MidReal Story

Chapter OnePrologueSARAH

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Chapter One
The night is dark and stormy, the rain coming down in sheets that I can barely see through as it pelts my face. I don’t care, though. I can’t.
I have a job to do.
I trudge forward, my boots splashing water all around me as I make my way down the alley. It’s so narrow, I can touch the walls on both sides if I reach out my arms. But there’s no room for fear here, not when a little girl’s life hangs in the balance.
A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the area, just long enough for me to catch sight of him. He’s a shadowy figure at the end of the alley, but there’s no mistaking the knife in his hand or the dark shape slumped over his shoulder.
A pit forms in my stomach as I realize he has her. I’d hoped that maybe she’d managed to escape, that maybe she was hiding somewhere nearby. But no such luck.
I have to save her. I have to.
Tears well in my eyes as I slip my hand into my pocket and wrap my fingers around the cool metal object hidden there. It gives me strength, reminds me of what’s at stake.
I take a deep breath and step forward.
“Hey! You!” I call out, my voice sounding much braver than I feel.