MidReal Story

Whispers of the Hidden Portal

Scenario: I discovered a hidden portal.
Create my version of this story
I discovered a hidden portal.
Chapter 1
I never expected to find a portal in my grandmother’s attic.
I was just looking for some old clothes to wear to her funeral, and I found it.
It was hidden behind a stack of boxes that had been there for as long as I could remember.
The door was made of wood, with intricate carvings on the frame and a large brass handle.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale, not something you’d find in an old house in the middle of nowhere.
I reached out and touched the handle, half expecting it to be locked.
But it turned easily in my hand, and the door swung open with a creak.
I never expected to find a portal in my grandmother’s attic.
I was just looking for some old clothes to wear to her funeral, and I found it.
It was hidden behind a stack of boxes that had been there for as long as I could remember.
The door was made of wood, with intricate carvings on the frame and a large brass handle.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale, not something you’d find in an old house in the middle of nowhere.
I reached out and touched the handle, half expecting it to be locked.
But it turned easily in my hand, and the door swung open with a creak.
On the other side was a dark room, lit only by the dim light coming from the attic behind me.
I never expected to find a portal in my grandmother’s attic.
I was just looking for some old clothes to wear to her funeral, and I found it.
It was hidden behind a stack of boxes that had been there for as long as I could remember.
The door was made of wood, with intricate carvings on the frame and a large brass handle.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale, not something you’d find in an old house in the middle of nowhere.
I reached out and touched the handle, half expecting it to be locked.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
I never expected to find a portal in my grandmother’s attic.
I was just looking for some old clothes to wear to her funeral, and I found it.
It was hidden behind a stack of boxes that had been there for as long as I could remember.
The door was made of wood, with intricate carvings on the frame and a large brass handle.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale, not something you’d find in an old house in the middle of nowhere.
I reached out and touched the handle, half expecting it to be locked.
But it turned easily in my hand, and the door swung open with a creak.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
I never expected to find a portal in my grandmother’s attic.
I was just looking for some old clothes to wear to her funeral, and I found it.
It was hidden behind a stack of boxes that had been there for as long as I could remember.
The door was made of wood, with intricate carvings on the frame and a large brass handle.
It looked like something out of a fairy tale, not something you’d find in an old house in the middle of nowhere.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
I stumbled upon a hidden portal in my late grandmother's attic while searching for clothes for her funeral.
Behind old boxes, I found a wooden door adorned with carvings and a brass handle.
Curiosity led me to push it open, revealing a dark room beyond.
Despite the darkness, I felt drawn towards the room as if an unseen force urged me forward.
Stepping through the threshold, I was enveloped by a blinding light that soon faded, revealing a breathtaking scene of a lush forest under a starlit sky.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
A woman's voice greeted me, calling me by name and welcoming me to Seraphina’s world.
This woman, Seraphina Evergreen, appeared before me in all her ethereal beauty—a stark contrast to her surroundings that only enhanced her presence.
She exuded kindness and curiosity, inviting me to explore the world she inhabited.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
She wasn't freaked out that I had somehow ended up in her world, so she must have been expecting me, but how?
"I sensed your presence near the portal for days," she explained, "and knew you would be here soon."
She sounded so sure of herself but still left me bewildered.
"Who are you?"
"Ah," she said as if she had been waiting for me to ask that question all along and gave me another one of those smiles that nearly made me lose all ability to think straight, "where are my manners? I am Seraphina Evergreen. You may call me Sera."
Her voice was like music to my ears and she spoke so softly that I had to lean closer to hear her clearly.
"I am an elemental nymph." "An elemental nymph?" "Yes," she answered calmly without batting an eyelid at my apparent confusion.
"I live here in this world and have been waiting for someone like you for years."
"Someone like me?"
I asked, momentarily distracted from her beautiful face by the glowing plants that lined our path through the forest.
"Someone from your world. Someone who has somehow stumbled upon this world by accident."
She paused and looked at me expectantly before speaking again.
Whispers of the Hidden Portal
"Anyway," her voice was soft yet commanding as she continued,"I know that you must have many questions about this world or about yourself. Do not worry. I will do my best to answer them all in time. For now, I think we should go somewhere more comfortable to talk."
I nodded in agreement although I wasn't really sure if we were walking to somewhere more comfortable or if we were just walking aimlessly through the forest.
As we walked, Sera started telling me more about this world.
She told me that time flowed differently in her world than it did in mine so I would never have to worry about being away from home for too long.
She also told me that I could take as much time as I wanted to explore this world and learn about it before she showed me the way back to the portal.
I hung on to every word that came out of her mouth.
The more I spoke to her, the more I felt like there was something special between us that I just couldn't explain.
It felt like I was meeting someone that I had been searching for all my life without even knowing it.
As we walked, Sera continued to hold my hand, her touch sending electric shocks up my arm every time I felt her fingers brush against my skin.
Her touch was so intoxicating that I had to resist the urge to pull away from her.
The more I looked at her, the more I realized that she was the most beautiful person I had ever met in my life.
I couldn't stop staring at her and wanted to reach out and touch her but somehow I knew that it wouldn't be right to do so.
Every time she touched me or spoke to me, I could feel a warmth spread through my body that made me feel like I was at home for the first time in my life.
I didn't know where we were going or what we were doing but it didn't even matter because I was with Sera.
She was leading me through the forest with such grace that I felt like I was being carried by an angel rather than walking on my own two feet.
I had no idea where we were going or how long it would take us to get there but I trusted Sera completely and would follow her anywhere she wanted me to go.
We finally reached a clearing in the forest where a small cottage stood in front of us.
The cottage looked familiar to me in some way although I couldn't quite place why I thought that I had seen it before.
"Welcome to my home," Sera said as she pushed open the door of the cottage, "this is where I will teach you magic."
Whispers of the Hidden Portal