MidReal Story

Eternal Loop: A Portal Gun's Deadly Secret

Scenario: Portal gun infinite death glitch IRL
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Portal gun infinite death glitch IRL
In less than one minute, I was going to die.
Again, I amended, as the space around me started to warp in the same way it had when I was first sucked through a wormhole—the prototype of the portal gun we’d discovered a few months ago.
And by we, I mean Sarah Thompson, Chris Roberts, and I.
I’m Alex Johnson.
The tall guy with glasses, who prefers logic to chaos, and scientific experiments instead of thrill-seeking rides.
I have no talent for attracting trouble, yet somehow, Sarah seems to be able to bring it out of me.
She’s my best friend—a short, curly-haired redhead with a penchant for adventure and danger.
Chris is our other best friend, and he’s pretty good at keeping Sarah out of trouble.
Except when he isn’t.
You never know which way Chris is going to go—he’s easy-going and humorous, but he also has an athletic build and a knight-in-shining-armor complex that can make him do stupid things.
Like when he jumped through the wormhole to save me from being lost in limbo—
I felt my stomach turn as the space around me started to black out and a loud whoosh filled my ears.
This was not how I’d planned on spending my evening.
I kept my eyes open as long as I could, but the pressure became too much and I shut them tight against the sensation that my head was about to explode.
Then it stopped.
The pressure around me vanished like it had never existed.
My eyes shot open in surprise as I waited for my body to hit the ground or something else equally horrible to happen.
But nothing did.
It was as if I was floating in a void—there were no walls or floors or even air to breathe around me—just darkness, as far as I could see.
For a moment, I wondered if this is what being dead felt like—this complete lack of sensation and disorientation.
I pushed the panic down when it bubbled up in my chest and tried to think rationally about how I’d ended up here and what I could do about it.
The last thing I remembered was Sarah’s face.
She’d looked at me with that impish glint in her eye—the one that meant she was about to get me into trouble—and then she’d squeezed the trigger on the gun, even though I’d told her not to.
“Not without Chris,” I’d said with a scowl on my face.
We’d agreed that we’d only use the gun when all three of us were present after we’d learned the hard way that it was too easy to get sucked through and lost.
Sarah had laughed at me and aimed the gun at my chest before pulling the trigger.
I’d let out a yelp and then . . .
Well, then I was here—in some sort of void—wondering how much longer it would be until Sarah and Chris realized what they’d done and came back for me.
Which was more than a little terrifying because this wasn’t the first time we’d played around with the gun together.