MidReal Story

Chapter 1 Lala's P.O.V I stared at the pregnancy test kit in my hand, and my body began to tremble violently. It was positive. When did this happen? A month ago, my period had been delayed by a week. I had thought that I was pregnant, so I had taken a test, and the result had been negative. But now? I felt my body turn cold. My boyfriend's phone rang again. He was in the bathroom right now. At this moment, his phone was on the dressing table with a woman's name on it. Yamaki. He must have been with her last night. I forced myself to calm down and put the pregnancy test kit in the drawer before I went to the dressing table and picked up his phone. The phone screen lit up, and it displayed a message. "Yamaki, I already told you that I would go for an abortion today. You don't have to worry." My heart sank as I looked at the text message. Did she get pregnant as well? At this moment, I heard the sound of water from the bathroom stopping. I quickly put the phone back on the dressing table and ran back to the bed. In less than a minute, the bathroom door opened, and my boyfriend, Yamaki, walked out wearing a bathrobe with his short hair still dripping water. Yamaki was a very good-looking man. His eyes were deep-set, and his lips were thin. His body was like a piece of exquisite art. Every time he appeared in front of me, he would make my heart skip a beat. But his personality was terrible. As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he looked at me and said coldly, "Get up." I looked at him and didn't move. He frowned impatiently and asked again, "Do you not want to live?" "I'm so tired. Let me sleep a little longer." I turned around and continued to sleep with my back to him. I thought he would leave after hearing my words like he always did. But this time, he actually came over and grabbed my arm. "Yamaki, you're bullying me!" I cried out painfully as he dragged me off the bed. Yamaki frowned and said coldly, "You're pregnant. You're not allowed to lie down and be lazy. Get up." Pregnant? What did he mean by that? I forced myself to calm down as I supported myself against the bed. My arms were wrapped around my stomach as I looked at him with a pale face. "How do you know that I'm pregnant?" Yamaki narrowed his eyes as he looked at me with a frown. A cold voice came from his mouth: "So you really are pregnant." He didn't answer my question because he hadn't expected me to be pregnant. He didn't even know how I could get pregnant. I said weakly as if I had used all my strength to say those words: "I took a pregnancy test just now. It's positive." Yamaki frowned and looked at me for a moment before he turned around and left the bedroom. I laid on the bed for a while before I sat up and walked out of the bedroom. Yamaki was sitting on the sofa in the living room while looking at a document in his hand. When he heard me coming out, he put down the document and looked at me. "Come here." He looked at me and said in a low voice. I looked at him but didn't move.

Scenario: "You are not a person or anything to me, never have any expectations from me. You were bought to play the role of lesbian and satisfy my sexual desire." My partner Yamaki said without any regrets . My eyes filled with tears but I refused to cry for this man who slept with other women in front of me. I looked him in the eyes and answered; "Yes," "No," he growled, "Yes, Yamaki," I repeated as he walked past me, and once he was out of my sight, my legs I became weak and tears rolled down my cheeks. ..."You're pregnant, Lala, congratulations," my world stopped as I looked at the doctor, she was so excited that there was going to be an heir, but I wasn't, when you have an heir, You can't be like this. Suffering so much at the hands of your destined partner. I ran and ran, but it wasn't far enough for the mighty Yamaki .
Create my version of this story
"You are not a person or anything to me, never have any expectations from me. You were bought to play the role of lesbian and satisfy my sexual desire." My partner Yamaki said without any regrets . My eyes filled with tears but I refused to cry for this man who slept with other women in front of me. I looked him in the eyes and answered; "Yes," "No," he growled, "Yes, Yamaki," I repeated as he walked past me, and once he was out of my sight, my legs I became weak and tears rolled down my cheeks. ..."You're pregnant, Lala, congratulations," my world stopped as I looked at the doctor, she was so excited that there was going to be an heir, but I wasn't, when you have an heir, You can't be like this. Suffering so much at the hands of your destined partner. I ran and ran, but it wasn't far enough for the mighty Yamaki .
Chapter 1
Lala's P.O.V
I stared at the pregnancy test kit in my hand, and my body began to tremble violently.
It was positive.
When did this happen?
A month ago, my period had been delayed by a week. I had thought that I was pregnant, so I had taken a test, and the result had been negative.
But now?
I felt my body turn cold.
My boyfriend's phone rang again. He was in the bathroom right now.
At this moment, his phone was on the dressing table with a woman's name on it.
He must have been with her last night.
I forced myself to calm down and put the pregnancy test kit in the drawer before I went to the dressing table and picked up his phone.
The phone screen lit up, and it displayed a message.
"Yamaki, I already told you that I would go for an abortion today. You don't have to worry."
My heart sank as I looked at the text message.
Did she get pregnant as well?
At this moment, I heard the sound of water from the bathroom stopping. I quickly put the phone back on the dressing table and ran back to the bed.
In less than a minute, the bathroom door opened, and my boyfriend, Yamaki, walked out wearing a bathrobe with his short hair still dripping water.
Yamaki was a very good-looking man. His eyes were deep-set, and his lips were thin. His body was like a piece of exquisite art. Every time he appeared in front of me, he would make my heart skip a beat.
