MidReal Story

A Hazbin Hotel episode followi

Scenario: A Hazbin Hotel episode following the events of season 1, with a very serious A plot and a very comedic B plot where the residents attempt to remove a hornets nest, no new characters
Create my version of this story
A Hazbin Hotel episode following the events of season 1, with a very serious A plot and a very comedic B plot where the residents attempt to remove a hornets nest, no new characters
I picked up my phone and pressed the answer button.
“Hello, this is Charlie from the Hazbin Hotel.
How may I help you?”
“Hello, my name is Asmodeus and I am a demon from Pentagram City.
I know my sins are unforgivable but I want to change.
I was recently killed by a sinner and I now fear for my life.
Please, I just want one more chance.”, the demon said in a desperate tone of voice.
I gulped nervously as I heard what Asmodeus said.
He wanted redemption?
This was a first.
“Give me one good reason why I should believe you?”, I asked him.
I heard a sigh on the other end of the line.
“I know it’s hard to believe, but I know I have done many terrible things in my life.
I want to make amends for the pain and suffering I have caused to others.
Just give me a second chance.”, Asmodeus pleaded.
Asmodeus was right about that.
He had done some awful things in his life.
But something about him sounded genuine.
I placed a hand on my hip and thought about it for a moment.
As much as I wanted to help him, we were dealing with other sinners right now.
We couldn’t just accept his request like that.
“I’m sorry but we are currently very busy dealing with other sinners at the moment.
We will get back to you when we can.”, I replied.
As much as I wanted to help him, he was right.
We were dealing with other sinners right now and we couldn’t just drop everything we were doing to help him.
Asmodeus went silent for a few seconds before speaking up again.
“Alright then, I understand.”, was all he said before hanging up.
I placed my phone on the desk and let out a sigh of relief.
That was close.
Suddenly, the door to the room burst open and Vaggie came running in with a worried expression on her face.
“Charlie, Angel!”, she shouted while Angel Dust floated behind her with a worried expression on his face as well.
“I overheard you guys talking to Asmodeus and I think it’s a terrible idea to let him in!
He’s one of the seven princes of Hell and he could be very dangerous if he wants to be!
Are you sure you want to do this?”, Vaggie asked us nervously.
I raised an eyebrow in confusion when I heard what Vaggie said.
“What do you mean you overheard us talking to Asmodeus?
We just talked to him over the phone and didn’t tell anyone about it!”, I replied.
Vaggie frowned at me and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I called bullshit on that!
If you didn’t tell anyone about talking to Asmodeus, then how did I know about it before heading here?”
Vaggie asked me sternly.