Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
MidReal Story

Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission

Scenario: Mercenary Kyle Katarn on a secret mission for the Rebel Alliance
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Mercenary Kyle Katarn on a secret mission for the Rebel Alliance
Chapter 1
I don't know what I hate more—sneaking around Imperial bases or being in the dark.
This mission has both, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
I can't see a thing, but I can hear Jan Ors breathing next to me.
She's been quiet for a while now, and that's not like her.
I reach out with my hand and feel around until I touch her shoulder.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine."
She sounds pissed off, which is better than scared.
"We're close to the vault," I say.
"So we get the data disk and we're out of here."
She doesn't answer, but I can almost feel her nodding in the darkness.
This mission is as important to her as it is to me.
The information on that disk is vital to the Rebel Alliance, even if Mon Mothma won't tell me what it is or how she got it out in the first place.
Officially, this isn't even an Imperial base—there's no record of any installation at these coordinates—and nobody knows what goes on here.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
I just hope we don't find out.
We move forward as quietly as we can, one step at a time.
The corridor is so dark I can barely see my hand in front of my face, and the only sound is our footsteps against the metal floor.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
I check on Jan again, just to make sure she's still there.
Her voice sounds a little frustrated, which makes me smile even though I know it's not a good idea right now.
If she heard me chuckling to myself she'd probably punch me in the face, and then where would we be?
Me with two broken hands and no backup, that's where.
Jan Ors is one of the best pilots I've ever met, male or female, but she's something of a perfectionist too—and she doesn't like being kept in the dark any more than I do.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
"I'm fine. Can we keep going?"
I nod, even though she can't see me do it, and then I remember that I can't see anything either.
"This way," I say, and move forward again, holding out my arms in front of me so I don't walk into a wall or trip over something.
But before I can take another step, my foot hits something hard and metallic, and there's a loud CLANG as it bounces up against the side of the corridor before smashing back down onto the floor again.
I freeze, waiting for some Imperial stormtrooper to come running down the hall towards us—only that doesn't happen.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
Jan's tone is a little sharper than usual, and I have to wonder if it's because she's scared or just pissed off that we're stuck in this hellhole together.
"Sorry," I whisper.
"I didn't mean to snap at you. Just…"
She shakes her head, even though she knows I can't see it.
"It's fine. Let's go."
Together we move forward through the darkness, one slow step at a time so we don't make too much noise and attract unwanted attention—although right now I'd be grateful for some light, regardless of where it came from.
I reach out with one hand again and feel around until my fingers close around Jan's upper arm.
I ask, even though I already know the answer to that question.
If anything had happened to her I'd know about it by now, one way or another.
"I'm fine," she says again, a little more humbly this time.
"You don't have to babysit me."
I shake my head even though she can't see it either.
"Just stay close, okay? We're almost there."
She nods, even though she's not doing a very good job of following my advice right now.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
I can't see much in the gloom, but the outline of her body is just about visible against the pitch blackness of the corridor walls—and if anything had happened to her it would be a hell of a lot brighter in here by now, because it would be me and not Jan who was glowing in the darkness.
Jan's an athletic woman with short brown hair and a no-nonsense attitude that makes her seem like she's been raised on Alderaan instead of Chandrila, although she doesn't like talking about her home planet much these days.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
I watch her carefully as she scans the darkened hallway, her eyes narrowing in concentration.
We both know the stakes are high—we're right in the heart of an Imperial base on a forest moon, and if they catch us we're dead.
We've been climbing through the air ducts for almost two hours now, ever since we arrived on this backwater planet, and I'm beginning to wonder whether we'll ever find what we came here for.
But Jan assures me that all we need to do is make it to the vault, grab the data disk, then get out.
It sounds simple enough, but you never know what might go wrong with a mission like this.
If anything does happen we've both agreed that it's better to die fighting than be captured by the Empire.
Our contact didn't give us much information about what was stored in the vault, only that it contained a data disk containing vital information for the Rebel Alliance's fight against the Empire.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission
The base itself is strategically important to the Empire, which is why it's hidden under a forest moon, away from prying Rebel eyes.
But Mon Mothma—leader of the Rebel Alliance—believes that if we can get our hands on the data disk inside, we could potentially turn the tide of this war in our favor.
Jan takes another step forward and I reach out to stop her.
"Hey," I whisper.
She turns to look at me and I lower my voice even further.
"Hey, take it easy. We're almost there."
I hate this waiting game as much as she does, but we both know how important it is to stick to the plan.
Mon Mothma told us to bring the data disk straight back to her once we had it in our possession, so there's no room for error here.
If we screw this up now, not only will we be captured by the Empire but Mon Mothma will lose out on some vital information that could turn this war around for good.
Covert Alliance: The Kyle Katarn Mission