MidReal Story

Tech Giant's Love: A Tokyo Superhero Romance

Scenario: Hunk Garrett, a mountain of a man whose technical skills are unmatched, fumbles a date with Ami Mizuno, whose alter ego is Sailor Mercury. They go to dinner at a popular restaurant in Tokyo.
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Hunk Garrett, a mountain of a man whose technical skills are unmatched, fumbles a date with Ami Mizuno, whose alter ego is Sailor Mercury. They go to dinner at a popular restaurant in Tokyo.
I was a giant.
Not in the "I’m so awesome" sense, but in the "I’m so tall" sense.
I stood at six feet five inches, and I had the broad shoulders to match.
My face wasn’t exactly what you’d call rugged, but it was gentle enough that people didn’t immediately think I was going to hurt them.
It was a good thing, too, because I had a tendency to be clumsy.
If I looked like a thug, people would have been terrified of me.
As it was, they just thought I was a little awkward.
Chapter 1
I was on a date with Ami Mizuno, and despite my awkwardness, I wanted to impress her.
She was one of the smartest people I’d ever met, and she had an empathetic nature that made her truly beautiful in my eyes.
So there we were, sitting at a table in a nice restaurant, and I had just finished telling her about some of my more embarrassing moments when I decided to show off a little bit.
"Watch this," I said as I lifted my glass of water from the table and set it back down again.
She laughed softly at me but watched as I did it again.
This time, though, when I set it back down, it didn’t touch the table.
Instead, it hovered about an inch above it.
Tech Giant's Love: A Tokyo Superhero Romance
I pretended to concentrate really hard for a moment before letting out a deep breath and smiling as if I’d just accomplished something amazing.
The water fell over, soaking my shirt and pants in the process.
Ami’s laughter grew louder as she watched me try to mop up the water with my napkin while still keeping an eye on her so she wouldn’t see what was underneath the tablecloth.
"Here," she said as she handed me some tissues.
I took them from her hand and immediately knocked over the salt shaker in my haste to accept her help.
The look on her face was one of amusement, but there was no cruelty in it.
She wasn’t laughing at me; she was laughing with me.
And that only made things worse because I could feel myself blushing even more than before.
Chapter 2
Ami’s laughter was like a siren’s song.
I was so embarrassed that I didn’t know what to do.
I just sat there and stared at her, my mouth hanging open.
She was beautiful.
Her long blue hair hung down her back in a ponytail and her slender frame made me want to pull her into my arms and never let go.
Her eyes were a deep blue and they sparkled with amusement and kindness.
I had always been attracted to Ami, but now I was falling for her.
Tech Giant's Love: A Tokyo Superhero Romance
"Thank you," I said finally.
She smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.
Her cheeks were flushed and I could tell that she was as affected by this date as I was.
It felt like we were in our own little world, sitting there in the restaurant with no one else around us.
I had never felt this way before and it scared me, but at the same time, it felt right.
"Let me get some napkins."
Ami got up from the table and went over to the bar where they kept all of their supplies.
She came back with a handful of napkins and handed them to me.
"Here you go."
I wiped off my face and tried to clean up the table as best I could.
Tech Giant's Love: A Tokyo Superhero Romance
The waiter came over and took the wine glasses away, giving us a fresh bottle of water instead.
"Are you ready to order?"
he asked, looking at us expectantly.
Ami nodded and we ordered our food.
I was hoping that dinner would help ease some of the tension between us after my earlier mishap.
We talked about everything under the sun, from school to work and everything in between.
I found out that Ami was on the volleyball team at school and she also swam on the swim team.
She was good at both sports, which wasn’t surprising considering how athletic she was.
It only made me like her more though, if that was even possible.