. all in soldier clothing.. Marie asks callie what happens.
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The Story of Splatoon 4, Marie, also known as Agent 2, Finds a shocking discovery.. she sees a wounded callie.. all in soldier clothing.. Marie asks callie what happens.
Chapter OneMarieI was fifteen when my sister died.Or so I thought.“Callie?” I gaped at the girl in front of me, pale and bloodied, an almost unrecognizable version of the sister I hadn’t seen in three years. “What the fuck?”“Marie.” The word was a sigh of relief, but she didn’t move from the doorway. Her head lolled forward, and a whimper escaped her lips.“Callie.” I stepped closer, and she flinched back. “What happened to you? Are you okay?”She laughed, a pained sound that cut through me like a knife. “No.”“You’re bleeding.” I had to press my hand to my mouth to stop myself from reaching out to her. “Let me help. Come inside.”“Marie.” My name was a prayer on her lips, and she wobbled on her feet.“Why are you dressed like that? Are you hurt? Callie!” The words were a panicked shout. “You’re not joking, right? You’re really here?”“Of course, I am.” She laughed again, then winced.Relief washed over me, but there was something in her eyes that I couldn’t place. Something…desperate. I reached out for her this time, my hand brushing her arm.And she recoiled like I’d struck her.
“Callie, it’s me. It’s Marie.” I took a step forward, but she backed away, her eyes wide with fear.“Marie, don’t!” Her voice shook, and she limped backward, as though she’d forgotten about her injury. She hissed in pain, and her hand moved to press against her side, but she kept moving away from me.My heart twisted in my chest. “What’s going on? Come inside, Callie, let me help you. You’re hurt.”She flinched at the mention of her injury, but she didn’t stop moving backwards. “Don’t come any closer.”I ignored her plea. I couldn’t bear to see the fear in her eyes any longer. I took a step toward her, and she looked at me with such terror that I hesitated. I took another step, and this time she didn’t back away. I was close enough now to see the damage done to her, and it was even worse than I’d thought.Her lip was split and swollen, and there were bruises on her cheek. Her hair was matted with blood at the back of her head, and there was a cut on her forehead that must have bled a lot, judging by the dark streaks down the side of her face.“Come inside,” I said again, more gently this time. A breeze blew through the doorway, and I shivered in my thin shirt; she must be freezing.“Callie?”She looked up at me, and I sucked in a breath as I took in her face.She wasn’t looking at me.Her eyes were open, but they were unfocused, as though she didn’t see me at all. She was staring right through me, as if I wasn’t there.It seemed like an eternity before she finally spoke again.“I missed you.” Her voice was soft, barely audible over the sound of the wind.“Callie, what happened?”I had to shake her. “Who did this to you?”
Marie Held on to her Ink Charger. a sniper with green ink filled to the Brim full of the Calamari InkatationA chill ran down my spine; that meant she was still out there. “Someone hurt you? Who? Callie?”I repeated her name, but it seemed to only make her wince with pain.She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if steeling herself for something.And then she fainted.“Callie!”I lunged forward and caught her before she hit the ground.She was so light in my arms; I knew without asking that she hadn’t eaten in days.But for now, I was just grateful that she was letting me hold her.With one arm around her waist and the other supporting her head, I carried Callie into my apartment.It was small, just two rooms: a kitchen/living room and a bathroom, but I loved it.And it was mine, which was more than most people in this city could say.I kicked the door closed behind me and carried her to my bedroom, where I laid her down gently on my bed.She had passed out, but she was still breathing, which was something at least.I moved to take off her shoes, but she woke up with a start, scrambling back to get away from me, just like before.“Callie, it’s okay,” I said gently, holding up my hands to show that I meant no harm, but it only seemed to scare her more.Her breathing became rapid and shallow as she stared at me with wide eyes, like a trapped animal.“Callie, listen to me,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm, even though I wanted to scream at whoever had done this to her.“You’re safe.