Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
MidReal Story

Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles

Scenario: Space odessy set in the year 2885 Malik Turner a young pilot joins the space force with hopes of working on the moon to be a test pilot human beings have traveled the cosmos for well over 500 years and have there own established governments events will lead up to a intergalactic war as The Space Force and UEDF will end up fighting over planetary rights with the development of WINGS which is stands for WARFIGHTER INTEGRATION SYSTEM Malik will be sent to the USS TIMAN And will be introduced into the world of combat across the cosmos
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Space odessy set in the year 2885 Malik Turner a young pilot joins the space force with hopes of working on the moon to be a test pilot human beings have traveled the cosmos for well over 500 years and have there own established governments events will lead up to a intergalactic war as The Space Force and UEDF will end up fighting over planetary rights with the development of WINGS which is stands for WARFIGHTER INTEGRATION SYSTEM Malik will be sent to the USS TIMAN And will be introduced into the world of combat across the cosmos
I was born to fly.
It’s in my blood, my bones, my very soul.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment for as long as I can remember, and now that it’s here, I’m ready.
I’m so damn ready.
The Space Force is the most elite military unit in the galaxy, and I’m about to become a part of it.
My heart pounds in my chest as I stand at attention with the other recruits on the parade ground, waiting for our commanding officer to arrive.
The sun beats down on us from a cloudless sky, but I barely notice the heat.
Chapter 1
It means "king" in Arabic, and it’s a fitting description for how I feel when I’m up there, soaring through the sky.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was old enough to understand what it meant to be a pilot.
As long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by flight.
My earliest memories are of watching the stars from the rooftop of our small apartment in downtown New Cairo, straining my neck to see past the smog and pollution that hung over our city like a shroud.
Even then, even before I could read or write, something deep inside me knew that I belonged up there, among the stars.
I am a pilot.
This is who I am.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
I was born to fly.
It’s in my blood, my bones, my very soul.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment for as long as I can remember, and now that it’s here, I’m ready.
I’m so damn ready.
The Space Force is the most elite military unit in the galaxy, and I’m about to become a part of it.
My heart pounds in my chest as I stand at attention with the other recruits on the parade ground, waiting for our commanding officer to arrive.
The sun beats down on us from a cloudless sky, but I barely notice the heat.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
All I can think about is what comes next.
It means "king" in Arabic, and it’s a fitting description for how I feel when I’m up there, soaring through the sky.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was old enough to understand what it meant to be a pilot.
As long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by flight.
My earliest memories are of watching the stars from the rooftop of our small apartment in downtown New Cairo, straining my neck to see past the smog and pollution that hung over our city like a shroud.
Even then, even before I could read or write, something deep inside me knew that I belonged up there, among the stars.
I am a pilot.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
This is who I am.I was born to fly.
It means "king" in Arabic, and it’s a fitting description for how I feel when I’m up there, soaring through the sky.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was old enough to understand what it meant to be a pilot.
As long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by flight.
My earliest memories are of watching the stars from the rooftop of our small apartment in downtown New Cairo, straining my neck to see past the smog and pollution that hung over our city like a shroud.
Even then, even before I could read or write, something deep inside me knew that I belonged up there, among the stars.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
I am a pilot.
This is who I am.I was born to fly.
It means "king" in Arabic, and it’s a fitting description for how I feel when I’m up there, soaring through the sky.
I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was old enough to understand what it meant to be a pilot.
As long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by flight.
My earliest memories are of watching the stars from the rooftop of our small apartment in downtown New Cairo, straining my neck to see past the smog and pollution that hung over our city like a shroud.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
Chapter 2
Even then, even before I could read or write, something deep inside me knew that I belonged up there, among the stars.
Now, after years of training at the Academy and countless hours spent flying solo missions over Luna 7, my moment has finally arrived.
Today, I stand on the parade ground at Sun Tzu Military Academy alongside other recruits from across the galaxy.
The sun beats down on us relentlessly from a cloudless sky, but I barely notice the heat.
All I can think about is what comes next.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
Without another word, Commander Vasquez turns on her heel and strides away from us, her long black braid swinging behind her like a whip.
We’re all confused for a moment, but then it hits me: she's not going to give us time to prepare or psych ourselves out by overthinking things.
This is really happening—we’re really about to go out into space and fight other ships just like ours.
"Turn off artificial gravity," she announces over the comm system as she makes her way back to her own ship.
"Ready your thrusters."
Adrenaline surges through me at her words, and my hands fly to the control panel to comply with her orders.
The ship shudders around me as artificial gravity cuts out and we’re left floating weightlessly in space.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles
"Activate your thrusters," she repeats.
"This is a zero gravity drill. You will not have the luxury of gravity to help you move or stay in place. You will need to use your thrusters to accelerate and decelerate. Now get moving! We have formations to hold!"
Thrusters on full power, I push off from the wall of the ship and float forward into the open void.
My stomach lurches as I struggle to right myself and keep my orientation.
"Correct your course!" Commander Vasquez's voice barks out over the comm system.
"The enemy won't wait for you to get your act together!"
I glance around me and see that the other cadets are already moving quickly to correct their own courses.
A few are still drifting aimlessly in space—or worse, spinning in circles—but most of them seem to have gotten the hang of it.
I’m not the only one who’s struggling with the sudden loss of gravity.
We were trained to fight in two dimensions—on a flat plane.
But now we’re fighting in three dimensions, and it’s taking some time for our brains and bodies to adjust.
"Maintain your formation!" Commander Vasquez shouts.
Wings of War: The Malik Turner Chronicles