But his personality was terrible.
As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he looked at me and said coldly, "Get up."
I looked at him and didn't move.
He frowned impatiently and asked again, "Do you not want to live?"
"I'm so tired. Let me sleep a little longer." I turned around and continued to sleep with my back to him.
I thought he would leave after hearing my words like he always did. But this time, he actually came over and grabbed my arm.
"Yamaki, you're bullying me!" I cried out painfully as he dragged me off the bed.
Yamaki frowned and said coldly, "You're pregnant. You're not allowed to lie down and be lazy. Get up."
What did he mean by that?
I forced myself to calm down as I supported myself against the bed. My arms were wrapped around my stomach as I looked at him with a pale face. "How do you know that I'm pregnant?"
Yamaki narrowed his eyes as he looked at me with a frown. A cold voice came from his mouth: "So you really are pregnant."
He didn't answer my question because he hadn't expected me to be pregnant. He didn't even know how I could get pregnant.
I said weakly as if I had used all my strength to say those words: "I took a pregnancy test just now. It's positive."
Yamaki frowned and looked at me for a moment before he turned around and left the bedroom.
I laid on the bed for a while before I sat up and walked out of the bedroom.
Yamaki was sitting on the sofa in the living room while looking at a document in his hand. When he heard me coming out, he put down the document and looked at me.
"Come here." He looked at me and said in a low voice.
I looked at him but didn't move.
I didn't know how I got pregnant, but the only person who could be the father of my baby was him.
We've been together for more than a year, but he's never said anything about being with other women, and I've never heard of him going out to play with other women. This was the first time I'd ever seen him with another woman. It was also the first time I saw him with another woman in bed.
I will never forget that night, the woman's voice was so loud that it woke me up in the middle of the night.
I got up and went to the bathroom, and I heard her crying out Yamaki's name in a loud voice.
I was so scared that my legs went weak, and I almost fell to the ground.
I was so afraid of what would happen if she got pregnant.
Thinking of this, I walked up to Yamaki and asked, "The woman you were with last night, who is she to you?"
Yamaki looked at me as if he was a little surprised that I would ask such a question. His voice was low as he said, "She's my sister."
Chapter 2 The Baby Is Not His
"She's your sister?" I repeated his words in a low voice.
There was no change on his face, but I could see a trace of indifference in his eyes.
The Yamaki family was a famous rich family. He had once mentioned to me that he had a sister. But his sister had died in an accident when she was young.
It must not have been easy for him to grow up after his sister died.
I thought to myself, so it turned out that his sister didn't die. She's still alive.
I stood there and didn't move. A few seconds later, he asked me in a cold voice, "Did you not hear what I said?"
I shook my head. "Then why are you so surprised?"
I hesitated for a few seconds before I finally asked, "Then is she pregnant?"
He looked at me with an indifferent expression and said coldly, "What does it have to do with you whether she is pregnant or not?"
I opened my mouth but didn't say anything because I knew it had nothing to do with me.
But then he said coldly again: "She has done abortion before. She won't be pregnant again."
I knew who he was talking about.
It must be the message on his phone.
He must have been afraid that I would find out, so he deliberately left the message on the phone for me to see before he took the phone away from me. He must have known that I would look at his phone when he was taking a shower.
As long as I thought about it, I understood everything.
Thinking of this, I felt that my heart was shattered into pieces. My eyes reddened as I looked at him. I had wanted to leave, but I didn't know where I could go.
I knew that after I left here, he wouldn't let me go easily because I was pregnant with his child.
I also knew that even if I didn't leave the house, he might still do something to make me have a miscarriage. He would never allow anyone else's child to be the heir of the Yamaki family.
I closed my eyes, and two lines of tears fell down from the corner of my eyes.
At this moment, Yamaki reached out his hand and rubbed away the tears on my face. He said softly, "Lala, don't cry. I won't let you have a miscarriage. You are the only person who can give birth to my child."
I looked at him in disbelief. "Yamaki, you're really crazy!"
His eyes darkened for a moment before he looked at me with an even colder gaze. "Lala, I'm your boyfriend. I'm going to marry you. You're naturally going to give birth to my child. Is there any problem with that?"
I glared at him and said angrily, "Yes! There is a problem!"
He was stunned for a moment before he asked in surprise, "Lala, don't you want to marry me? Don't you want your child to be the heir of the Yamaki family?"
I sneered at his words. "Who said I want to marry you? Who said that I want my children to be the heirs of the Yamaki family?"
After I finished saying that, he looked at me with an unbelievable expression on his face.
He said coldly: "Lala, didn't you tell me before that you want to marry me? Didn't you say that you want your children to be the heirs of the Yamaki family?"
I looked at him with a dismissive expression. "What did you say? What kind of person am I? How could I say that?"
He gritted his teeth and said, "Lala, don't try to play me. I have a recording of what you said before. If you don't believe it, I'll play it for you now."
I snorted coldly. "Okay, then play it for me. I want to see what I said before." Then, I looked at him coldly.
He looked at me coldly for a while before he took out his phone from his pocket. He unlocked the screen of his phone with his fingerprint, opened a folder, found a file, and then pressed the play button.
