MidReal Story


Scenario: 4
Create my version of this story
I was used to running late, but I was usually able to make it to my meeting places on time.
I’d never actually missed a train before.
I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I exhaled and closed my eyes, grateful that I’d been able to catch this one.
I was so focused on calming myself down that I didn’t even notice the explosion at first.
I only realized that something was wrong when I felt the train shaking violently beneath me and heard the sound of metal grinding against metal.
I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening.
The train was still moving, but something was definitely wrong.
And then I heard the sound of the explosion.
I gasped in shock as a tremendous blast of energy ripped through the station, throwing me into the air.
The force of the explosion was so strong that it felt like my entire body was being torn apart.
It ripped through the walls of the subway station and sent debris flying in every direction.
The train was engulfed in flames just as it was pulling into the next station, and then everything went dark.
And then I was falling.
I don’t know how long I fell for or how far, but it felt like forever.
The world around me spun out of control, and I could feel myself being hurled through space at an alarming rate.
I was terrified and disoriented, and I didn’t know what to do or where to go.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.
I landed on my back in an empty tunnel, gasping for breath as my body absorbed the impact.
I lay there for a moment, trying to get my bearings.
My body was numb with shock, and I could feel a dull ache in my chest where I’d landed.
But when I tried to move, I realized that I wasn’t seriously injured.
Which was strange because I’d just been thrown from a moving train by a massive explosion.
I sat up slowly and looked around, trying to figure out what had just happened.
The lights were still out, and I could hear the sound of debris falling all around me.
But other than that, everything was eerily quiet.
I couldn’t hear any other sounds at all.
No voices, no music, no cars honking or engines roaring.
It was like the entire world had gone silent.
And then I realized something even more bizarre: time had stopped.
The world around me was frozen in chaos.
People were suspended mid-fall or running away in panic, their faces twisted with fear.
I was standing in an empty subway tunnel with no one else around.
I’d been in the middle of a project at work, and I’d lost track of time.
I was supposed to meet Mark at 7:00 p.m., but when he called me to ask where I was, I realized that it was already 6:45.
I felt terrible about it because Mark was one of my closest friends and he was always there for me when I needed him.
I hated to let him down like this, so I promised him that I would be there as soon as possible.
I rushed out of the office and headed for the subway station.
The train was already pulling into the station when I got there, so I ran down the stairs and jumped on just as the doors were closing.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down as the train pulled away from the platform.
I was used to running late, but I was usually able to make it to my meeting places on time.
I’d never actually missed a train before.
I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I exhaled and closed my eyes, grateful that I’d been able to catch this one.
I was so focused on calming myself down that I didn’t even notice the explosion at first.
I only realized that something was wrong when I felt the train shaking violently beneath me and heard the sound of metal grinding against metal.
I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening.
The train was still moving, but something was definitely wrong.
And then I heard the sound of the explosion.
I gasped in shock as a tremendous blast of energy ripped through the station, throwing me into the air.
The force of the explosion was so strong that it felt like my entire body was being torn apart.
It ripped through the walls of the subway station and sent debris flying in every direction.
The train was engulfed in flames just as it was pulling into the next station, and then everything went dark.
And then I was falling.
I don’t know how long I fell for or how far, but it felt like forever.
The world around me spun out of control, and I could feel myself being hurled through space at an alarming rate.
I was terrified and disoriented, and I didn’t know what to do or where to go.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.
I landed on my back in an empty tunnel, gasping for breath as my body absorbed the impact.I lay there for a moment, trying to get my bearings.
There was a dull throbbing pain in my side where I had landed on something hard, but other than that I seemed to be mostly unscathed.
My mind was racing as I tried to make sense of what had just happened.
What had caused the explosion?
And why had everything suddenly stopped?
I sat up slowly and looked around to see if anyone else was there, but the tunnel was empty.
The only sound was the distant rumble of the subway train as it slowly came to a stop somewhere behind me.
I stood up cautiously, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my side, and walked over to the platform where I had just been standing a few seconds earlier. Time seemed to have stopped; everything around me was frozen in place.
People were suspended mid-fall or frozen in mid-stride as they tried to flee from the explosion.
Their faces were contorted with fear and confusion, and their eyes were wide with terror as they stared back at me.
I stood there for a moment, trying to take it all in, but it was too much to process all at once.
I turned around and started walking through the tunnel toward the direction the train had been heading in.