MidReal Story

A third-generation member of t

Scenario: A third-generation member of the Asphalt Rippers MC, Ryder "RJ" Anderson, eagerly anticipates his patch day and reflects on the significance and history of the club, while his sister Willow tries to convince him to let her ride with him on the Razorback Run, a dangerous mountain road.
Create my version of this story
A third-generation member of the Asphalt Rippers MC, Ryder "RJ" Anderson, eagerly anticipates his patch day and reflects on the significance and history of the club, while his sister Willow tries to convince him to let her ride with him on the Razorback Run, a dangerous mountain road.
I’d been waiting for this day my whole life.
I can’t believe it’s finally here.
I look at the clock on the wall, counting down the minutes until my best friends come to pick me up.
It’s my patch day, one of the most important days in my life.
“RJ, c’mon we got customers.” I hear my dad yell from the kitchen.
I quickly grab the last basket of fries and drop them in the fryer.
I’ve been working at our family owned fast food restaurant for a few years now.
I help out as much as I can while still being in high school.
It takes every dollar we have to make ends meet, so I do whatever I can to help out.
Not to mention, I’m saving up for my first bike.
I can’t wait to feel that wind in my hair and open road under my tires.
My dad calls me again and I hurry to take the fryer basket out before heading into the dining room.
There are a few people sitting at tables and a couple of people at the counter ordering, but it’s not too busy.
My dad gives me a nod before he heads back into the kitchen.
I walk to the counter to clean up a bit when I see my best friends walk in the door.
I give them a small smile before they go sit down at one of the booths and wait for me to finish up.
It’s not long before everything is cleaned up and my dad tells me I can go ahead and leave.
I grab my backpack and walk towards the table where Noah, Ryder, Troy, Jake, and Carter are sitting.
This is it.
“I thought you would never get here.” Ryder says as he throws his arm around my shoulder when I stand next to him.
“C’mon, we have places to be.” Noah says as he stands up from the booth and tosses some money on the table to cover our food.
We all quickly head out of the restaurant and make our way towards Noah’s truck.
“Can you believe this is happening?”
Ryder says as we all climb into Noah’s truck and head towards the club house.
“I remember when my patch day came.” Noah says from the drivers seat.
“What about you, Carter?”
Ryder asks from the back seat next to me.
“It’s been a while since my patch day, but I remember it like it was yesterday.”
I look out the window as Noah drives us through town.
My heart beats a little faster when I see the club house coming into view.
I’ve spent so much time here that it feels like home to me too.
I remember when I was little my grandpa would bring me with him to the club house all of the time.
I would sit on his lap in his big chair while he told me stories about how the Asphalt Rippers got started.
He would tell me about all of the places they had been, all of the things they had done, and all of the people they had met along the way.
My grandpa is my hero in every way.
I loved getting to spend time with him at the club house, but my favorite times were when he would take me on rides with him.
At that young age, I was already a biker at heart.
He would put a helmet on my head and let me climb on behind him while we rode down the road.
I loved those rides more than anything in life at that point.
Even though my grandpa wasn’t around much while growing up, I always felt like he was there for me whenever I needed him most.
He’s the one who taught me that family will always come first no matter what.
He’s also the one who taught me that freedom is everything.
For years now I’ve wanted to be a biker just like my grandpa, and now that day is finally here.
“You ready for this?”
Noah asks as he parks his truck behind the club house close to where everyone puts their bikes when they come to party or hang out with each other.
“I was born ready.”
I say with a grin as I look over at Ryder.
“You know it.” He says as he throws his arm around my shoulder again before pulling me into a headlock.
I punch him in the ribs, and he lets go of me while we all laugh at each other and head inside to get ready for my patch day ceremony tonight.
I remember how in awe I was of my grandpa when I saw him in his vest for the first time that day, and I can’t wait to be wearing one of my own soon enough, too.
It’s been my dream to be an Asphalt Ripper since I was a little kid, and now my dream is finally coming true…
I remember what it was like before I had to worry about being in a relationship or having to answer to anyone but myself, before I became a biker, and before life got complicated with rules and expectations that I have to live by now that I’m a prospect in an outlaw MC club.
Those were much simpler times, and if I could go back to being a kid again, I would in a heartbeat.
When I was younger, all I had to worry about was having fun while riding bikes with my friends, getting into trouble, having adventures, and spending time with my sister Willow wherever and whenever I could.
We were inseparable, and in the beginning, she wanted to be just like me.
Now it’s more like she’s always trying to get under my skin or one-up me in some way whenever she can, but when we were kids, it was different.
Willow has always been a bit of an adrenaline junkie at heart, and growing up, we used to do everything together: ride down steep hills at full speed on our bikes, jump off cliffs into the lake at our family’s cabin, and even sneak out of the house at night when our parents were asleep just so we could go on a night hike through the woods by ourselves.