After I heard the content of the recording, I realized what had happened.
It turned out that I had been cheated by him using a pre-recorded voice!
Chapter 3
Why do you want to force me?
Chapter 3
Why do you want to force me?
I looked at the man who was looking at me coldly.
At this moment, my heart was filled with anger.
I clenched my fists tightly, and my nails cut deeply into my palms.
However, I didn't feel any pain at all.
"Yamaki, this is what you did! You lied to me using a pre-recorded voice!" I said angrily.
Yamaki ignored the anger on my face. He then said, "Lala, this is your own fault."
My heart sank when I heard what he said. I knew that even if I argued with him again, it would be useless. It was just like what he had said before—my mouth was too dirty!
Then, I turned around and left the room. The anger in my eyes gradually subsided.
When he saw that I hadn't spoken for a long time, he called out to me softly, "Lala." The tone of his voice was gentle.
However, it was a pity that I no longer believed him.
When he walked over to me, he held my wrist and stopped me from moving forward.
"Lala, let's get married," he said seriously.
His words made me feel as if thunder had struck my mind. My body froze there and I stood still.
I looked at him in a daze and asked, "What did you say?"
I really couldn't believe that I had heard his words correctly!
He looked at me and said, "Lala, I want to marry you."
I shook my head when I heard what he said. I looked at him and said, "Yamaki, are you crazy? We're not a couple at all. Why should we get married?"
He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t speak anymore as well. After a while, he spoke up, "Lala, I don’t want to hear the word 'no' from you."
At this moment, I finally understood what he meant. He wanted to force me to get married!
I tried to struggle free from his grip, but it was useless. I could only look at him and ask, "Yamaki, are you a human or a beast?"
He looked at me coldly and said, "Make your own choice!"
When I saw how heartless he was, I really couldn't think of anything else to do. My heart was filled with anger and unwillingness.
I could only point at him and curse before my world turned black and I fainted. Perhaps I used too much strength last night, and that caused me to faint. When I woke up again, I found myself lying on the bed. It felt like my whole body was falling apart. I couldn't help but frown. Just then, the door opened, and Yamaki walked in with a bowl of porridge in his hands. When he saw that I had woken up, he put the porridge on the bedside table and said, "Lala, get up and have some porridge."
I sat up on the bed and asked weakly, "Did I faint last night?"
I looked at him and said, "I don't care. I won't marry you." When Yamaki heard what I said, he went silent. He raised his head and looked at me. After a while, he asked, "Why?" I looked at him and said, "Why? Do I need a reason for that? I only know that I do not want to marry you." He didn’t say anything, and I didn’t speak anymore as well. After a while, he spoke up, "Lala, I don’t want to hear the word 'no' from you." At this moment, I finally understood what he meant. He wanted to force me to get married! I tried to struggle free from his grip, but it was useless. I could only look at him and ask, "Yamaki, are you a human or a beast?"
He looked at me coldly and said, "Make your own choice!"
When I saw how heartless he was, I really couldn't think of anything else to do. My heart was filled with anger and unwillingness.
I could only point at him and curse before my world turned black and I fainted. Perhaps I used too much strength last night, and that caused me to faint. When I woke up again, I found myself lying on the bed. It felt like my whole body was falling apart. I couldn't help but frown. Just then, the door opened, and Yamaki walked in with a bowl of porridge in his hands. When he saw that I had woken up, he put the porridge on the bedside table and said, "Lala, get up and have some porridge."
I sat up on the bed and asked weakly, "Did I faint last night?"
Yamaki took a towel and wiped my forehead gently.
His movements were very gentle.
When he saw that my forehead wasn't hot anymore, he stopped and sat down beside me.
Then, he looked at me gently and said, "Yes, because you were too tired last night."
I couldn't help but frown when I heard what he said.
I looked at him and said, "I'm not tired at all.
Besides, even if I'm tired, it's none of your business.
Why are you so good to me?"
"I'm the father of the child in your belly.
It's natural for me to be good to you."
When I heard what he said, I rolled my eyes and said, "The child is not yours, so why are you being so good to me?"
His eyes darkened, and his face turned cold.
He stared at me and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say?
I looked at him and said with a smile, "I said that the child is not yours."
Chapter Five
I didn’t think that he would suddenly raise his hand and slap me hard.
When I felt the pain on my face, I was stunned.
The corners of my eyes immediately turned red.
I looked at him and said in a deep voice, "Are you crazy?
You actually dared to hit me!"
He looked at me coldly and said, "You have a big mouth!
All this time, you've been talking nonsense!
It's already tolerable enough for me to not beat you up!"
When I heard what he said, I couldn't help but frown.
I looked at him and asked seriously, "Yamaki, are you the one who brought me back last night?"
He was stunned and asked in confusion, "What did you say?"
I looked at him and repeated what I had just asked.
He was speechless for a while before saying, "Yes.
He looked at me coldly and asked in a deep voice, "Lala?
Where did you go last night?"
I pursed my lips and said in a serious manner, "I went to the hotel to drink with my friends from college."
Confusion flashed across Yamaki's eyes as he asked in surprise, "You still have friends from college?"
