MidReal Story

Scenario: Dou Qi continent, on

Scenario: Scenario: Dou Qi continent, on the family trial field; opening: "Dou strength, three paragraphs! Looking at the five Da Yu above the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet that shone so brightly that it was even a little blinding, the teenager's face was expressionless, the corners of his lips had a touch of self-mockery, and the palms of his tightly clenched hands, because of the vigorous efforts, caused the slightly pointed said nails to pierce deeply into his palms, bringing about a burst of heart-breaking pain. "Xiao Yan, Dou Strength, third stage! Level: low level!" Beside the Quiz Demon Stone Monument, a middle-aged man glanced at the information displayed on the monument and announced it in an indifferent tone. The middle-aged man's words had just come out of his mouth, and unsurprisingly, it brought about a strong movement of mockery in the crowded square. "Third stage? Hehehe, as expected, this "genius" has been in the same place again this year." "Hey, this "genius" has been in the same place again this year," he said! ""Ai, this punk has really disgraced the face of the clan. "If it wasn't for the fact that the patriarch is his father, this kind of waste would have long been driven out of the family and left to fend for himself, where would he still have the chance to stay in the family and eat and drink for nothing." In the past, that genius young man who was famous in Utan City, now how did he fall into such a state ah? "
Create my version of this story
Scenario: Dou Qi continent, on the family trial field; opening: "Dou strength, three paragraphs! Looking at the five Da Yu above the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet that shone so brightly that it was even a little blinding, the teenager's face was expressionless, the corners of his lips had a touch of self-mockery, and the palms of his tightly clenched hands, because of the vigorous efforts, caused the slightly pointed said nails to pierce deeply into his palms, bringing about a burst of heart-breaking pain. "Xiao Yan, Dou Strength, third stage! Level: low level!" Beside the Quiz Demon Stone Monument, a middle-aged man glanced at the information displayed on the monument and announced it in an indifferent tone. The middle-aged man's words had just come out of his mouth, and unsurprisingly, it brought about a strong movement of mockery in the crowded square. "Third stage? Hehehe, as expected, this "genius" has been in the same place again this year." "Hey, this "genius" has been in the same place again this year," he said! ""Ai, this punk has really disgraced the face of the clan. "If it wasn't for the fact that the patriarch is his father, this kind of waste would have long been driven out of the family and left to fend for himself, where would he still have the chance to stay in the family and eat and drink for nothing." In the past, that genius young man who was famous in Utan City, now how did he fall into such a state ah? "
I stood on the family trial field, a place that had once been the stage for my glory.
The battle arena was surrounded by trees, and the ground was covered in green moss, adding light to this place.
But now, it was the place that made me hang my head in shame.
I was standing right before the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet.
It was said that this ancient tablet had been found by one of our ancestors in an ancient ruin.
Though there were numerous mysterious characters carved on the tablet, only five of them were bright – Da Yu!
It was said that the five ancient words represented the five levels of Dou Strength: Da Dou Shi, Da Dou Zhe, Da Dou Shi, Dou Wang, and Dou Huang!
It was said that all the people in our family who had broken through to a new level of Dou Strength would come here to accept the challenge of the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet.
As a result, this was my challenge today.
"I never anticipated that you would challenge the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet this time." The middle-aged man named Mentor stood beside me with his hands behind his back.
His tall and imposing body was blocking out the sunlight.
He shook his head and said, "I have once again been disappointed with you."
"I will not let you down again." I clenched my fists tightly, my eyes filled with determination.
My words were like a furious roar rising from my chest.
The crowd around me watched all of this quietly.
The sunlight cast a golden hue on them, making it feel as if they were standing under a golden light.
They were all staring at me with pity in their eyes.
As I looked at their expressions, I knew that they were discussing how long I could last this time.
These days, I could only last for one second!
And it would be over after one second!
"Begin!" Mentor said solemnly with his hands behind his back.
The crowd did not make any sound.
Their eyes were all staring at me unblinkingly.
I raised my head and stared at the beautiful characters on the stone tablet.
