MidReal Story

Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman

Scenario: make a story about the death of superman
Create my version of this story
make a story about the death of superman
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
They need help.
They need Superman.
But he's not coming back.
Not this time.
Not ever.
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
They need help.
They need Superman.
But he's not coming back.
Not this time.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
Not ever.
I'm a journalist for the Daily Planet, and I've been friends with Clark Kent for years.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
Not ever.
I'm a journalist for the Daily Planet, and I've been friends with Clark Kent for years.
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
They need help.
They need Superman.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
I'm a journalist for the Daily Planet, and I've been friends with Clark Kent for years.
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
They need help.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
Not ever.
I'm a journalist for the Daily Planet, and I've been friends with Clark Kent for years.
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
It's not just about maintaining peace; Superman's death has shattered the spirit of Metropolis.
I could see the sorrow etched on people’s faces, feel the despair that lingers like a dark cloud over us all.
Metropolis is now plagued by a corruptive wave of lawlessness that threatens to undo all the progress we've made under Superman’s watchful eye.
Without his guidance and protection, we are vulnerable, and the citizens are living in constant fear and uncertainty about what each day might bring.
Not ever.
I'm a journalist for the Daily Planet, and I've been friends with Clark Kent for years.
I was there when Superman died.
I was there when the world lost its greatest hero, and I was there when Metropolis lost its guardian angel.
The city is still in mourning, but the criminals have already started to take advantage of his absence.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
The police are doing their best to keep the peace, but they can't do it alone.
People are afraid to leave their homes, afraid to walk the streets at night, afraid of what might happen if they make a wrong move or look at someone the wrong way.
If something doesn't change soon, then the city is going to tear itself apart.
But what can we do?
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman
Superman gave his life to save us from Doomsday, and now he's gone forever.
There's no one else who can take his place… is there?
I want to believe that someone will come along to protect us and help us rebuild our shattered lives.
I want to believe that there's another hero out there who can step up and be the person we need him to be.
But deep down, I know that no one will ever be able to replace Superman.
He was more than just a hero; he was a symbol of hope and inspiration for everyone who knew him or looked up to him.
Shadows Over Metropolis: The Fall of Superman