I rolled my eyes at him and said impatiently, "Of course.
Do you think that everyone is as lonely as you?"
When Yamaki heard what I said, his expression became even more unsightly.
He looked at me and said in a deep voice, "Lala, watch your words!"
After that, he turned around and walked out of the room without saying anything else.
Chapter Six
I didn't know why Yamaki suddenly changed his attitude towards me.
But I knew that he couldn't be the father of my child.
Because it was obviously a man other than him who had done it to me.
So, I couldn't admit it even if he beat me to death.
A few days later, Yamaki suddenly came to find me.
He told me to go meet him at my shop in half an hour.
When he saw me, he acted as if nothing had happened before.
It was winter now, and the weather was getting colder. Yamaki, who had just come in from outside, was in a hurry to take off his coat.
He put his coat on the sofa and sat down. He saw that there were slippers on the floor, so he went over and changed into them.
After changing into the slippers, he came to me and knocked on the counter a few times.
"Lala, why is there no one in your shop now?" he asked with a frown.
I curled my lips at him and said, "What are you complaining about? You're the only customer here today. It's not like you're not used to it."
Yamaki was speechless for a moment when he heard what I said, but then he reached out his hand and pinched my face.
"Lala, are you still speaking so rudely to your customer?"
he asked coldly. His tone was very forceful.
I shook off his hand and said in dissatisfaction, "Hmph.
What do you want?"
Yamaki snorted coldly and said, "Lala, you have such an attitude towards me every time.
I'm only here to buy something, not to steal something from you.
If I knew you were so unfriendly, I wouldn't have come here today."
After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the room.
I hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Which item do you want?
I'll give you a discount."
Yamaki looked at me and said, "It's very expensive?"
I nodded and said seriously, "Yes."
Yamaki asked with a smile, "Are you sure you want to sell it to me?"
I curled my lips at him and said, "What?
You don't want to buy it anymore?"
Yamaki asked with a smile, "How much is this thing?"
I thought for a moment before taking out my phone and showing the picture of the ring to Yamaki.
"Look, how good is it?"
Yamaki looked at the phone and frowned.
"Lala, what is this?
This looks like some cheap stuff.
Are you sure you bought this ring for sixty-eight thousand dollars?"
I was so angry that my eyes turned red.
"Yamaki, I'm telling you!
This is an authentic diamond ring!
How can it be fake?"
Yamaki glanced at the picture on my phone again before turning around and walking out without saying anything else.
I ran out after him and shouted, "Yamaki!
Where are you going?
Hurry up and take a look.
I'll sell it to you at sixty-eight thousand dollars!"
Yamaki suddenly turned around and walked over to me.
He asked with a smile, "Lala, really?
You really want to sell it to me?"
I nodded seriously.
"I should have sold it to my friend for seventy-five thousand dollars just now."
Yamaki smiled and said, "All right, I'll take it!"
I nodded and took the diamond ring from the counter.
I said proudly, "This is authentic!
Look at it yourself."
After Yamaki looked at it carefully for a while, he didn't say anything else but took out his wallet and handed me seventy thousand dollars.
I hurriedly took the money and happily gave him the diamond ring.
Yamaki smiled at me before turning around and leaving with the diamond ring.
After watching him leave, I tightened the collar of my clothes and suddenly felt a little cold in my heart.
I found that the relationship between us was very peaceful when we were not together.
But once we were together again, we would definitely have some friction.
Yamaki came to find me every day after that to buy things in my shop.
He didn't look down on anything I sold in my shop anymore.
We always fought over every item he wanted to buy.
"Mr. Yamaki, this is really the best gemstone I have here," I said to Yamaki as I held up an emerald ring.
Yamaki glanced at it and frowned slightly, "This color is too dark. I don't like it."
"How about this one?" I asked as I showed him another one.
"The design of this ring is too simple. It's not my style." Yamaki shook his head again.
I had been trying to sell him a piece of jewelry for a long time, but he didn't like any of them.
Seeing how picky Yamaki was, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
After that, I took out another piece of jewelry from my bag and showed it to him.
Yamaki's eyes instantly lit up when he saw it. "This is pretty."
"This is a limited edition. It's very rare. This is the only one in the entire world. If you miss this chance today, you won't be able to buy it again in the future," I said seriously as I looked at him with a smile.
Yamaki immediately took it from my hands carefully. He looked at it carefully as well. "I like it."
"It's the only one. What do you think about the price? Just name it," I said with a smile.
"What makes you think that I will just buy it without any discount?" Yamaki asked as he glanced at me with a slight frown on his forehead.
I rolled my eyes and almost said that I knew he was a poor guy who didn't have much money on him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bargained with me every time he came here to buy something. However, when the words reached the tip of my tongue, I swallowed them back down.
When Yamaki saw that I was still smiling at him without any response, he couldn't help but frown a little more tightly. He was a little unhappy that I wasn't giving him a discount.
"Don't you know that you should give a discount instead of asking me for the price?"
I shrugged. "The price is one hundred thousand dollars. If you agree to it now, you can pay me right away. If you don't want it anymore, then I'll put it back in the bag."
