MidReal Story

Against All Odds: Revin's Journey

Scenario: A beautiful little down syndrome boy named Revin with beautiful blue eyes that's learning to go against the odds and do everything they said he couldn't do
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A beautiful little down syndrome boy named Revin with beautiful blue eyes that's learning to go against the odds and do everything they said he couldn't do
Chapter 1
I was born with Down syndrome.
The doctors told my parents that I would never be able to walk, talk, or do anything on my own.
They said I would be a burden to them and that they should put me in a home where I could be taken care of properly.
But my parents didn’t listen to the doctors.
They took me home and raised me just like any other child.
And you know what?
I learned how to walk, talk, and do everything else that the doctors said I wouldn’t be able to do.
The only real challenge I faced was dealing with the other kids at school.
They would make fun of me, call me names, and laugh at me all the time.
I never really understood why they did it, but I didn’t let it bother me either.
Sometimes I would get angry and upset, but most of the time I just ignored them and went on with my day.
There was this one kid who used to pick on me all the time.
He would push me around and call me terrible things.
One day, he pushed me too far, and I punched him in the face.
He never bothered me again after that day.
Some people might think that I overreacted or that violence is never the answer.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
But I believe that you have to stand up for yourself and do what’s right, no matter what anyone else says or thinks.
You have to be true to who you are and not let anybody else bring you down or make you feel bad about yourself.
I’ve carried this mindset with me my whole life, and it has served me well so far.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times when it’s hard not to let other people’s opinions affect you.
Even as an adult, some people still treat me differently just because of my Down syndrome.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
But I try not to let it get to me too much.
Last year, my parents enrolled me in a new school for kids with disabilities like mine.
It’s been a great experience so far.
The teachers are wonderful, and most of the students are really nice too.
I’ve made a lot of friends there, including Marcus Lee who is one of the strongest boys in our grade and always stands up for me when we’re out at playgrounds or something—like a brother!
And then there’s my best friend Sarah Jennings; she is so sweet yet very protective over us especially when we’re hanging out together after school!
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
As I mentioned earlier, I was born with Down syndrome.
It’s a genetic disorder that causes developmental delays, physical disabilities, and cognitive impairment.
My parents knew about my condition before I was born, but they decided to keep me anyway.
They didn’t care what the doctors said; they loved me unconditionally from the moment they laid eyes on me.
And the feeling was mutual.
Even as a baby, I could sense how much they cared for me.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
Despite their love and support, growing up with Down syndrome wasn’t easy.
Kids at school would make fun of me all the time.
They called me names like "retard" and "disabled kid."
Even some adults treated me differently because of my condition.
One teacher even told my mom that I was a lost cause and that I would never amount to anything.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
That really hurt her feelings, but she didn’t let it show.
She just smiled and said that she would do everything in her power to help me succeed.
And she did!
My mom has always been my biggest advocate.
She believes in me even when other people don’t.
She knows what I’m capable of, and she does everything she can to help me reach my full potential.
Thanks to her love and support, as well as countless hours of therapy, special education classes, occupational therapy, physical therapy…I’ve managed to overcome many obstacles throughout my life.
I might not be able to do everything that other kids can do, but that’s okay!
I’m still a person with hopes, dreams, feelings…just like everyone else!
Over the years, I’ve learned how important it is to stay true to yourself no matter what anyone else says or thinks about you.
You have to believe in your own abilities and not let anybody else bring you down by making fun of you or calling you names.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
I quickly made a lot of new friends at my new school.
Most of them also have disabilities like mine, so I don’t feel out of place here like I did at other schools.
My best friend is a girl named Sarah Jennings.
She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met!
She’s kind and caring and so much fun!
We’ve been friends for years now, and she’s been like a big sister to me.
She helps me with my homework and reads books with me.
She even taught me how to paint when I was little!
Sarah has done more for me than anybody else in my entire life.
I don’t know what I would do without her!
"I’m not surprised," Sarah replied with a warm smile on her face.
"You’re very talented, Revin."
I smiled proudly at her compliment.
"Thanks! You taught me everything you know," I said gratefully.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
Sarah has been such a good friend to me over the years.
She has helped me in so many ways.
Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
When I was little, Sarah used to take me home after school sometimes so we could work on painting projects together.
She showed me how to mix colors and use different types of brushes and techniques while painting.
We had so much fun doing it together!
"You’re so creative," she would say as we worked side by side on our latest masterpiece.
"Keep up the good work!"
I loved expressing myself through art when I was younger.
It helped me learn new things while having fun at the same time.
Now it’s one of my favorite hobbies!
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
My mom told me that when I was a baby, I used to love it when she read stories to me.
She would sit in my rocking chair and hold me in her arms while reading books out loud with me.
I found the sound of her voice very comforting and soothing.
It made me feel safe and happy.
When I got older and learned how to read and write on my own, Sarah helped me improve my skills even more by reading books with me at her house after school.
One day while we were painting her parents’ living room together, she told me about a magical land called Wonderland from a book called ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ written by Lewis Carroll.
"It’s a beautiful place full of strange creatures and amazing adventures!" she explained as I listened intently to every word she said.
"It sounds wonderful!" "It sure is! You can use your imagination to create anything you want there," she said excitedly.
"The possibilities are endless!"
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
Chapter 2
Those stories sounded so interesting and fun that I begged my mom to buy me a copy of the book.
Since then, it has been my favorite story to read over and over again!
I’ve always loved listening to Sarah read books out loud with her clear, melodious voice.
