Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
MidReal Story

Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story

Scenario: Romance story about a spy korean male keeping his spy job a secret from his black girlfriend
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Romance story about a spy korean male keeping his spy job a secret from his black girlfriend
I’m a spy.
I have been for the past five years, and I’ve been good at it.
My superiors are pleased with my work, and I’ve never failed a mission.
I’ve been able to keep my two lives separate, but now they’re starting to bleed together.
The woman I love is getting too close to my true identity, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep her in the dark.
Mia Thompson is an African American marketing executive who works for one of the biggest companies in Korea.
She’s smart, funny, and beautiful with curly black hair that falls down her back in a cascade of silk.
She’s also my girlfriend.
Chapter 1
The moment she walked through the door, I knew she was different from the other women in the room.
She was stunning, and I couldn’t help but stare at her from across the bar, mesmerized by her bright smile and sparkling eyes.
I’d been a spy for five years, but I wasn’t invincible to love.
I’d been with plenty of women, but Mia was different from all the others.
She was beautiful and smart, and when we started talking, I knew I had to get to know her better.
I couldn’t explain it, but there was something about her that called to me, as if fate had brought us together that night.
As Mia approached the bar with her friends, she smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.
She was gorgeous, and I couldn’t believe she was interested in me.
I couldn’t explain it, but I knew she was special.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, and by the time we said goodbye, I knew she was the one for me.
Mia wasn’t like other girls at the bar who only wanted to flirt and hook up with a hot guy for the night.
She wasn’t aggressive or pushy, like she was trying to get something from me that she hadn’t earned.
She was sweet and shy, and she didn’t seem to be interested in my money or my looks like so many other women were.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
I was sure that when I asked for her phone number, she would turn me down like most of the other girls had in the past when they found out what my job really was.
Being a spy wasn’t exactly a turn on for most women, and it was dangerous work that could put me in harm’s way at any moment.
But Mia wasn’t like other women.
When I told her about my job, she didn’t flinch or back away from me like I had expected her to.
Instead, she seemed even more intrigued by me, and asked me all sorts of questions about what it was like to be a spy.
I’d never met anyone like her before, and I knew right then that she was special.
I couldn’t explain it, but there was something about her that called to me, as if we were destined to meet that night.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
I have been for the past five years, and I’m damn good at it.
I’ve always been able to keep my two lives separate, but now they’re starting to bleed together.
The woman I love is getting too close to my true identity, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep her in the dark.
Mia Thompson is an African American marketing executive who works for one of the biggest companies in Korea.
She’s smart, funny, and beautiful with curly black hair that falls down her back in a cascade of silk.
She’s also my girlfriend.
We met at a bar three months ago when she was out with her friends celebrating her promotion to head of the marketing department.
The moment she walked through the door, I knew she was different from the other women in the room.
She was stunning, and I couldn’t help but stare at her from across the bar, mesmerized by her bright smile and sparkling eyes.
I’d been a spy for five years, but I wasn’t invincible to love.
I’d been with plenty of women, but Mia was different from all the others.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
She was beautiful and smart, and when we started talking, I knew I had to get to know her better.
I couldn’t explain it, but there was something about her that called to me, as if fate had brought us together that night.
As Mia approached the bar with her friends, she smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat.
She was gorgeous, and I couldn’t believe she was interested in me.
I couldn’t explain it, but I knew she was special.
We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, and by the time we said goodbye, I knew she was the one for me.
Mia wasn’t like other girls at the bar who only wanted to flirt and hook up with a hot guy for the night.
She wasn’t aggressive or pushy, like she was trying to get something from me that she hadn’t earned.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
She was sweet and shy, and she didn’t seem to be interested in my money or my looks like so many other women were.I was sure that when I asked for her phone number, she would turn me down like most of the other girls had in the past when they found out what my job really was.
Being a spy wasn’t exactly a turn on for most women, and it was dangerous work that could put me in harm’s way at any moment.
But Mia wasn’t like other women.
When I told her about my job, she didn’t flinch or back away from me like I had expected her to.
Instead, she seemed even more intrigued by me, and asked me all sorts of questions about what it was like to be a spy.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
Chapter 2
I’ve learned how to compartmentalize the two and keep them from overlapping so that no one gets hurt or finds out the truth about me.
The truth is that I am not who I seem to be on the outside.
On the outside, I am just an ordinary guy living in Korea and working at a major corporation as an IT manager.
But on the inside, I am so much more than that.
Secrets of the Heart: A Spy's Love Story
My real job is much more dangerous than being an IT manager at some boring company in Korea, and there are only a handful of people who know the truth about what I really do for a living.
Mia isn’t one of them, and I have been careful to keep it that way for the past three months since we met at the bar that night.
I know that if she found out the truth about me, it could put her in danger and ruin any chance we have of being together in the future.
But at the same time, I can feel myself getting closer and closer to Mia with each passing day, and it is becoming harder and harder to keep my secret from her any longer.
At first, I thought it would be easy to keep her in the dark about what I really do for a living.
After all, we didn’t work together or see each other on a regular basis like most people do when they are in relationships with one another.
I worked at a major corporation in Korea, and so did Mia, although she didn’t know that I worked there.
I had been hired by my superiors to keep an eye on Mia and make sure she was who she said she was, and so far, everything checked out.
But as time went on, it became harder and harder to separate my personal life from my professional one, and I knew that if I didn’t tell Mia soon, she would find out on her own and things would not end well.
I knew I should tell her the truth before it was too late, but I was afraid that once she found out what I really did for a living, she would leave me and never speak to me again.
I didn’t know how to prepare for what would happen if she found out, and so I avoided telling her as long as I could.
One evening, while out at a bar with some friends, I received an urgent phone call from one of my colleagues who also happened to be one of my closest friends.
Daniel Park had worked with me for the past two years, and we had been assigned to our most important mission yet.
This mission had been in preparation for over a year, and everything depended on us getting it right in order for it to be successful.
"Hello," I said into the phone, not wanting to speak too loudly but needing to make sure Daniel could hear me clearly.