When Yamaki saw that I was not going to give him any discount no matter what, he couldn't help but sigh a little helplessly.
He nodded his head and said to me, "I really can't do anything to you." As he spoke, he took out his wallet and handed me the money.
Yamaki's expression was a little strange when he handed me the money.
Looking at his expression, I suddenly had an illusion that his expression now was the same as when I first met him.
It was so cold and indifferent as if we were still strangers who didn't know each other at all.
After receiving the money from him, I immediately gave him the diamond ring.
Yamaki took it from my hands carefully.
He looked at it carefully and then put it on his middle finger.
He looked at it from various angles and said to me confidently, "It looks good on me."
I smiled at him and said, "It's really pretty."
As soon as I said that, Yamaki's face darkened instantly.
He suddenly looked up and stared at me fiercely.
His eyes were full of anger and killing intent.
He grabbed my arm and asked me in a deep voice, "What did you just say?"
Chapter 4 - What Did You Just Say?
"What did you just say?" Yamaki repeated what I had just said again in a deep voice.
His eyes were fixed on me firmly as if he wanted to know every single one of my thoughts in my head right now.
When I saw his expression, I could not help but be stunned by him for a moment.
I quickly came back to my senses and said to him with a smile on my face, "Didn't I say that the diamond ring looks pretty? Why are you suddenly so angry?"
When I saw him staring at me like this out of nowhere, I thought that he must have been thinking about something else.
However, it was obvious that I had no idea what he was thinking in his head.
When he heard what I said, it was as if he was suddenly struck by lightning.
His expression darkened.
His entire person was shrouded in an eerie aura.
He looked like he wanted to kill someone right now.
When I saw this, I couldn't help but feel a little scared in my heart.
'What is wrong with this guy?
Why did he suddenly become so angry?
Is it because he heard something that he shouldn't have heard from me?
However, I don't think I've ever said anything wrong just now.'
"Yamaki, what's wrong with you?
Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" I asked him carefully.
"I'm not angry!"
Yamaki shouted at me in an angry tone.
Then, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.
After calming down a little, he looked at me and said in a deep voice, "Lala, you are not allowed to say such things in the future.
"You are a woman.
You should know what you can say and what you can't say!
he said in a deep voice.
I stared at him blankly.
'What does he mean?
Why doesn't he allow me to say that the diamond ring looks good on him?
It was the truth!
Could it be that he really hates being close to women that much?'
When I saw that he was staring at me coldly, I could only nod my head obediently.
"I understand, sir!" I replied in a low voice.
After hearing my words, Yamaki finally relaxed his furrowed brows.
He looked at the diamond ring in his hand again.
He still liked it very much.
He could buy it and give it to the woman he liked.
It was just that she would leave soon, and there would be no chance to meet again.
At this moment, Yamaki suddenly thought of an idea.
He raised his head and looked at me with an evil smile on his face.
"Lala, do you want to know what kind of woman I like?
I can tell you!
I can even let you experience what it's like to be the woman I like!"
Chapter Three
The Man Who Likes To Dominate
After Yamaki said this, he put down the diamond ring in his hand and turned around to leave.
I watched him leave in confusion.
I did not understand what he meant when he said those words to me.
However, after a while, he did not come back as he said.
The next day, Yamaki came to my shop again.
"Miss Lala, here's the list of samples I want to see today. Please prepare them for me."
After saying this, he handed over a list to me in an elegant manner.
I took the list from him and glanced at it. There were about seven or eight types of jewelry on it, all of which were quite expensive jewelry.
After seeing the prices of these jewelry, I knew that their prices were definitely not cheap.
I nodded and agreed.
Then, I turned around and walked towards the door to call for someone.
"Old Ma, prepare these jewelry samples for Mr. Yamaki," I said.
Old Ma nodded and agreed.
I stood up and walked towards the inner room.
I took out a few boxes of the jewelry samples in my bag and then went back to the counter.
I opened the boxes and took out the jewelry according to the list.
Then, I checked them in front of him.
After a while, Yamaki finally chose a ring from all these jewelry samples.
The diamond ring was priced at four hundred thousand yuan.
Yamaki looked at it carefully for a long time before he was sure that he liked it very much. Then, he looked up at me.
"Miss Lala, how many discounts can you give me?"
"I'm sorry. The price of this ring has already been calculated according to the discount. We really can't give any more discount."
I shook my head and refused.
Yamaki frowned slightly.
He was obviously very dissatisfied with my answer.
After thinking for a while, he still took out his card to pay.
As a result, when he heard my answer, his eyes suddenly turned cold.
"Alright. Since you've already said that, then I won't say anything else. Just hurry up and check out."
He said as he took out his card and swiped it directly without saying anything else.
After paying, he turned around and left without looking back.
I couldn't help but frown when I saw his actions.
I thought to myself that this Yamaki truly had a bad temper.
However, this didn't stop him from coming to my shop frequently after buying jewelry once again.
It was just like before as he came over often to look at jewelry samples.
I thought that it would be better if we could talk less as time went by.
I remembered Yamaki's last visit.
After choosing the type of jewelry he liked, Yamaki suddenly looked at me with a smile.
