MidReal Story

Prologue LILY I was nine years old when I met the devil. He had a wicked smile, and a mouth that got him in trouble. He took a special interest in making me miserable, and he never gave up. I hated him from the start. But I didn’t know, then, what was coming. I didn’t know he would destroy me. But he did. Chapter One LILY I’m going to make you mine someday, Lily. I just want to be your first. Your last. I want to be whatever you need me to be, and I want to give you whatever you want. But I can’t do that until you let me in. Until you tell me the truth. I can’t do it if you’re not honest with me. Ethan’s words from last night are still ringing in my ears, and I still don’t know how to respond. How do I tell him that he’s not my first? That he won’t be my last? How do I tell him that I can’t be honest with him, because if I am, there will be too much at risk? I can’t do it. It’s impossible. So I’m left with the only option I have left. I have to break his heart. I have to push him away. I have to hurt him before he gets the chance to hurt me. I’m going to make him wish that he’d never met Lily Parker. And then, maybe, he’ll finally leave me alone. LILY “Lily.” I hear my name, but I’m not sure where it’s coming from. The voice is so soft that it’s barely a whisper, and for a moment, I wonder if it’s all in my head. Then I feel someone shaking my shoulder, and I realize that the voice is real. It’s coming from somewhere in front of me, and when my eyes flutter open, I find myself staring into a pair of concerned brown eyes. “Lily,” the voice says again, and this time, I recognize it as Ethan’s.

Scenario: Lily despises Ethan Parker, her older brother's best friend, but one night, things change when she lets him into her bed, setting off a game where Lily intends to play Ethan at his own game and come out on top.
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Lily despises Ethan Parker, her older brother's best friend, but one night, things change when she lets him into her bed, setting off a game where Lily intends to play Ethan at his own game and come out on top.
I was nine years old when I met the devil. He had a wicked smile, and a mouth that got him in trouble. He took a special interest in making me miserable, and he never gave up.
I hated him from the start.
But I didn’t know, then, what was coming.
I didn’t know he would destroy me.
But he did.
Chapter One
I’m going to make you mine someday, Lily. I just want to be your first. Your last. I want to be whatever you need me to be, and I want to give you whatever you want. But I can’t do that until you let me in. Until you tell me the truth. I can’t do it if you’re not honest with me.
Ethan’s words from last night are still ringing in my ears, and I still don’t know how to respond.
How do I tell him that he’s not my first? That he won’t be my last?
How do I tell him that I can’t be honest with him, because if I am, there will be too much at risk?
I can’t do it. It’s impossible. So I’m left with the only option I have left.
I have to break his heart.
I have to push him away.
I have to hurt him before he gets the chance to hurt me.
I’m going to make him wish that he’d never met Lily Parker.
And then, maybe, he’ll finally leave me alone.
I hear my name, but I’m not sure where it’s coming from. The voice is so soft that it’s barely a whisper, and for a moment, I wonder if it’s all in my head.
Then I feel someone shaking my shoulder, and I realize that the voice is real. It’s coming from somewhere in front of me, and when my eyes flutter open, I find myself staring into a pair of concerned brown eyes.
“Lily,” the voice says again, and this time, I recognize it as Ethan’s.
I’m lying on my back with a terrible crick in my neck, and for a moment, I wonder how I got here. The last thing I remember is sitting in the back of a limo with Ethan, and now… now I’m not sure where I am. Or when.
The room is dimly lit, and the air smells musty and stale. There’s a single window in the corner with the blinds drawn, and I can see that it’s raining outside. The glass is fogged up, but I can make out the dark shapes of buildings in the distance. A city skyline. We’re in New York. And I’m in my bedroom in Manhattan.
I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes to clear my head.
“What time is it?” I ask Ethan.
He glances at his watch. “Almost midnight.”
Two hours ago, we were making out on a street corner in downtown New York. And now…
“Why did you bring me here?” I ask.
“Lily—” Ethan starts, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand. I’m not in the mood to hear his excuses. I’m not in the mood for his lies. I’m just… tired.
“Tell me what you want,” I say.
“Tell you what I want?”
Ethan asks, his voice rough.
“You know what I want.
I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks.”
I roll my eyes.
“Don’t be an asshole, Ethan.
I’m not stupid.”
He narrows his eyes at me, and for a moment, I think he’s going to hit me.
But then he takes a deep breath, and when he speaks again, his voice is cold and detached.
“I told you that you didn’t have to play games with me,” he says.
“All you had to do was tell me the truth.
Now it’s too late.”
It’s too late.
Those words are like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, I can’t breathe.
It’s too late.
It’s too late for what?
What has he done?
What do those words mean?
“What did you do?”
I demand.
Ethan just shakes his head.
“It doesn’t matter,” he says.
“Nothing matters anymore.” He turns to go, but before he can leave, I grab his arm.