In the end, I took a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes.
"Xiao Yan, how long can you last this time?"
"Won't he be able to make a breakthrough?"
In my mind, I could hear the whispers and murmurs of the crowd.
This was not the first time that I had attempted to challenge this stone tablet.
At that time, I had also heard them discussing how long I could last.
However, they would never understand how much I hated myself.
"Quiz Demon Stone Tablet, second, break!" The voice in my mind suddenly appeared and spoke again.
I clenched my teeth and forced myself to keep my eyes closed.
"Quiz Demon Stone Tablet, third, break! Fourth, break!"
The voice kept appearing in my mind.
But every time I was about to open my eyes, I would bite my lips tightly and force myself to not open them.
It was not easy to keep my eyes closed.
My heart was heavy with an indescribable emotion.
The more I thought about it, the more bitter it got.
I did not know when my tears started to fall down.
How long had it been?
I used to be a genius in Utan City back then.
People always said that I was a really strong person.
But now, I was still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength!
When I thought about this, I felt as if there were countless sharp blades stabbing at my heart, making me feel pain all over.
It was as if my heart was about to be torn apart!
"Xiao Yan, you have four seconds left!"
The middle-aged man's voice suddenly sounded in my ear.
It was indifferent and emotionless.
I knew that this voice was not aimed at me but at those people who were watching me from afar.
It was his way of telling them that I was still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength!
It's been a whole year, but I'm still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength."
The crowd sighed again when they heard this.
They were all looking at me with contempt.
As if they were looking at someone who was far inferior to them.
"It seems like this 'genius' has been in the same place again this year."
"It's boring to be in the same place year after year."
"I think it's going to be the same this year.It's only going to last for three seconds."
As I listened to their whispers, my face turned red with shame.
I did not dare to open my eyes.
I did not dare to look at those people.
Because I was afraid to see those contemptuous gazes in their eyes.
"Xiao Yan, your time is up."
The middle-aged man beside me said.
His voice was still indifferent.
But for some reason, it made me feel as if there was an indescribable mockery in his tone!
I clenched my teeth tightly and opened my eyes slowly.
"Xiao Yan's assessment is over.
He is still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength.
And he is really low-level."
The middle-aged man announced in an indifferent tone.
His voice was not loud, but it was enough to reach the ears of the crowd.
After hearing his words, the crowd was in an uproar.
They all turned to look at me as if they were looking at a monster.
"Third stage? Hehehe, as expected, this 'genius' has been in the same place again this year!"
A scornful voice sounded in my ear.
It was the man who had been mocking me earlier.
He was standing a few steps away from me with a mocking smile on his face.
I lowered my head and bit my lips tightly.
My face was red with anger and shame.
But I did not dare to say anything.
Because what he said was true!
It had really been a year!
But I was still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength!
Not only that, but I was also really low-level!
I wanted to keep a calm expression.
But I couldn't do it!
"Xiao Yan is still stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength!"
"What a disappointment!"
"The genius of Utan City?"
"It's just a joke!"
The surrounding crowd began to discuss it.
I could feel my father's cold gaze on me.
He was looking at me with pity and a trace of mockery.
When I was young, he was my mentor and taught me everything from martial arts to academic knowledge.
He was strict with me and didn't like to laugh.
Many people in Utan City were afraid of him because they thought he was too cold and ruthless.
But I knew that he was warm-hearted and kind.
He would always be there for me no matter what happened.
But now …
I could only see a trace of pity and mockery in his eyes!
This made me feel even more ashamed!
I called out softly.
The middle-aged man frowned and said in a cold tone: "Don't call me that."
I lowered my head and clenched my fists tightly together.
I was very angry with myself.
How could I have fallen so low?
But it was only for a moment.
Because I told myself that it was not too late!
I could do it!
I could do it!
I would show them all!
I would prove to them that I was not just a genius of Utan City!
I was also the first genius of Utan City!
I raised my head, and my gaze met my father's once again.
He was looking at me with a smile, but there was still a trace of pity in his eyes.