"Miss Lala, you'd better not look down on any men who come out of your manor from now on."
"Why is that?" I asked.
"Because they might be able to make you experience being a woman," Yamaki said with a smile.
I frowned slightly.
I didn't understand what he meant by this.
However, his words made me feel a little uneasy for some reason after thinking about it carefully.
After Yamaki left, I tried my best to avoid thinking about what he said.
However, his words still echoed in my ears from time to time.
One day when Yamaki came back again, after choosing the type of jewelry he liked, he suddenly looked at me with an evil smile.
"Miss Lala, you'd better not look down on any men who come out of your manor from now on," Yamaki said with an evil smile.
Yamaki was wearing a black suit with his hands in his pockets. He looked tall and mighty like a prince coming over from a fairy tale world. His eyes were sharp as if they could see through people's thoughts.
"Why is that?" I asked with confusion.
"Because they might be able to make you experience being a woman." Yamaki said with an evil smile.
I frowned slightly. "I don't understand what you mean."
Yamaki turned around and walked away without saying anything.
I didn't understand what he meant by this.
However, his words made me feel a little uneasy for some reason after thinking about it carefully.
After Yamaki left, I tried my best to avoid thinking about what he said.
However, his words still echoed in my ears from time to time.
One day when Yamaki came back again, I brought out all my unique jewelry for him to choose from.
He had never seen any of them before and was happy after seeing them.
After choosing the type of jewelry he liked, Yamaki suddenly looked at me with an evil smile.
"Miss Lala, you'd better not look down on any men who come out of your manor from now on," Yamaki said with an evil smile.
Chapter 4 Yamaki’s Woman
Yamaki was wearing a black suit with his hands in his pockets.
He looked tall and mighty like a prince coming over from a fairy tale world.
His eyes were sharp as if they could see through people's thoughts.
"Why is that?" I asked with confusion.
"Because you might experience being a woman if you ever underestimate them." He said with an evil smile.
Leaving those words, Yamaki left in no time.
His car disappeared into the night as fast as it appeared in front of me.
That night I couldn't sleep well because of what Yamaki had told me.
The next day, I went to my shop as usual, but this time I felt uneasy and scared for some reason.
Every time I choose jewelry for my customers, I always imagine how those jewelry look good on them.
Whether it suits their personality or not.
As soon as I opened the door, Yamaki was already there by the front door waiting for me.
I was stunned for a moment when I saw him there so sudden like that.
"You're here early." That was all I could say after snapping out of it.
"I can't wait to see you, Miss Lala." He came over closer with an evil smile.
Yamaki came over closer with an evil smile..
Chapter 5 The First Night
I was speechless since his words weren't clear enough for me to understand.
But then he suddenly put his hand inside his pocket and threw something in front of me.
I picked it up and saw it was a diamond ring with a cat shaped gemstone in the middle of it.
Yamaki went away after throwing it in front of me like that without saying anything at all.
I looked at the ring carefully for a bit.
It was beautiful and expensive. But why did he give this ring to me so suddenly like that?
I took the ring and put it on my finger for a bit before going inside my shop.
The next 4 months have been very hectic for me because of the preparation for our wedding which will be held tomorrow.
It's not easy for me at all to be with him this long every single day.
Yamaki always gets home late at night or early in the morning because of work.
I thought he would at least have some time for us to spend together since we're getting married tomorrow, but I guessed I'm wrong…
Yamaki's been very busy with work lately. So I didn't dare to bother him at all or try to talk about this matter with him again…
For the past 4 months, we haven't got any closer at all like other couples do…
I've been sleeping alone in a big empty bed every single night, waking up in the morning without seeing him or even have breakfast together…
But I think I'm used to it already…
If this is what he wants, I will try my best to get used to it…
After knowing that I’m pregnant, I realize that it's too late for me now no matter how hard I try to run away from him.
Chapter 3 - Who is the real father?
Tomorrow will be the day of our wedding and till now, I still can't believe everything is happening so fast…
I've been busy preparing everything today. So I went back home a little bit late than usual. But as soon as I opened the door, the first thing I noticed is the light from a bedroom upstairs that's shining through the gap under the door…
I couldn't help but wonder why is there a light in the bedroom since I'm sure that I didn't turn it on before I left?
Could it be Yamaki who's back now?
As I tiptoed towards the bedroom, I could hear some weird noises coming from inside the room…
I immediately opened the door to see what was going on and to my surprise, I saw Yamaki sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand while looking at some pictures of other women on his phone…
Even though I'm not 100% sure whether these women are his friends or colleagues, but I can tell that these pictures aren't just normal pictures that friends would take…
The way they were posing is so seductive and they look like they're trying hard to get some attention from him…
Yamaki realized that I'm staring at him and when he saw me, he quickly hid his phone behind his back and turned off the light in his eyes.
"Lala, you're home already? You must be very tired after working so hard today, right?" Yamaki smiled at me gently and sweetly as if there's nothing wrong with him.
"Yes… I'm a little bit tired after doing so many things…" I replied before walking past him towards the bathroom.
"Then you should go to sleep early…" He said before leaning forward to kiss me on my cheek with a sweet smile on his face.
