Eternal Love: Forbidden Bonds
MidReal Story

Eternal Love: Forbidden Bonds

Scenario: A love story between vampire, whose name is nan chen, and a human xin zhao
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A love story between vampire, whose name is nan chen, and a human xin zhao
I was born a vampire, and I have lived for more than a thousand years.
I have seen countless people die, but I have never seen anyone who can make my heart beat.
Until I met her.
She was only eighteen years old, and she was still a child in my eyes.
But she made me feel like I was in love for the first time.
I remember the first time I saw her.
She was walking on the side of the road, and a car suddenly rushed over.
I didn't think too much and rushed over to save her.
She looked at me in shock, and I could see the fear in her eyes.
I didn't say anything and left quickly.
But from that moment on, I couldn't forget her face.
Her bright eyes, flowing hair, and petite figure were all imprinted in my mind.
I couldn't help but want to see her again.
I didn't have anything to do, so I pretended to be looking for someone.
She would pass by here every day, and I would see her from a distance.
I'd never been interested in women before, because in my eyes, they were too fragile and weak.
But she was different.
She was pure and beautiful, like a piece of white paper that hadn't been tainted by any dirt.
Just looking at her made me feel at ease.
A friend beside me asked in surprise.
"What are you doing here every day?Are you addicted to picking up girls?It doesn't suit you to be so unromantic."
I glanced at him coldly.
He was my best friend and classmate, Li Wei.
He looked very strong and had always been a little bossy.
He had always liked to joke with me, but I didn't like to talk, so I just ignored him.
He continued, "The girl is really pretty, if you like her then confess your feelings to her.Do you need me to help you with something?"
I frowned slightly.
I didn't know why he had suddenly started to talk about this topic with me.
It had never occurred to me to have a relationship with her.
I said, "No need."
Li Wei looked at the girl who had just walked past us and said enviously, "She's really pretty.If she is willing to be with you, I am sure that many people would be jealous of your luck."
I glanced at him coldly and didn't say anything.
Yes, that girl was very beautiful.
And she was special, in my eyes, she was even more special than all the women I had met before.
However, I knew that it was impossible for us to be together.
She was just an ordinary person, while I was a vampire prince.
The two worlds were completely different from each other.
I couldn't let her know about my existence.
But I didn't know why I couldn't help but come here every day to see her.
Just as I was thinking about it, the school bell rang.
The students started to walk into the school one after another.
And she disappeared as well.
The corner of my lips twitched as I turned around and walked towards the classroom.
I didn't know why I had suddenly taken an interest in her.
But no matter what the reason was, I knew that it wasn't important anymore.
Because I couldn't control myself and wanted to see her every day.
I never stopped coming here again since the first time and waited for her at the school gate every day.
When the last class ended at noon, she finally appeared again and walked out of the school's entrance.
Eternal Love: Forbidden Bonds
I hurriedly followed behind and left while pretending to look for someone.
If I saw her from a distance, my heart would start to beat uncontrollably.
I don't know why I'm like this.
I should be able to control my emotions.
Li Wei glanced at me and asked suspiciously.
"Why is your face red?
Are you not feeling well?"
"No." I shook my head and suppressed my emotions before turning to look out of the window.
Li Wei looked at me curiously and asked.
"Why are you in such a hurry to leave school every day?Did you meet a girl?
If you have a girlfriend, you should tell me.I can help you keep it a secret."
I was silent for a moment.
"No." I said.
I wasn't sure why I came to see her myself.
It was almost as if I was attracted to her by an invisible string.
Li Wei said playfully.
"I knew it.You're a pervert who can't help but look at pretty girls.
Don't worry, I won't laugh at you."
I ignored him and continued to look out of the window.
Li Wei is a famous playboy at school.
He was always surrounded by beautiful girls and had many girlfriends.
However, he did not take those relationships seriously.
Although he had asked me to find a girlfriend with him before.
I never agreed to it.
I didn't like girls in the first place.
And now that I met her.
I felt even more disgusted when I saw other girls.
Li Wei continued to ask.
"If you are not looking for a girl, then what are you doing when you come to the school gate every day?"
I said coldly.
"I came to find someone."
"Who?" Li Wei asked curiously.
I glanced at him.
I didn't want to get involved in his problem.
I just wanted to stay away from her and forget about it.
It was just that my body seemed to have its own consciousness and did not listen to me at all.
There was only one thought in my mind to see her.
She is very pretty.I can introduce you to her."
He said with a smile and handed me a photo of the girl.
I took a look at the photo and my expression darkened.
I handed the photo back to him and said coldly.
"I'm not interested in her."
Li Wei looked at me in shock.
He was stunned for a moment before saying with a smile.
"Don't worry, I have many other friends who are more beautiful than her.Would you like me to introduce them to you?"
"No need." I said coldly.
He looked at me in confusion and asked.
"What's wrong with you?
Is there something wrong with you today?
Are you sick?"
I narrowed my eyes and looked out of the window as if I were irritated by his behavior.
Since that day, Li Wei had been trying his best to introduce girls to me every day.
He wanted me to choose one of them as my girlfriend, but I had never been interested in them.
Because they weren't pretty enough in my eyes.
They didn't make my heart beat like Xin Zhao did when I saw her.
I don't know why I'm so obsessed with her.
Eternal Love: Forbidden Bonds
It's not that I'm not interested in girls.
I just don't want to have a relationship with any female.
But it is difficult for me to tell my guard about this.
I have been living alone for so many years.
I am not used to telling others about my personal matters.
Moreover, I don't know how to explain it to him.
After all, I am a vampire prince.
No one else knew about it except my close guard.
I think even if I told him the truth about my identity and why I couldn't be in a relationship with any women around me.
He would never believe it either.
I looked at Li Wei's bitter face and frowned.
"Are you upset?"
"I don't understand what you are thinking."
"Why do you always reject the girls I introduce to you?
Is there something wrong with them?" he asked.
"They are very good.
You will definitely like them."
I glanced at him coldly and said in a low voice.
"I'm not interested in any woman on earth.Do you understand?"
He was taken aback by my words and looked at me in shock.
"Don't you like women?"
"Yes." I replied coldly.
He was silent for a moment and then a smile appeared on his face.
He patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile.
"It's okay.You don't like women.It doesn't mean you have to be single for the rest of your life.I have many male friends who are looking for boyfriends.Maybe you will be interested in them." I was speechless when I heard his words and looked at him angrily as he smiled and asked me to eat an apple.
"Try it." I glanced at the apple in his hand and took it after a moment of silence.
After that day, he stopped talking to me about finding a girlfriend.
We were still good friends like before and behaved as if nothing had happened.
Although Li Wei no longer talked to me about finding a girlfriend after that incident.
He would still show me the photos of some girls from time to time and ask me if I was interested in any of them.
I felt very angry every time I saw that he still held on to this matter and refused to let it go.
But then I thought about it and let it go.
I couldn't tell him about me and Xin Zhao anyway.
If he knew about it, he would definitely think that I had lost my mind.
After all, she is just a human being and doesn't belong to my world at all.
As a vampire prince who has lived for more than a thousand years, I have never been moved by anyone, whether it is male or female.
My life as a vampire has made me feel nothing but loneliness and emptiness inside me.
When I watched those humans around me dying one by one, I could only accept this cruel reality quietly and helplessly.
Because their lives are so short when compared to mine that they go away without leaving a trace before I can get used to them.
So I never dared to get too close to them or care too much about them.
Because I'm afraid that once they leave me one day, I won't be able to bear their loss anymore.
Eternal Love: Forbidden Bonds