MidReal Story

Chapter One Alex I’d been on the run for a while now. Long enough that I couldn’t remember what I was running from, only that I had to keep moving. It was a nightmare version of Groundhog Day with nowhere to go and no way out. I was trapped in purgatory, stuck in a never-ending loop of running, all while a massive black cloud chased me down. Eventually, my legs gave out, and I stumbled to the ground. The cloud descended on me, wrapping around me until I could no longer breathe. My skin felt like it was melting, and I screamed in agony. And then I woke up. I shot up in bed, my heart hammering in my chest. Sweat dripped down my forehead, and I wiped it away with a shaking hand. Fuck. That same damned dream again. It was always the same. And it always left me feeling like shit for the rest of the day. Not that I had anything better to do with my time. Ever since the accident, I’d been stuck in a downward spiral. Some people might call it depression, but it was more than that. I’d been living off the grid for months, running from whatever it was that kept haunting me. I had no idea what was chasing me or why, but as far as I could tell, it was something supernatural. And the things that went bump in the night didn’t usually have good intentions. I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy from lack of sleep. There were dark circles under them, and my skin looked pale and sickly. No shit. I hadn’t seen sunlight in months. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. I used to be good at stuff. I’d had a job that paid well and friends who actually liked me. And then everything had gone to hell in a handbasket. Literally. I wasn’t sure exactly what had happened that night. All I knew was that one minute I was driving home from work, and the next, there’d been an explosion right in front of me. The next thing I knew, I’d woken up in the hospital with a broken arm and a concussion. It was a miracle I wasn’t dead. But it hadn’t felt like a miracle at the time. It had felt like a curse. Because when I got out of the hospital a few days later, everything was different. The city had been destroyed, and there were strange creatures roaming the streets. It was like something out of a B-movie horror flick. And then, when night fell, the real fun began. Demons came out of hiding and started hunting anyone who was left. I’d barely made it out alive, and ever since then, I’d been on the run. Running from things that shouldn’t exist in this world. Running from things that wanted to eat me alive. But no matter where I went or how much ground I covered, the world remained stuck in perpetual twilight. The sun never rose anymore, and the moon hung heavy in the sky every night. The demons weren’t going anywhere anytime soon either. They seemed to multiply by the day, making it harder for anyone still alive to find a place to hide. I’d lost track of how many times I’d thought about giving up and letting them take me. But every time I did, something deep inside me told me to keep going. Told me that I was meant to survive whatever this was. Maybe that was just wishful thinking. Maybe I should have given up long ago.

Scenario: This is a romantic comedy. Hades decides to upgrade the Underworld's Internet and calls on an unsuspecting mortal IT professional to do the job.
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This is a romantic comedy. Hades decides to upgrade the Underworld's Internet and calls on an unsuspecting mortal IT professional to do the job.
Chapter OneAlexI’d been on the run for a while now. Long enough that I couldn’t remember what I was running from, only that I had to keep moving.It was a nightmare version of Groundhog Day with nowhere to go and no way out. I was trapped in purgatory, stuck in a never-ending loop of running, all while a massive black cloud chased me down.Eventually, my legs gave out, and I stumbled to the ground. The cloud descended on me, wrapping around me until I could no longer breathe. My skin felt like it was melting, and I screamed in agony.And then I woke up.I shot up in bed, my heart hammering in my chest. Sweat dripped down my forehead, and I wiped it away with a shaking hand.Fuck. That same damned dream again.It was always the same. And it always left me feeling like shit for the rest of the day. Not that I had anything better to do with my time.Ever since the accident, I’d been stuck in a downward spiral. Some people might call it depression, but it was more than that. I’d been living off the grid for months, running from whatever it was that kept haunting me.I had no idea what was chasing me or why, but as far as I could tell, it was something supernatural. And the things that went bump in the night didn’t usually have good intentions.I splashed some water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy from lack of sleep. There were dark circles under them, and my skin looked pale and sickly.No shit. I hadn’t seen sunlight in months.I ran a hand through my hair and let out a sigh. I used to be good at stuff. I’d had a job that paid well and friends who actually liked me. And then everything had gone to hell in a handbasket.Literally.I wasn’t sure exactly what had happened that night. All I knew was that one minute I was driving home from work, and the next, there’d been an explosion right in front of me.The next thing I knew, I’d woken up in the hospital with a broken arm and a concussion. It was a miracle I wasn’t dead.But it hadn’t felt like a miracle at the time. It had felt like a curse.Because when I got out of the hospital a few days later, everything was different. The city had been destroyed, and there were strange creatures roaming the streets. It was like something out of a B-movie horror flick.And then, when night fell, the real fun began. Demons came out of hiding and started hunting anyone who was left.I’d barely made it out alive, and ever since then, I’d been on the run. Running from things that shouldn’t exist in this world. Running from things that wanted to eat me alive.But no matter where I went or how much ground I covered, the world remained stuck in perpetual twilight. The sun never rose anymore, and the moon hung heavy in the sky every night.The demons weren’t going anywhere anytime soon either. They seemed to multiply by the day, making it harder for anyone still alive to find a place to hide.I’d lost track of how many times I’d thought about giving up and letting them take me. But every time I did, something deep inside me told me to keep going. Told me that I was meant to survive whatever this was.Maybe that was just wishful thinking. Maybe I should have given up long ago.
I found some canned peaches and a half-empty bottle of water in the cupboard and ate my breakfast standing up. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to keep me going for the time being.I’d been holed up in this abandoned apartment building for a few days now, hiding from the demons that lurked outside. It was in a bad part of town, but one of the only places that seemed to be safe. God only knew how much longer it would stay that way.The place was a dump, but it was better than being out on the streets with those things. Every night when the sun went down, they came out, looking for anyone left alive to eat. It was like they could smell us or something, and they were relentless in their pursuit. The only thing we could do was run and hide. And hope that they didn’t find us.I took my gun and my backpack and headed to the roof. From there I could get a good look at the surrounding area to see if it was safe to go outside.As I stepped out onto the roof, a gust of wind blew through, making me shiver. I pulled my hood up and zipped my jacket as high as it would go to keep out the cold.I scanned the area, looking for any signs of movement. The city used to be full of life, but now it was mostly abandoned. At least from what I could tell. I hadn’t seen another living soul since the night I escaped from the hospital.There were a few cars driving around, but they looked like they’d seen better days. One of them had a flat tire and was barely moving, while another had dark smoke pouring out of the hood.