He waved his hand and said: "Go and stand on the square platform."
His tone was still indifferent, but I could hear the determination in his voice.
Without saying anything, I walked toward the square platform with heavy steps.
The square platform was made of white marble and was surrounded by four iron chains that emitted a faint green light.
The white marble looked very beautiful, but the green light on the four iron chains looked very ugly and evil, which made the whole platform look very strange and terrifying.
When I reached the center of the square platform, I stood there and looked up at the Quiz Demon Stone Tablet in front of me.
At this moment, I felt as if all the people around me had disappeared and I was the only one left here.
At this moment, I felt as if all the ridicule and contempt had disappeared and only the sound of the wind blowing remained.
At this moment, I felt as if all the sounds had disappeared and only the sound of my heartbeat remained.
"Quiz Demon Stone Tablet?"
"I will not lose to you!"
With these words on my lips, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes once again.
"Xiao Yan, what level of Dou Strength have you reached this year?" the middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.
The crowd fell silent, and all the people's gazes gathered on me, as if they were waiting for something.
I took a deep breath and then slowly opened my eyes.
My gaze met my father's, and I said: "Please be the judge, Master."
The middle-aged man's expression turned slightly gentle.
He nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Huo Zhe!"
"It is!"
Huo Zhe nodded slightly and said, "Third stage!"
"I am at the third stage of Dou Strength!"
He said in a cold voice, "Moreover, it is at the low level!
The crowd was filled with an uproar.
Many people looked at me with pity and mockery.
"Only the third stage of the low level?"
"I thought he would have made some progress this year!"
"Even though he reached the third stage of Dou Strength when he was sixteen years old, it's already been five years and he's still at the same level!"
"This guy is really useless!"
A man sneered and said with a disdainful voice, "What is the use of only being in the third stage of Dou Strength?
"Only those who reach the fifth stage will have a chance to stay in the clan.
But he can't even make it to the fifth stage.
I'm afraid … this time he will be expelled from the clan!"
The crowd fell into an uproar once again.
Many people shook their heads and sighed.
Some even laughed out loud as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.
"This kid is so funny!
He actually thought that he could reach the sixth stage of Dou Strength after spending a few years in the valley with Old Ghost Zhai Xing."
"It seems that he is just daydreaming.
Even Old Ghost Zhai Xing is getting old and useless.
How can he teach him anything good?"
"Hehehe, he deserves it for being so arrogant!
"He thought he could inherit the three generations of benefits left to him by his grandfather.
It seems that he won't even be able to reach the sixth stage of Dou Strength in his life!"
"That's right!
If he can't even make it to the fifth stage of Dou Strength, he won't be able to inherit the three generations of benefits left by his grandfather!"
The crowd was filled with ridicule and disdain.
I could not see their faces but only their feet.
Most of them were pointing at me and laughing at me.
But I was not angry at all.
Because I knew that they were right.
I was really useless.
If I failed to reach the fifth stage, the patriarch would expel me from the clan.
He had already said that I was not allowed to return until I reached the sixth stage.
But what was the point?
Whether I could reach the sixth stage or not, whether I could inherit the three generations of benefits left by my grandfather or not, it was not important.
What was important was that I couldn't let them look down on me!
I couldn't let my grandfather down!
As the onlookers were talking about me while laughing, they seemed to take no notice of my presence.
"Hey, hey, hey Will this kid be expelled from the clan this year?"
"But if he is expelled from the clan, where will he go?"
"I don't know.
Maybe he'll be kicked out of Utan City.
He has been stuck at the third stage for three years.
If he can't even make it to the fifth stage this year, what's the point of keeping him in the clan?"
"Third stage for three years?
This guy is really useless!"
"Hehehe, you didn't know that he has been stuck at the third stage for three years?"
"No wonder …"
As they talked about me, I clenched my fists.
My fingernails dug deeply into my palms, causing pain.
However, I did not feel any pain.
I just wanted to remind myself that this time, I must not give up!
I must not be expelled from the clan!
I must not let them look down on me!
I must not let my grandfather down!!