After taking a quick shower, I laid on the bed and closed my eyes…
But somehow, I couldn't fall asleep…
Even though we've been together for quite some time now, this is the first time I've ever seen Yamaki looking at any woman other than me with that kind of expression in his eyes…
And those women in those pictures look so attractive and seductive too…
I couldn't help but feel so insecure after seeing those pictures…
But what's even more surprising is that, I'm NOT pregnant.
I did go to a clinic to check for it and even the doctor was so surprised when he said that my test results are negative.
"Then… why do I feel so dizzy and nauseous lately? Are those symptoms caused by something else?" I thought to myself before suddenly remembering about all of those medicines that Yamaki has been giving me every day for these past four months.
Are those medicines really what he said they are?
Or are they something else?
"Wait… Does this mean… He's lying to me all this time?" I thought to myself before feeling my heart shattering into pieces as my tears started to flow out from my eyes uncontrollably.
I quickly wiped away my tears and forced myself to stand up from the bed before walking towards the bathroom again.
At first, I thought that maybe there's something wrong with these medicines.
But then, I started to think about everything else too.
About how Yamaki always came home late and left early during these past four months despite being the 'unemployed' type of person…
About how he always looked so cold and distant towards me, like he's only forcing himself to be nice towards me…
About how he never told me anything about his past, his family, or his friends…
"Maybe I'm wrong to let him into my life in the first place…" I thought to myself before another stream of tears rolled down my cheeks again as I walked back to the bed and sat down on it while holding onto the blanket tightly.
I couldn't stop myself from crying anymore as the feeling of betrayal and heartbreak overwhelmed me…
How can the man that I love so much be lying to me like this?
How can the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with be deceiving me like this?
Tomorrow is supposed to be our wedding day but now… It feels like there's no happiness left for me to feel in this world anymore…
"Lala?" I heard Yamaki calling out my name as I felt his hand gently caressing my head while his other hand rested on my shoulder.
I tried to look at him and when our gazes met, all I could see is his 'gentle' smile on his face as his eyes looked so deep and alluring beneath the dim light in our bedroom.
"Lala, it's better for you to sleep early tonight…" Yamaki said in such a soft voice that it almost made me forget about everything that happens just now.
"Do you want me to accompany you to sleep too?"
He asked again as I felt his hand started to gently pull the blanket away from me…
But then, suddenly… Another thought crossed my mind when I saw how deep and alluring Yamaki's eyes are while looking at me right now…
Maybe… Just maybe… If Yamaki really knows how to seduce women as much as he said before, then… Maybe he'll be able to give me a baby too…?
And that's why after looking at the way that Yamaki's eyes are gazing at me right now, I quickly pulled the blanket back before staring into his eyes with a deep gaze too.
Chapter 3: The Wedding Night
Lala's POV
"How about we try for a baby first?"
I asked Yamaki while trying to suppress the uneasiness that I felt inside my heart.
To be honest, I'm not really sure about what will happen if I do this too.
But then, I thought that there's no harm in trying it out either since… I want to get pregnant as soon as possible too so that I can finally prove Yamaki once and for all that I'm not a 'barren' woman.
Plus, I also want to have a baby too so that I won't feel lonely anymore when Yamaki is not around…
"Alright." Yamaki answered me with a smirk on his face before he leaned in and kissed me on my lips gently.
Lala's POV
It felt so weird when Yamaki started to touch me like that in such an intimate way.
Especially since it's my first time doing something like this with him too.
However, the feeling of discomfort that I have inside my heart was quickly overshadowed by the feeling of pleasure that Yamaki was giving me through his actions.
Yamaki's POV
It took only a few minutes later before Lala finally gave herself up completely to me.
Just like what she had said before, Lala did look really beautiful when she's in the middle of doing something like that… That's why I couldn't stop myself from leaning down so that I could kiss her on her lips again and again… And soon enough, I found myself wanting for more…
Lala's POV
After we were done, Yamaki immediately got off from the bed and went inside the bathroom without saying anything else to me.
Yamaki's POV
And just like what I had expected, Lala really did get pregnant after what I did to her last night.
She immediately told me about it the next day after she took a pregnancy test too, as if she was hoping for me to be happy about it…
But then, I couldn't help but feel a little bit troubled instead after hearing the news from her.
I sighed inwardly as I felt a sense of uneasiness washed over me.
It seemed like I'll really need to go through with this wedding after all, huh?
If only I could turn back time, I would have never made the mistake of doing something like this.
But then, it's too late now…
Yamaki's POV
The next thing that I knew after that was I found myself standing at the altar with Lala as we exchanged our vows together.
Lala looked really beautiful in her white wedding gown too, so much so that I could hardly take my eyes off of her no matter how hard I tried.
However, I still couldn't shake away the feeling of regret that I had for letting myself being manipulated by a woman like her… But then, there was nothing that I could do now other than accept my own fate… Especially since Lala was already carrying my child too.
It would be too cruel for me if I were to abandon them now…
So, despite my misgivings, I forced myself to go through with the wedding anyway.
