MidReal Story


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Packed with high stakes mystery and tons of romantic tension, this is a thrilling dystopian novel set in a futuristic Chicago. Emma is a young journalist who is trying to make a name for herself despite living in an oppressive society. Detective James is known for his unconventional methods, but he’s the best chance she has of uncovering the truth.
Together, they must outsmart a corrupt government and wade through a treacherous web of lies and deceit.
Packed with high stakes mystery and tons of romantic tension, this is a thrilling dystopian novel set in a futuristic Chicago. Emma is a young journalist who is trying to make a name for herself despite living in an oppressive society. Detective James is known for his unconventional methods, but he’s the best chance she has of uncovering the truth.
Together, they must outsmart a corrupt government and wade through a treacherous web of lies and deceit.
Chapter One
I stumbled upon the classified document by accident. It was the size of an encyclopedia and had been misplaced on a table in a public library, of all places. I thought about turning it in at the counter, but my curiosity got the better of me. I had to see what was inside.
As soon as I read the first page, I knew it was a classified government document. The cover page was stamped with a warning: “Confidential. For authorized eyes only.” The way it was written suggested it was intended to be seen by a high-ranking official: a general or maybe even the president. In any case, someone who wasn’t me.
But I couldn’t help myself. The world was in a political crisis, and this document contained vital information about what the government was doing to resolve it. And now I knew the truth.
It was all there in black and white. They were sacrificing people for the good of the country.
I knew I had to get this document to someone who could do something about it, but that person certainly wasn’t me. I couldn’t just walk into the police station and say, “Hi there, officers! I have top-secret government documents that prove our country is evil and corrupt. What should I do with it?”
No, they’d probably arrest me on the spot and confiscate the document for themselves.
I needed someone in law enforcement who could be trusted. Someone who played by their own rules and didn’t have any ties to the government. Someone like Detective James.
That was his name, right? Detective James? He always came into the café where I worked, even though it was out of his jurisdiction. He had brown hair and blue eyes and was absolutely gorgeous, and he always sat in the same booth in the back corner of the café, which made me wonder if he had some sort of crime board set up in his apartment. The kind with strings that connected to thumbtacks.
He never ordered anything besides black coffee, which, quite frankly, was a shame. We had some really good lattes.
But he did have a nice smile when you could get him to show it.
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I tucked the document into my jacket pocket and left the library. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the empty streets. It was a bit chilly out, but I had my thick leather jacket on, so I was fine. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and started heading toward Detective James’s apartment.
I lived in a small town, so everything was in walking distance. Detective James’s apartment was on the other side of town from where I was, but it was only a twenty-minute walk, give or take. I checked my phone. 7:43 p.m. Okay, so maybe a thirty-minute walk. But I’d make it there.
I hadn’t been to James’s apartment before because I didn’t want him to think I was stalking him. I had never even talked to him before, not really. Just the normal pleasantries you offer to someone when they come into your café. But I hoped he would at least recognize me. I was almost as much of a regular as he was.
A gust of wind blew my hair into my face, and I had to push it out of the way. I made a mental note to cut my hair soon. Maybe I’d change up the color as well. My hair was naturally brown, and I liked that color, but sometimes it was nice to do something different.
The streetlights were starting to come on, and people were beginning to leave their houses and apartments for the night. A car drove by me, and I looked over my shoulder to watch it go. There was nothing special about it, but then again, there was nothing special about any of these people. They were all just going about their lives like normal, not knowing what I knew.
Not knowing we were all in danger.
Not knowing that I was the one with the power to stop it.
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