It sounds like music to my ears!
The stories she reads always bring a smile to my face no matter how many times I’ve heard them before.
Whenever I listen to her tell stories about Wonderland or any other fairy tale she reads, my mind starts wandering away into a fascinating dream world filled with magical places and creatures.
I try to capture the same sense of wonder and excitement in my drawings and paintings by using bright colors and bold lines.
As an artist, it’s important for me to be able to convey the mood and setting of the story through my work.
That way people who see it will feel like they’ve been transported into that fantasy world while looking at it.
I want my art to make them feel happy and inspired just like those stories do for me!
Each stroke of the brush helps bring that magical place one step closer to life on the blank canvas in front of me.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
With each new mural I paint on the walls at school, I can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like when I’m finished with it.
Each one is a brand-new adventure waiting for me to explore!
I love coming up with new ideas and experimenting with different styles and techniques while working on them.
But painting isn’t just a hobby for me—it’s also a way for me to express myself and share the gift of storytelling with others.
I want my art to tell a story that captures people’s imaginations and makes them think about all the amazing things that are possible in this world.
The murals I paint at school aren’t just pretty pictures on the walls—they’re windows into another universe just waiting for someone to open them!
I painted my first mural on the wall outside Mrs. Dixon’s classroom one afternoon after school.
It was a large, boring space that desperately needed some color and excitement added to it.
The only thing written on it was the name of her class in plain black letters that looked faded and dull against the drab white background.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
When I saw that plain, blank wall, I knew right away that it needed a mural painted on it!
It felt like such a waste to leave all that space empty when I could use it to create something special for everyone to enjoy.
So I picked up my paintbrush and got to work transforming that boring old wall into a stunning work of art!
I chose to paint a scene from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ where Alice follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole into a strange, underground world full of quirky creatures and talking animals.
In my version, instead of looking at a painting on the wall, people who walked past it would feel like they were actually going down the rabbit hole with her!
It was like stepping into another dimension where anything is possible!
The curious look on Alice’s face as she peered into the dark tunnel ahead of her made you want to know what was waiting for her on the other side.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
Every morning, my friends and I gather at a common area for a few minutes before going to our classrooms so we can say good morning to our teachers and catch up with each other.
The girls are always excited to see us because they know we’re going to give them hugs and kisses on their cheeks like we do every day.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
The school has been a great place for me because there are so many people here who care about me and go out of their way to make sure I’m happy.
I’ve made a lot of friends in the two years that I’ve been coming here, and it’s nice to be able to hang out with other kids who understand what it’s like to have special needs.
"Good morning, Revin," Sarah says as I walk into the classroom where she works.
"I have a surprise for you today."
"A surprise? What is it?"
I ask her as I put my backpack down on the table where I usually sit.
I can’t wait to find out what she has planned for us today!
She always comes up with fun things for me to do when we’re together, whether it’s painting a new mural or reading stories from my favorite books.
That’s why she’s my favorite teacher here—she makes learning so much fun!
"You’ll see," she says with a smile as she takes my hand and leads me over to a large table that’s set up against one of the walls in the room.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
There are all kinds of things spread out on top of the table like tools and molds, and there are several lumps of clay arranged neatly in a row next to them.
When I see them, my eyes light up with excitement because I know exactly what we’re going to do today!
"You’re going to love this," she tells me as she picks up one of the lumps of clay and hands it to me along with a small bucket of water.
"Today, we’re going to work with clay," she explains as she shows me how to mold and shape it into different objects using my hands and the tools she’s given me.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
I’ve always loved art, even before I started school.
When I was younger, I would spend hours drawing pictures and doodling on pieces of paper or any other surface that I could find—much to my parents’ dismay.
They didn’t like it when I drew all over their walls or furniture, but they didn’t get too upset with me because they knew that’s just how I expressed myself as a young child.
When they realized how much fun I had making art, they gave me my own sketchbook so that I wouldn’t be tempted to draw on anything else in the house.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
I still have that sketchbook today, and I love looking through all the pictures that I drew when I was younger.
It makes me happy to see how much my art has improved over the years!
"Of course! I think that’s a great idea," Sarah says with an encouraging smile as she hands me another lump of clay.
"Feel free to make whatever you want. The possibilities are endless!"
Since I’ve started going to school here, I’ve been working on creating some new murals for the walls in the hallways and classrooms.
Sarah came up with the idea after she saw how much I enjoy painting, and she was nice enough to let me help her decorate the school with beautiful artwork.
I’m always excited to work on new projects with her because she lets me experiment with different colors of paint and encourages me to express myself however I want.
Today, we’re trying something new by making sculptures out of clay together.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
I’ve never worked with clay before, so I’m not sure what to expect, but I can already tell that it’s going to be fun because I like the way it feels in my hands.
There’s something really satisfying about shaping and molding it into different objects, and I’m excited to see how my sculpture will turn out! "Now, take your time and think about what you want to make," Sarah instructs me as she kneels down next to me.
"Remember to keep your fingers and hands wet because the clay dries out quickly. If you need any help or have any questions, just let me know."
As I listen to her instructions, I close my eyes and try to think of something that I can sculpt out of the clay.
Since this is my first time working with it, I want to start off simple by making something small and easy.
Then, if it turns out well, maybe I can try making more complex sculptures in the future!
A few seconds later, an idea comes to mind when I remember the display at the front entrance of the building where people sign in when they come to visit our school.
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey
Chapter 3
Against All Odds: Revin's Journey