Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
MidReal Story

Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice

Scenario: Darth alova was twi'lek sith apprentice under Darth maul and when obi-wan killed maul she swore revenge
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Darth alova was twi'lek sith apprentice under Darth maul and when obi-wan killed maul she swore revenge
I was in the middle of a mission when I felt it.
A sharp, stabbing pain that shot through my chest and made me gasp for breath.
I stumbled, my vision going black for a moment as I tried to catch myself.
The pain was so intense that I almost dropped the lightsaber hilt in my hand.
It was only through sheer force of will that I managed to keep hold of it, and even then, my fingers were shaking so badly that I could barely grip the hilt at all.
I had no idea what was happening to me.
I’d never felt anything like this before.
Chapter 1
I was on my knees, panting and clutching my chest as the agonizing pain continued to rip through me.
My entire body felt like it was on fire, and I could barely think straight.
I’d lost track of where I was, of what I was supposed to be doing.
All I could focus on was the pain.
And the fact that my master wasn’t here.
He should have been.
We were on a mission together, and he’d always been there by my side to guide me and protect me.
But now he was nowhere to be found, and I was all alone.
I needed him.
I needed his strength, his power, his wisdom.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
I needed him to tell me what was happening, to help me make sense of it all.
But he wasn’t here, and I was all alone on this strange planet with no one to turn to for help.
The pain only seemed to be getting worse, and I could feel tears streaming down my face as I tried to force myself to my feet.
My legs were shaking so badly that I could barely stand, and my vision was starting to swim as the darkness closed in on me once again.
Desperate, I reached out to him through the Force, trying to summon him to my side to help me through this agony.
He’d never let me down before.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
Surely he wouldn’t fail me now when I needed him most?
"Master," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the sound of my own ragged breathing.
"Master, please. Help me."
But there was no response from him—only emptiness and the cold, harsh reality of my solitude in this pain.
I could barely even concentrate enough to maintain a connection with him through the Force as the agony continued to rip through my body.
Every second seemed to last an eternity as I fought to keep myself upright.
My grip on the lightsaber hilt was growing weaker by the second, and I could feel it slipping from my fingers.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
Maul is dead
The words were torn from me, and the pain only seemed to intensify as I spoke them.
I could feel the darkness closing in around me, suffocating me, as the searing agony continued to rip through my chest, tearing me apart from the inside out.
And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pain vanished, leaving me gasping for breath on the ground as the darkness receded once more, leaving me alone in the cold embrace of the Force.
"Master?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the sound of my own ragged breathing.
"Master, please. Help me."
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
I stayed on my knees, clutching the lightsaber hilt as though it were a lifeline, but still there was no response from him.
He didn’t come to my side to help me up, or to offer me a comforting hand as he had so many times before.
For a long moment, everything was silent and still as I tried to regain control of myself, but there was no comfort to be found in the empty void that stretched out before me.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
With a cry of despair, I collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath as the tears continued to stream down my face.
I had no idea what was happening to me.
All I knew was that Maul was gone, and I was all alone.
The pain started up again, searing through my chest and leaving me breathless as I tried to focus on something, anything, other than the sheer agony that was tearing me apart from the inside out.
At first, I’d thought that this must be some kind of punishment from him—a test of my strength and loyalty.
But deep down, I knew that Maul would never have abandoned me like this unless he’d been truly unable to help.
And if he couldn’t help me…then who could?
My mind raced as I tried to make sense of everything that had happened, but there was no explanation for what I was experiencing.
The pain was coming from within me, from some deep, dark place that I had never known existed.
There was no way to fight it, no way to escape it.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
Chapter 2
I tried to reach out to Maul through the Force, desperate for some kind of connection.
But there was nothing.
His presence was gone, completely faded away.
Struggling to maintain the emotionless control that he’d always taught me, I clenched my fists as the tears continued to streak down my cheeks.
I tried to call out his name, but all that came out was a strangled sob, breaking the Sith code by displaying weakness and emotion.
I could feel the grief boiling over into rage inside of me.
He didn’t deserve this.
He didn’t deserve to die like that.
He deserved to go out fighting, with his lightsaber in his hand and his enemies at his feet.
And now that he was gone…
I could feel the power of the Dark Side building inside of me as I swore through gritted teeth that I would find Obi-Wan Kenobi and avenge Maul’s death with every fiber of my being.
I’d never experienced loss like this before; the pain was so intense that I could barely breathe.
It felt like there was a hole inside of me where Maul used to be, a void that couldn’t be filled no matter how hard I tried.
And the rage…the rage was like nothing I’d ever felt before.
It consumed me completely, burning away everything else until there was nothing left but hatred.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
I would find Kenobi, no matter where he was.
I would hunt him down, and when I found him, I would make him pay for what he’d done to my master.
Pain like that could not be allowed to go unpunished.
And then, when Kenobi was dead, I would find the Jedi who had taken away everything that Maul had promised me, everything that he had prepared me for.
Vengeance of the Twi'lek Apprentice
I would make them all pay, with interest.
Maul’s death was not the end—it was only the beginning.
He had shown me the power of the Dark Side, and promised to make me his apprentice one day.
He had given me purpose, a reason to fight.
And now they had taken it all away.
They would pay for that.