MidReal Story

Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale

Scenario: lady is giving birth, to a half demon baby, and it's so painful
Create my version of this story
lady is giving birth, to a half demon baby, and it's so painful
I was in labor.
It was the only explanation for the excruciating pain that had woken me up in the middle of the night.
I’d been having Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks, but this was different.
This was worse.
This was so much worse.
I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn’t cooperate.
My muscles were locked in place, and I couldn’t move an inch.
I felt like I was being torn apart from the inside out, and I screamed as another wave of agony washed over me.
Someone was pounding on my front door, but I couldn’t answer it.
I couldn’t do anything except writhe in pain and scream for help that wasn’t coming.
The pounding grew louder, more insistent, and then the door burst open with a loud crack that echoed through my small house.
Chapter 1
I tried to speak, to call out for help, but my voice was barely a whisper as the pain continued to surge through me.
I felt like I was being ripped apart, and I knew something was terribly wrong.
These weren’t normal contractions; they were too intense, too frequent.
As I lay there, helpless and terrified, the realization hit me—I was in labor.
Panic set in as I realized how unprepared I was.
I hadn’t even packed a hospital bag.
The closest maternity ward was at Mercy General Hospital in Rosedale, but that was over an hour’s drive away from our small town of Ashbury Hollow.
I had no way of getting there, not with this level of pain incapacitating me.
The agony intensified with each passing moment, making it impossible to move or even think about reaching for my phone on the nightstand.
All I could do was lie there, feeling completely overwhelmed and alone in my tiny house on the edge of town.
Whoever was in the living room called out my name again, but I was too far gone to respond.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
I was in labor.
It was the only explanation for the excruciating pain that had woken me up in the middle of the night.
I’d been having Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks, but this was different.
This was worse.
This was so much worse.
I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn’t cooperate.
My muscles were locked in place, and I couldn’t move an inch.
I felt like I was being torn apart from the inside out, and I screamed as another wave of agony washed over me.
Someone was pounding on my front door, but I couldn’t answer it.
I couldn’t do anything except writhe in pain and scream for help that wasn’t coming.
The pounding grew louder, more insistent, and then the door burst open with a loud crack that echoed through my small house.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
A man’s voice called out to me from the living room, but I couldn’t see who it was.
I tried to speak, to call out for help, but my voice was barely a whisper as the pain continued to surge through me.
I felt like I was being ripped apart, and I knew something was terribly wrong.
These weren’t normal contractions; they were too intense, too frequent.
As I lay there, helpless and terrified, the realization hit me—I was in labor.
Panic set in as I realized how unprepared I was.
I hadn’t even packed a hospital bag.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
The contractions were intense and frequent, leaving me unable to move or even cry out for help.
As the waves of pain passed through me, I struggled to reach my phone on the nightstand but couldn't manage it due to the severity of the contractions.
The pain continued to surge, feeling like I was being violently ripped apart from the inside.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
It was the only explanation for the excruciating pain that had woken me up in the middle of the night.
I’d been having Braxton Hicks contractions for weeks, but this was different.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
It was the only explanation for the excruciating pain that had woken me up in the middle of the night.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
Chapter 2
I tried to speak, to call out for help, but my voice was barely a whisper as the pain continued to surge through me.
As I lay there, helpless and terrified, the realization hit me—I was in labor.
Panic set in as I realized how unprepared I was.
I hadn’t even packed a hospital bag.
The closest maternity ward was at Mercy General Hospital in Rosedale, but that was over an hour’s drive away from our small town of Ashbury Hollow.
I had no way of getting there, not with this level of pain incapacitating me.
The agony intensified with each passing moment, making it impossible to move or even think about reaching for my phone on the nightstand.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
All I could do was lie there, feeling completely overwhelmed and alone in my tiny house on the edge of town.
The next contraction hit like a freight train, and all coherent thought vanished as I entered a world of pure torment that seemed to stretch on for eternity.
"Emily? Emily? Are you okay?"
I heard Lucas shouting my name as he pounded on my front door. "Emily!"
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale
I tried to answer, but my voice refused to cooperate.
Instead, all that came out were more pathetic whimpers and groans as the pain continued to surge through me.
The door creaked open, and Lucas rushed inside, calling my name again and again, until he found me lying on the bed, curled up in the fetal position, clutching my stomach with both hands.
"Oh, god, Emily," he whispered when he saw me, his eyes wide with shock and horror.
"Lucas," I whimpered, reaching out for him with one hand.
"Please help me."
His face went even whiter than before, if that was possible.
"I think…"
I trailed off as another wave of agony washed over me, making it impossible to speak or think or do anything but curl up into a tight little ball and pray for it to end.
"I don’t know what to do," he said, his voice trembling with fear.
Birth of Shadows: A Supernatural Child's Tale