As the crowd was talking about my future, a clear voice suddenly echoed from afar.
"Seventh stage of Dou Zhe …
"Only seventeen years old?
"Isn't he quite talented?"
The crowd turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.
They saw a young man with a tall and straight figure walking towards them with a group of people following behind him.
"Who is that?"
"It's the fourth young master of the Lei clan!"
"He's the fourth young master?"
"Yes …
"What's his name again?
"Lei Li?"
"I remember now!
"He's the one who has already reached the sixth stage of Dou Zhe at such a young age!
The crowd could not help but exclaim in surprise when they saw the fourth young master of the Lei family.
They could not help but feel envious and jealous.
The young man walked over with his arms around his chest.
He smiled proudly and confidently when he saw the crowd looking at him enviously.
The crowd could not help but feel even more envious and jealous when they saw the smile on his face.
They sighed secretly as they looked at the stone tablet in front of me again.
"Look at this kid!
"Lei Li is already at the sixth stage of Dou Zhe at seventeen years old!
"But he …
"He's stuck at the third stage of Dou Strength for three years!
What a useless guy!"
"Hehehe, he doesn't deserve to be compared with our fourth young master of the Lei clan!"
I was stunned when I heard what they said.
I was also confused.
Wasn't I a genius?
Didn't I become famous when I was only fifteen years old?
I was once known as a genius in Utan City because I could refine the medicinal pills at such a young age.
However …
I was humiliated when I failed to reach the fifth stage of Dou Strength for two years!
I was only at the third stage …
I was overwhelmed by the cold and mocking laughter echoing around me.
The people who used to treat me as a genius now treated me like a joke.
They pointed and laughed at me.
They said that I was useless and that I disappointed them.
I clenched my fists tightly and my nails pierced my palms.
I could feel the pain but I did not care.
The cold laughter echoed in my ears and fell into my heart.
I could not help but look at the square platform in the distance subconsciously.
My father was standing on the platform with indifference on his face.
He did not even bother to look at me when he heard the laughter.
My eyes turned red.
I turned around and looked at the crowd.
Their cold laughter struck my heart like arrows.
I took a deep breath and suppressed my anger.
I will prove to you all that I am not a joke!
The square platform.
Most people in the Utan City knew that I would be expelled from the clan if I still failed to reach the fifth stage within today.
Huo Zhe was waiting for me on the platform.
His eyes were closed and he seemed to be resting.
However, he would start the training session if I stepped onto the platform.
My fate would be determined by those five Da Yu on the stone tablet!
I was clenching my fists and hesitated.
I did not even dare to step onto the platform subconsciously!
A figure dashed towards the square platform on the trial field suddenly.
The crowd turned around and saw a teenager from the Xiao clan running towards the square platform urgently.
“He has reached Seventh Stage of Dou Zhe at such a young age!
“He is indeed quite talented!”
They could not help but exclaim when they saw the teenager from the Xiao clan running towards the square platform.
His appearance diverted their attention for a while.
Huo Zhe also opened his eyes slowly on the square platform when he heard their exclamations.
He looked at that teenager curiously and said in a low voice, “It’s rare for someone in your clan to reach the Seventh Stage of Dou Zhe at such a young age.”
Then, he lowered his head and looked at me before he continued calmly, “Alright!
The crowd thought that I had given up when they heard Huo Zhe’s words!
They could not help but burst into cold laughter again!
I clenched my fists tightly and took a deep breath.
I closed my eyes and stepped onto the square platform slowly!
Huo Zhe opened his eyes when he saw me stepping onto the platform.
He looked at me calmly and said, “If you step onto this platform, I will start your training session immediately!
“Are you sure?”
I clenched my fists tightly and opened my eyes slowly.
I looked at Huo Zhe with determination and said firmly, “Yes, I am sure!”
“Very well!”Huozhe nodded his head slowly and said calmly, “Let’s begin then!”
A ray of warm sunlight shone on me when he said that.
My body felt warm all of a sudden as if I had found my way back home after being lost for many years!
The sun was shining gently on me!