Stolen Art of the Heart
MidReal Story

Stolen Art of the Heart

Scenario: i realized i had been cheated by a man who turned out to be an excellent con man speciallized in legendary art works
Create my version of this story
i realized i had been cheated by a man who turned out to be an excellent con man speciallized in legendary art works
I was at a party when I found out my boyfriend was married.
Not just married, but married with two kids.
And not just married with two kids, but married with two kids and a wife who was currently pregnant with their third child.
I’d been dating him for six months.
We’d met at an art gallery in New York City, where he’d been working as a curator, and I’d been there to cover the opening for the magazine I worked for.
He was charming and handsome, and he knew everything about art.
Chapter 1
He said he loved the art scene in New York and that he was always looking for ways to get involved.
I’d just finished college in Boston and had moved to New York to take the job at the magazine, and I was completely taken with the city, and the art scene, and everything about it.
We’d met at a gallery opening in Chelsea and had spent the evening talking about art, and our favorite artists, and our favorite exhibitions, and I’d left feeling like I’d known him forever.
He was tall, with sharp blue eyes and messy dark hair, and he wore a suit that fit him perfectly.
He was sophisticated, and charming, and he kissed me on the street outside the gallery as if he’d been waiting for me all his life.
Stolen Art of the Heart
Stolen Art of the Heart
I was at a party when I found out my boyfriend was married.
Not just married, but married with two kids.
And not just married with two kids, but married with two kids and a wife who was currently pregnant with their third child.
I’d been dating him for six months.
We’d met at an art gallery in New York City, where he’d been working as a curator, and I’d been there to cover the opening for the magazine I worked for.
He was charming and handsome, and he knew everything about art.
He told me that he’d moved to New York from London after his last relationship had ended badly, and that he was looking for a fresh start.
He said he loved the art scene in New York and that he was always looking for ways to get involved.
I’d just finished college in Boston and had moved to New York to take the job at the magazine, and I was completely taken with the city, and the art scene, and everything about it.
We’d met at a gallery opening in Chelsea and had spent the evening talking about art, and our favorite artists, and our favorite exhibitions, and I’d left feeling like I’d known him forever.
He was tall, with sharp blue eyes and messy dark hair, and he wore a suit that fit him perfectly.
Stolen Art of the Heart
I was at a party when I found out my boyfriend was married.
Not just married, but married with two kids.
Stolen Art of the Heart
Not just married, but married with two kids.
And not just married with two kids, but married with two kids and a wife who was currently pregnant with their third child.
I’d been dating him for six months.
We’d met at an art gallery in New York City, where he’d been working as a curator, and I’d been there to cover the opening for the magazine I worked for.
He was charming and handsome, and he knew everything about art.
He told me that he’d moved to New York from London after his last relationship had ended badly, and that he was looking for a fresh start.
He said he loved the art scene in New York and that he was always looking for ways to get involved.
I’d just finished college in Boston and had moved to New York to take the job at the magazine, and I was completely taken with the city, and the art scene, and everything about it.
We’d met at a gallery opening in Chelsea and had spent the evening talking about art, and our favorite artists, and our favorite exhibitions, and I’d left feeling like I’d known him forever.
Stolen Art of the Heart
My life felt like a lie after discovering the painful truth about my boyfriend at a party.
Not just married, but married with two kids.
And not just married with two kids, but married with two kids and a wife who was currently pregnant with their third child.
It felt like someone had reached into my chest and ripped out my heart when I heard her talking to someone else about it at the party later that night.
A friend of hers, or maybe just someone she knew from work, talking about how excited she must be.
How much she loved being pregnant.
Stolen Art of the Heart
She said that her husband was traveling all the time because of his job at an investment firm in London, so they didn’t see each other as much as she would have liked.
She said that she was always worried that something would happen to him on one of his trips, since he traveled so often, but she was grateful for every moment she had with him at home, especially now that they were expecting another baby.
That was how I found out about her.
His wife.
The woman he was married to.
Stolen Art of the Heart
Chapter 2
We had been seeing each other for six months, and it felt like the beginning of something real.
When we first met, he told me that he was single—that he had recently moved from London after a failed relationship, and he was looking to start fresh in New York.
Despite how hard I tried to push him away, to keep myself guarded after being hurt before, he had managed to break through all my defenses.
I had fallen for him, hard.
And then he told me that he had always wanted to be a father.
Something inside of me melted when he said that.
I had always wanted to have a family of my own, too.
That was when I knew that we were meant to be together.
Despite our differences, and the secrets that I would later find out he was keeping from me, I thought we were meant to be together.
I thought we had a future together.
He told me that he didn’t like taking pictures, that they made him feel uncomfortable.
But I didn’t think anything of it at the time.
I was always the one taking pictures anyway, so I never noticed the fact that there weren’t any of us together.
Stolen Art of the Heart
He told me that his job required him to travel a lot, and sometimes he would have to leave on short notice.
I wouldn’t be able to reach him when he was away, and he wouldn’t be able to contact me.
I didn’t think anything of it at the time.
I was young and naïve, and I didn’t know what was normal or what wasn’t normal in a relationship like this one.
When I found out the truth, I realized that he was probably spending those days and nights with her—his wife—while I was waiting for him to come home.
It had been six months since we first met, but I never knew that he was married.
I never knew that he had two little girls who were waiting for him back home.
The only thing I knew about him was that he was the most amazing man I had ever met.
He was kind and charming and sexy and funny, and I was so lucky to have him in my life.
Until the day I found out the truth.
That was the day my world came crashing down around me.
Stolen Art of the Heart
It was a Sunday afternoon when I found out that he was married.
He had left early in the morning for a work trip to London, and he said that he would be back on Tuesday night.
We had made plans to meet up later in the week, but I didn’t hear from him all day Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday.
Finally, on Thursday morning, he sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to a party with him that night.
He didn’t say where it was or what it was for, but he promised that it would be a lot of fun—just the two of us.
But when I arrived at the party later that night, it wasn’t just the two of us.
Stolen Art of the Heart
I was sitting on the couch talking to a few other guests when I heard someone say his name.
At first I didn’t think anything of it, but then I heard them say something about his wife being pregnant with their third child.
The room started spinning around me.
My head was pounding, my heart was racing, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
It was hard to hear what they were saying over the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, but I felt like I was about to pass out.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing… what I was seeing… what was happening right in front of me.I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw him walk through the door arm in arm with her—his wife.
She was beautiful and elegant and looked like she was about six months pregnant, but I didn’t want to believe it was true.
I didn’t want to believe that he would lie to me like this.
I didn’t want to believe that I had been so stupid and gullible and naïve that I would fall for something like this.
So I left without saying a word to anyone—him or her—and I tried my best to forget about it and move on with my life.
But he wouldn’t let me go…
Stolen Art of the Heart
It was the next day when he sent me an email asking me to meet up with him and talk about everything that had happened the night before.
At first, I ignored it, thinking that it would be best to just move on and forget about it all, but then my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to open it and read it anyway.
Stolen Art of the Heart
At first, I thought it would be just another one of his excuses, just another one of his lies, but the more I read it, the more I realized that he was telling the truth.
He said that he was sorry for not being honest with me from the beginning, but he only did it to protect our relationship from his wife and kids, who he thought would ruin everything if they found out about us.
He said that he loved me more than anything, and he would do anything to be with me, even if it meant leaving them behind and starting a new life with me here in New York where we met and fell in love so many months ago.