MidReal Story

Chapter 1 Luna Blaze I accidentally set my boyfriend’s parents' house on fire during dinner. Maybe I should introduce myself first. I’m Luna Blaze, and I have powers over fire and lightning. Also, I’m afraid of commitment. After two years of dating, Ethan Moon – my werewolf lover – finally convinced me to meet his parents. Trust me, I’ve tried countless times to end our relationship, but for some reason, he keeps coming back. I knew that the only way he’d leave me alone was if I agreed to meet them. But when I went over to dinner at their place, I tried to control my powers by not having any emotions. That went out the window when Ethan’s father asked if I was ready for commitment. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I set the tablecloth on fire. And then the whole house caught on fire. I can still remember the look of horror on Ethan’s parents’ faces as they stared at me in disbelief. When we managed to put out the fire, Ethan’s parents were furious. They demanded an explanation, but I couldn’t give them one. You see, I’m adopted, and nobody really knows where my powers come from. My adoptive parents found me in a basket and took me in. As it turned out, Ethan’s parents were hiding a dark secret of their own. They’re part of a secret organization that hunts down and eliminates supernaturals with dangerous abilities. And guess what? They think I’m a threat to their family and every other supernatural community. So, they decided to use me as bait to lure out other supernaturals with dangerous abilities. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I ran away from their house, and now I’m in hiding. With the help of a group of rebels who fight against Ethan’s parents’ secret organization, I found out that there are other supernaturals out there with powers like mine. The difference is that they know how to control them. Now, we’ve got a plan. We’re going to expose Ethan’s parents and their organization to the world. But what makes me so sure this plan will work? Because now, I know how to control my powers. Chapter 2 Luna Blaze Two Years Ago

Scenario: Luna Blaze, a woman with fire and lightning powers, is afraid of commitment but agrees to meet her werewolf lover's parents, with disastrous results.
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Luna Blaze, a woman with fire and lightning powers, is afraid of commitment but agrees to meet her werewolf lover's parents, with disastrous results.
Chapter 1
Luna Blaze
I accidentally set my boyfriend’s parents' house on fire during dinner.
Maybe I should introduce myself first.
I’m Luna Blaze, and I have powers over fire and lightning.
Also, I’m afraid of commitment.
After two years of dating, Ethan Moon – my werewolf lover – finally convinced me to meet his parents. Trust me, I’ve tried countless times to end our relationship, but for some reason, he keeps coming back.
I knew that the only way he’d leave me alone was if I agreed to meet them.
But when I went over to dinner at their place, I tried to control my powers by not having any emotions.
That went out the window when Ethan’s father asked if I was ready for commitment.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, I set the tablecloth on fire.
And then the whole house caught on fire.
I can still remember the look of horror on Ethan’s parents’ faces as they stared at me in disbelief.
When we managed to put out the fire, Ethan’s parents were furious.
They demanded an explanation, but I couldn’t give them one.
You see, I’m adopted, and nobody really knows where my powers come from. My adoptive parents found me in a basket and took me in.
As it turned out, Ethan’s parents were hiding a dark secret of their own. They’re part of a secret organization that hunts down and eliminates supernaturals with dangerous abilities.
And guess what? They think I’m a threat to their family and every other supernatural community.
So, they decided to use me as bait to lure out other supernaturals with dangerous abilities.
I wasn’t going to let that happen.
I ran away from their house, and now I’m in hiding.
With the help of a group of rebels who fight against Ethan’s parents’ secret organization, I found out that there are other supernaturals out there with powers like mine.
The difference is that they know how to control them.
Now, we’ve got a plan.
We’re going to expose Ethan’s parents and their organization to the world.
But what makes me so sure this plan will work?
Because now, I know how to control my powers.
Chapter 2
Luna Blaze
Two Years Ago
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I still remember the day I met Ethan like it was yesterday.
I was walking down the street when a guy bumped into me. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even realize he was there until we collided. He was tall and had messy hair, and I thought he was one of the most handsome guys I’d ever seen. But it wasn’t his looks that caught my attention; it was his scent.
It was the scent of the forest after a heavy rain, the kind of scent that makes you feel alive. It was the scent of a werewolf in his human form, and I’d never smelled anything like it before. Ethan, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be too happy about our encounter. He thought I’d done it on purpose to get his attention.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” he asked me, his voice laced with anger.
“What? No!” I replied quickly. “I didn’t even see you!”
“Yeah, right,” he said with a huff. “I bet you’re just another girl trying to flirt with me.”
He started to walk away, but I couldn’t let him leave like that. Something told me that this encounter was important, that it would change my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine at that moment.
“I’m not trying to flirt with you,” I said firmly. “I’m just saying that I didn’t see you. You came out of nowhere.”
He stopped and turned back to look at me, his eyes narrowed. “You really mean that?”
“Yes,” I replied without hesitation.
“Then prove it,” he said, a challenge in his eyes.
Image for story eHyl