MidReal Story

Prologue Maggie I am the first undead guard. Hades’ idea of a sick joke. A way to make his human employees feel like cattle. In other words, me. The first of my kind, I am strong and fast, with a body that can take a bullet without so much as a flinch. I don’t get tired, and I don’t get distracted. And if I’m being honest, the longer I’m in Hades’ employ, the harder it is to remember that I was ever human at all. But that doesn’t mean I don’t still have desires… Chapter One Maggie It’s been a month since Hades last called on me to serve him. Four weeks since he used his hypnotic powers to force my body and make me beg for more. Four weeks since he made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt… even if that means he also reminded me of how dead I truly am. I can’t decide what’s worse: the fact that I’m technically one of the undead or the fact that I often prefer it this way. The truth is hard to face. But it’s even harder to ignore. “Guard!” The sound of Hades’ voice coming through the intercom makes me jump. In the time I have been with him, he has never once called me by name. Never used any other form of address than “Guard!”

Scenario: Hades uses powers of hypnosis over his subjects to keep them in line. Maggie, one of his undead guard, likes the feeling more than most.
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Hades uses powers of hypnosis over his subjects to keep them in line. Maggie, one of his undead guard, likes the feeling more than most.
PrologueMaggieI am the first undead guard.Hades’ idea of a sick joke. A way to make his human employees feel like cattle. In other words, me.The first of my kind, I am strong and fast, with a body that can take a bullet without so much as a flinch. I don’t get tired, and I don’t get distracted.And if I’m being honest, the longer I’m in Hades’ employ, the harder it is to remember that I was ever human at all.But that doesn’t mean I don’t still have desires…Chapter OneMaggieIt’s been a month since Hades last called on me to serve him.Four weeks since he used his hypnotic powers to force my body and make me beg for more.Four weeks since he made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt… even if that means he also reminded me of how dead I truly am.I can’t decide what’s worse: the fact that I’m technically one of the undead or the fact that I often prefer it this way.The truth is hard to face. But it’s even harder to ignore.“Guard!”The sound of Hades’ voice coming through the intercom makes me jump.In the time I have been with him, he has never once called me by name. Never used any other form of address than “Guard!”
I don’t know why he’s choosing to change that now.I run to my computer and open the connection to his office.The screen displays the image of a man in his mid-thirties with a beard and a mustache. His hair curls down his shoulders, and he wears a crown made of what looks like charcoal. He is dressed all in black, which makes him look even paler than he probably is. If I had to guess, I’d say he never goes outside or, if he does, it’s at night.He spends a lot of time in the Underworld, but not necessarily because he has to. More because he wants to.I’ve never seen him dressed in anything but black clothes. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was trying to make a statement. One that says he’s the most powerful man in the room.And I suppose he is.I have been working for Hades for years now, and I’ve never seen him call anyone else by name either. Not that I’d be able to notice if he did. Most of the time, I can barely hear what’s going on.Not when he’s using his hypnotic powers on me.“Guard!”The voice coming from the intercom is louder now, and I press my hands against my ears.I’ve learned how to fight Hades’ hypnosis in some ways. It’s not easy, and I’m not always successful, but with practice comes experience… and with experience comes more power.