And surprisingly enough, just like what I had expected, my father and all of his friends were really happy about this marriage of mine… Maybe too happy even… It was as if they were expecting for something 'big' to happen after this wedding immediately…
They were really happy with this marriage of mine since it would make them all richer… That was why they had even ordered for the church to be decorated really beautifully with a lot of white lilies which they believed had the power of… fertility?
However, they were all going to be disappointed if they were really hoping for something like that to happen immediately after this wedding since it would take at least another few months before Lala could recover completely from her pregnancy and deliver the child too.
I didn't want her to go through any more unnecessary pain than she already had to experience in the past few months, and I definitely didn't want my father and his friends to see me as weak and not being able to do anything either.
So, instead of being manipulated by Lala into doing anything more than just showing the whole world how much I loved her and how much I was willing to give up for her sake too, I held her hand tightly throughout the entire ceremony and kissed her deeply when we were pronounced as husband and wife.
She looked stunned by my actions and the passionate way in which I showed my love for her.
It did feel so good too!
But then again, she was the one who wanted me so badly right now…
Chapter 7: It’s Not Mine!
As soon as we entered our new bedroom in my apartment together, my father and his friends began to cheer loudly in glee as they believed that their plan had worked out exactly like how they had wanted it to be.
"Is he going to do it now?"
"I can't wait! This is going to be so exciting!"
They all gathered around the big screen that they had installed there just for the sake of this occasion and began staring at it intently, waiting for me to start doing whatever it was that they were hoping I would do with their precious daughter-in-law right in front of their very eyes.
I knew the exact kind of thoughts that they had, and I also knew why they had been expecting something 'big' happen afterwards too, and that was why I had decided to watch them closely instead of being alone with my wife in this room.
My baby was still inside Lala's womb, and I did not want her to come out here any earlier than she should.
Lala had still seemed really surprised by the way I had suddenly kissed her back there at the church, and she was staring at me with a shocked expression on her face.
"You really didn't have to do that, Yamaki," she whispered softly as she gently caressed my face and stared directly at me.
"You have no idea what kind of pain I was going through back there, honey," I responded with a sad smile on my face. "If you had continued doing what you were doing, then I would have ended up passing out from the pain."
"What?" she gasped as her eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "I mean, how is that even possible?"
"Please, don't force me to explain everything," I said with a frown. "I can assure you that what you did back there really hurt me a lot, so I really hope that you never try doing something like that ever again."
"But how..." she tried asking again as her eyes began filling up with tears once again.
"I said, please don't make me explain everything," I repeated with another frown on my face. "I can assure you that what you were doing back there really hurt me a lot, so please don't do something like that ever again."
"Okay, fine," she sighed softly as she nodded her head at me.
I knew exactly what kind of thoughts were running through her mind as she continued staring at me, and that was why I decided to give her a smile in response.
Then, before she could say anything else, I decided to ask her a question.
"So, baby," I began as I stared directly at her. "Tell me something; are you ready?"
"For what?" she asked in response as she raised an eyebrow at me in confusion.
"What do you think?" I asked her back with a smile.
"Oh," she responded as she blushed and bit her lower lip.
It was then that a sad expression unexpectedly appeared on her face as she stared at me with tears rolling down her eyes.
Then, before she could say anything else, I decided to give her a kiss on the lips.
At first, she tried pushing me away, but then she eventually gave in when she realized that she couldn't resist me any longer.
As I continued kissing her passionately while cupping her face with my hands, she suddenly began crying out loud again.
"Yamaki... Please... Make love to me... Now... Please..." she cried out loudly while moaning softly.
Realizing what it was that she truly wanted, I suddenly pulled away while staring directly at her.
As I continued staring at her, I noticed the way she looked at me, and I knew exactly what it was that she wanted from me.
However, as much as I wanted to give in to whatever it was that she wanted, I knew that I couldn't do anything like that just yet, especially since it wasn't the right time for it yet.
Thus, instead of giving in to her desires, I decided to pull away from her and take off my shirt in front of her while giving her a smile.
"Sorry," she said with a sniffle. "I didn't mean to cry on our wedding day."
Yamaki could only look at her for a moment before walking away without another word.
He knew that he was being cruel to her right now, especially since he had promised not to make her cry on their wedding day.
However, he had no choice but to do what he thought was best for both of them right now.
As he walked away from her, Lala could only watch him in confusion before calling out to him.
She asked gently.
Yamaki stopped walking and turned around to face her.
"What?" He replied coldly.
Lala could only look at him in surprise when she saw the coldness in his gaze.
Why did it feel like he was pushing her away right now?
After all, they were supposed to be together now, so why did he seem so distant?
"Is there something wrong with me?" She asked quietly as tears filled her eyes again.
Yamaki looked at her quietly for a moment before walking up to her and grabbing her chin. Lala could only look at him in surprise when she felt his lips on hers. His kiss was gentle and yet demanding at the same time. She couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy the feeling of being so close to him.
When Yamaki finally pulled away from her, she looked at him with tears in her eyes.
"Why did you do that?" She asked softly.
Yamaki could only look at her for a moment before gently wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Because there's nothing wrong with you," he replied calmly. "In fact, you're perfect."
Lala wanted to say something else to him, but he turned around and walked away from her again without another word.