MidReal Story

oops I overpaid

Scenario: Amazon's Jeff Bezos unveiled 'EchoLife', a system that uses AI to manage home life but Michael refunded it after store hours
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Amazon's Jeff Bezos unveiled 'EchoLife', a system that uses AI to manage home life but Michael refunded it after store hours
oops I overpaid
Chapter One
Sarah knew her husband was right. The new AI system their community had installed in their homes was a little too good to be true.
She stood in the kitchen, staring at the screen on the wall. It showed a picture of the family’s refrigerator, with a little bubble that said “Time to restock!” and then another bubble that said, “Click here to order your groceries!”
She’d set up the EchoLife three days before, and already she loved it. She’d been skeptical at first—David had been more than skeptical, he’d been almost angry when the community announced they were purchasing the EchoLife for every home in the area.
But Sarah was a tech-savvy young woman, and she was intrigued by the possibilities. It wasn’t that she was lazy—far from it. But the idea of having an AI system that could handle some of her most mundane tasks appealed to her.
So she’d installed the EchoLife, and so far, it hadn’t disappointed her.
She clicked on the fridge bubble. “Tell me what I need to buy,” she said.
The system started listing off the things she was running out of: milk, butter, eggs, bread, a few other things.
She didn’t even have to make a list and go to the store. It would be delivered to her door within hours.
All she had to do was put it away. And wash her hair and get dressed first. The EchoLife had told her it was time to shower and get dressed for the day, and she was happy to oblige. She felt like she was getting so much more done these days.
“Hey honey,” she said as she headed into the living room. Her three-year-old, Timmy, was sitting on the couch watching his favorite cartoon.
“Sarah?” David said from down the hall.
“Yeah, I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll put away the groceries,” she said. “Should only be a few more minutes.”
“Alright,” David said. She could hear him fiddling with something in the bedroom. He’d been working from home all week because of a back injury, but he refused to let it slow him down.
She went into the bedroom and found David sitting on the bed with his laptop open.
“You’re not supposed to be working,” she said with a smile.
He shrugged. “I’m not anywhere near as productive as I am in the office, but I can at least keep up with my email.”
“How’s your back doing today? Is it any better?”
He winced as he shifted on the bed. “I’ve been icing it for most of the day and taking ibuprofen every four hours. It doesn’t hurt as bad as it did, but it’s still pretty bad.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I wish there was something I could do.”
He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap. “There is something you could do.”
His eyes were smoky as he looked at her. She wanted to give in to him, but she felt guilty. The EchoLife had already told her it wasn’t time for that yet. She should put away the groceries first.
“Not yet,” she said. “I have to put away the groceries.”
“Have you eaten yet today?” he asked, leaning forward so his lips brushed against her earlobe.
“I had a muffin this morning.”
“That’s all?”
She nodded against his chest. “I was getting Timmy ready for school.”
He kissed her neck, and shivers ran down her spine.
“I can make you something,” he said. “You should eat before you get in the shower. You don’t want to pass out and hit your head or something.”
She nodded and kissed him on the cheek. “That would be nice.”
She went back into the living room and Timmy was still sitting on the couch, staring at the TV.
“Timmy, honey, it’s time for you to get dressed for the day,” she said.
The EchoLife had told her that morning that she needed to help Timmy dress and get ready for the day. She didn’t know how she’d ever lived without it.
“Nuh-uh,” Timmy said. He didn’t even look away from the TV.
“Maybe your daddy can help you,” she said.
“Daddy’s working,” Timmy said.
She sighed. “Alright, well I need you to get dressed. Do you think you can do it by yourself?”
“Yup,” he said, still watching the TV. He didn’t make any move to get up off the couch.
She smiled. “I’m going to go take a shower now, okay?”
He didn’t answer her. She figured he was too engrossed in his cartoons to hear her. She went into the kitchen to make herself something to eat. She wasn’t really hungry, but she knew David was right. She needed to eat something.
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself too!” the screen on the wall said as soon as she walked in the kitchen.
“And I was thinking about buying a new clock today,” she muttered under her breath. She wondered if that was something that had been built into all AI systems, or if the EchoLife screen could actually watch her throughout the house.