MidReal Story

I couldn’t believe the email I was reading.

Scenario: bin_hlea created a new story using /start. **Scenario: Elon Musk challenges other tech billionaires to a high-stakes poker game, live-streamed, with the profits going to making America great again.
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bin_hlea created a new story using /start. **Scenario: Elon Musk challenges other tech billionaires to a high-stakes poker game, live-streamed, with the profits going to making America great again.
I couldn’t believe the email I was reading.
It was from Elon Musk, the richest tech billionaire in the world, and it had been sent to a select group of us other tech billionaires.
We were to play a high-stakes poker game and the profits would go to making America great again.
I’d always known that Elon was a bit of a joker but this seemed to be taking things to a whole new level.
He even said that we’d have to play wearing hats and sunglasses like movie stars.
Did he actually believe that that would be enough to keep our identities hidden?
The idea for the game was actually a brilliant one.
I had no doubt that it would be one of the most watched poker games ever, thanks to Elon’s massive following.
I also knew that he was a great poker player, and I was excited by the chance to prove myself against him.
I was 31 years old, tall, with dark hair, and I’d made my fortune by founding a company in Silicon Valley that created wearable technology.
Elon had suggested we all meet at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, which was a perfect venue for such an event.
I couldn’t wait to get there and show everyone exactly what I was made of.
But first, there were some preparations that needed to be made.
I asked my assistant to book me a room at the hotel for two nights, and to make sure that there would be a car waiting for me at the airport when I arrived.
Then I stood up from my desk and stretched out my arms before heading home for the day.
I could hardly wait for tomorrow when I would finally get to play poker against some of the richest men and women in the world.
And I also knew that it would be the first step on my journey toward becoming the richest person in the world.
It was going to be a long road but I couldn’t wait to get started on it.
I don’t think that I’ve ever felt so alive as when I sat down at the table for the game against those other billionaires.
I looked around at Emily White, who was one of the youngest tech billionaires in the room, as well as David Johnson, who wasn’t as young as us but still looked younger than his 38 years thanks to his medium build and glasses.
I knew that they were both incredible poker players, which meant that this game could go either way.
But even though there was an element of luck to poker, I felt like I was going to be able to take them both down.
That’s because I’m incredibly ambitious and competitive, and have always been that way ever since I was growing up in New York City with my parents and two sisters.
Of course, there were risks involved with this game, not least of which was the chance that we could lose all of our money, but it was also an incredible opportunity, and one that I couldn’t pass up.
It wasn’t every day that you got to play poker against some of the richest people on Earth, and especially not when it was for a good cause like this one was.