MidReal Story

A supreme master from the moun

Scenario: A supreme master from the mountains, a mysterious jade pendant that can foretell the future... A heavy responsibility to chase after the school girl! Still on orders from the schoolgirl's dad! Even though Lin Yi doesn't want to deal with this hard-to-serve Missy, the older generation's orders are hard to disobey, so he has to transfer all the way to Songshan City to be Missy's follower... So the most bullish follower in history has been presented.
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A supreme master from the mountains, a mysterious jade pendant that can foretell the future... A heavy responsibility to chase after the school girl! Still on orders from the schoolgirl's dad! Even though Lin Yi doesn't want to deal with this hard-to-serve Missy, the older generation's orders are hard to disobey, so he has to transfer all the way to Songshan City to be Missy's follower... So the most bullish follower in history has been presented.
On the evening of my return to the city, I entered a restaurant to order some dishes, but a mysterious man approached me, asking me if I was Lin Yi.
I looked at him and nodded.
He then took out a jade pendant and put it on the table, saying that he had been looking for me for a long time and he was glad that he finally found me.
He asked if I was willing to become his daughter's follower.
I was in disbelief.
What did he just say?
Becoming someone's follower?
How could that happen?
I just returned to the city from the mountain, and I had no intention to take any disciples or followers.
To be honest, I don’t like the idea of being someone’s follower.
As a supreme master from the mountains, I had been living alone for so many years, climbing up and down the mountains.
I had no time for others.
I can't even take care of myself properly, let alone others.
Thus, I declined politely, “I’m sorry.
I'm not free these days.”
The man said with a wry smile, “You don't have to rush to reject it, do you?”
I nodded and said, “Yes, I'm not free these days.”
The man asked, “How about next week?Are you free next week?Can you come to my house and have a look?”
I shook my head and said, “Sorry, I don’t have time next week either.”
The man was silent for a moment, then asked, “Since you’re so busy, why don’t you ask your teacher or your disciple to come and meet me?”
His tone became more serious.
I finally understood what he meant.
He wanted me to be his daughter’s follower.
My thoughts were in a mess.
Why did it have to be like this?
If he had asked me for my number or address, I would have given it to him without hesitation.
But he wanted me to be his daughter’s follower?
What kind of joke is this?
I'm not that easy to talk to others about this kind of thing.
It is too tasteless and unseemly for me to do this kind of thing!
Thus I refused again,” Sorry, I don't accept disciples and followers.”
The man looked at me and said tentatively,” Do you know who my daughter is?”
I shook my head,” No.”
His face changed and he said,” Since you don’t know her, just come with me tonight!We’ll meet and talk!”
I didn't expect him to insist on it.
What should I do?
It seemed that there was no way to escape from this restaurant without seeing his daughter.
But I really didn't want to be someone's follower.
the man called out,” Waiter!Check please!”
Then he took the jade pendant and walked outside.
I quickly went after him.
The man didn't walk too fast.
For me, who could walk 200 kilometers a day and climb mountains in one breath, it was easy to keep up with him.
When I just reached the entrance of the restaurant, the man stopped and said,” Lin Yi!You can't leave!”
I was taken aback.
When did he know my name?
After a moment of silence, I asked,” Who are you?And why should I be your daughter’s follower?”
The man turned around and looked at me.
There was a trace of anger in his eyes.
“You're asking me who I am?Haha!
I'm your father’s friend!
You see me as your father’s friend!
Don't forget that you still owe me a life!”
What is he talking about?
Owe him a life?
It seems that he is an old friend of my father.
But why do I owe him a life?
I was confused.
I have never seen him before!
Is he really an old friend of my father?
I shook my head.
“No!If you don't tell me the truth today and let me see your daughter tonight, I won't go with you!”
The man looked at me and asked,” Then tell me if you were the one who saved my daughter last night?”
I frowned and thought for a while.
It seemed that a girl was in danger last night.
She was almost raped by a group of gangsters.
I was passing by and I saved her.
But I didn’t expect her to be the daughter of this man!
So what he said was true.
I did save her last night!
The man looked at me and continued to say,” Since you saved my daughter last night, you owe me a life!You have to go with me tonight!”
I shook my head and asked,” Are you kidding me?Don't think of things so simply.
You almost lost your life last night!You owe me a life!If you won’t meet me tonight,I will just stand here and wait for you!”
The man stood at the entrance of the restaurant with his hands on his back and looked at me with a serious face.
“Lin Yi!Listen to me!My daughter is not an ordinary girl!
She is different from others!”
If you don't come with me tonight and see her, I will stay here and not leave!”
I shook my head helplessly.
This man is really stubborn!
He won't let me go if I don't agree with him tonight.
But… I couldn't do that either!
After thinking for a while, I said,” Fine!I'm going to meet your daughter tonight!But I have to go back home first!”
The man nodded,” Okay!Go back home first!”
Then he turned around and walked away.
I breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
He finally left!
The man's daughter?Did I save a student last night?
I went back home and took a bath.
I changed into a clean set of clothes.
I was about to go out when I heard my phone ringing.
I took a look and found it was from a stranger.
Who is calling me?
I picked up the phone and heard a man's anxious voice.
“Hello!Is this Lin Yi?”
I frowned and asked,” Who are you?How did you get my number?”
The man said,” I'm the father of the girl you saved last night!I got your number from a friend of mine!”
I nodded,” What's wrong?Why are you looking for me?”
The man said,” Lin Yi!Where are you now?Come to Tianji Restaurant now!
I want to discuss something with you!
I nodded helplessly,” Okay!I'm coming now!”
After hanging up the phone, I went downstairs and drove to the Tianji Restaurant.
When I arrived at the restaurant, I found that there were still people waiting for me.
When they saw me coming, they waved at me.
So they are!
I nodded at them and walked into the restaurant with them.
We entered a private room.
The man directly ordered some dishes and wine without asking for my opinion.
Then he poured a glass of wine for me and said,” Lin Yi!Thank you so much for saving my daughter last night!If it weren't for you, I would have lost my daughter tonight!Thank you!”
I shook my head and said,” No need to be so polite!If there is nothing else, I will go first!”
The man directly stopped me and said,” Lin Yi!You saved my daughter!
You are our benefactor!
You should sit down and drink with us today!”
I nodded,” Okay!I'll sit down and drink with you!”
But I can only drink a little bit!
I can’t drink anymore!
The man nodded,” It’s okay!It’s okay!Drink as much as you want!Don’t worry about it!”
As we were talking, the waiter served the food and wine.
The man picked up his glass and said,” Let's drink this glass of wine first!I'll drink it first!”
After saying that, he drank the whole glass of wine.
I picked up my glass and drank it all in one go.
Soon, I found that I had drunk three glasses of wine.
I didn't expect that we would finish three glasses of wine so quickly.
I shook my head helplessly.
I'm going to call a waiter!
But before I could call a waiter over, the man took out his phone and made a call.
After a while, a waiter came in.
I shook my head helplessly.
I'm not drunk at all!
But… I feel like I'm drunk!
The man put down his phone and looked at me with a smile.