Solace in Troubled Hearts
MidReal Story

Solace in Troubled Hearts

Scenario: A young 18-21 year old age couple, named caser and nivina from a small town in south carolina. Dealing with indifferences from their households, having the need to runaway and find each other to feel a sense of love and security. Caser having to work 2 jobs and study to figure a way out of poverty for his complicated traumatic family. While Nivina deals with unnecessary abuse and a recently deceased brother, yet she keeps her innocence and strong values in line, which is what lead caser to even fall in love with in the first place. Caser has a strong aggression to provide snd protect for those he loves and he’ll do anything, his emotions may lead him to commit wrong actions at times but hes very smart, base this on a time when both caser and nivina have an arguement, leading to nivina asking for space for some time, while caser saddenly has to accept but continues to his duties as a man. Let there be shine on lonely car rides, lonely star gazing nights and lonely walks reminds him of his beautiful true love nivina and all the great memories, let it end with him driving to nivina and asking for a talk where they can rekindle and continue their love
Create my version of this story
A young 18-21 year old age couple, named caser and nivina from a small town in south carolina. Dealing with indifferences from their households, having the need to runaway and find each other to feel a sense of love and security. Caser having to work 2 jobs and study to figure a way out of poverty for his complicated traumatic family. While Nivina deals with unnecessary abuse and a recently deceased brother, yet she keeps her innocence and strong values in line, which is what lead caser to even fall in love with in the first place. Caser has a strong aggression to provide snd protect for those he loves and he’ll do anything, his emotions may lead him to commit wrong actions at times but hes very smart, base this on a time when both caser and nivina have an arguement, leading to nivina asking for space for some time, while caser saddenly has to accept but continues to his duties as a man. Let there be shine on lonely car rides, lonely star gazing nights and lonely walks reminds him of his beautiful true love nivina and all the great memories, let it end with him driving to nivina and asking for a talk where they can rekindle and continue their love
I met Nivina Greene at a Fourth of July celebration in the park.
She was sitting on a bench, watching her two younger brothers play on the jungle gym, and I was sitting on the grass with my back against a tree, watching everyone else have fun.
We were both alone in a crowd of people, and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.
She had long dark hair that hung down her back in waves and striking eyes that seemed to change color depending on the light.
They were green one minute and blue the next, and they were so bright they almost glowed.
Chapter 1
I met Nivina Greene at a Fourth of July celebration in the park.
She was sitting on a bench, watching her two younger brothers play on the jungle gym, and I was sitting on the grass with my back against a tree, watching everyone else have fun.
We were both alone in a crowd of people, and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.
She had long dark hair that hung down her back in waves and striking eyes that seemed to change color depending on the light.
They were green one minute and blue the next, and they were so bright they almost glowed.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
I met Nivina Greene at a Fourth of July celebration in the park.
She was sitting on a bench, watching her two younger brothers play on the jungle gym, and I was sitting on the grass with my back against a tree, watching everyone else have fun.
We were both alone in a crowd of people, and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.
She had long dark hair that hung down her back in waves and striking eyes that seemed to change color depending on the light.
They were green one minute and blue the next, and they were so bright they almost glowed.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
I met Nivina Greene at a Fourth of July celebration in the park.
She was sitting on a bench, watching her two younger brothers play on the jungle gym, and I was sitting on the grass with my back against a tree, watching everyone else have fun.
We were both alone in a crowd of people, and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.
She had long dark hair that hung down her back in waves and striking eyes that seemed to change color depending on the light.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
She was sitting on a bench, watching her two younger brothers play on the jungle gym, and I was sitting on the grass with my back against a tree, watching everyone else have fun.
We were both alone in a crowd of people, and I couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was.
She had long dark hair that hung down her back in waves and striking eyes that seemed to change color depending on the light.
They were green one minute and blue the next, and they were so bright they almost glowed.
She looked like an angel sitting there in her white sundress, but there was something about her that wasn’t quite right.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
She seemed out of place, like she didn’t belong there all by herself.
But it wasn’t just that.
There was something about her that drew me to her, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
Her eyes were like magnets pulling me toward her, and I felt like I’d known her all my life even though we’d never met before.
Fireworks exploded overhead, lighting up the night sky with bursts of red, white, and blue, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
Her hands were over her ears as she shielded herself from the noise, but it didn’t stop her from flinching every time one went off.
It seemed like everything around us faded away until it was just the two of us left standing there staring at each other.
I don’t know what it was about her that drew me to her, what made me want to protect her and keep her safe from whatever it was she needed protecting from.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
Chapter 2
I almost didn’t approach her.
I was afraid she’d reject me or think I was crazy for walking up to her out of the blue like that.
But something inside me told me she wouldn’t do either one of those things no matter how much she wanted to.
She turned slightly as I walked up to where she sat alone on the bench, watching her siblings play a few feet away.
"Hey," I said quietly as I took a seat next to her.
"Hi," she said, not looking at me.
I gave myself a mental pep talk as I took a deep breath before opening my mouth again.
"I’m Caser."
I held my hand out to shake hers and smiled when she looked at it before hesitantly taking it in hers.
Her name was just as beautiful as she was.
Her mother yelled it a couple of times earlier in the day when she couldn’t find her daughter in the crowd of Fourth of July partygoers not that far from us.
"Nice to meet you."
I didn’t want to scare her off by being too forward or aggressive.
Solace in Troubled Hearts
"Where are you from?" "Lexington."
The town wasn’t all that far from where we were, about thirty minutes away or so depending on traffic.
"Oh, okay."
I wasn’t really sure what else to say to her, especially since we’d only just met and it was starting to feel like an awkward first date or something like that when it was nothing like that at all.
"Do you have any siblings?"
I knew that she did, but I didn’t want to sound like some kind of stalker and admit that to her when we didn’t even know each other yet, so I tried not to let my nerves show when I asked the question.
"Yeah," she said with a sad smile, and I wanted to kick myself for bringing up a subject that was obviously a sore one for her even though this was supposed to be the happiest day of the year for most people in America.
"We live in Columbia with our grandmother until we can find someplace else to live."