MidReal Story

Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal

Scenario: I am learning what it means to be a fae in the world of humans who are oblivious, until I meet another fae who then becomes my bodyguard, and then he falls in love more and more.
Create my version of this story
I am learning what it means to be a fae in the world of humans who are oblivious, until I meet another fae who then becomes my bodyguard, and then he falls in love more and more.
I was seven years old the first time I saw a fae.
I didn’t know what she was at the time, of course.
She was just a pretty lady with silver hair and moonlit eyes who came to visit my mom.
I remember thinking she looked like a princess in her long, flowing gown, and I was so excited to meet her that I ran up to her and tugged on her sleeve.
“Are you a princess?”
I asked, my eyes wide with wonder.
She smiled down at me, and her eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky.
“No,” she said gently.
“I’m not a princess.”
“Then what are you?”
I asked, tilting my head to the side.
She laughed, a soft, tinkling sound that made me smile.
“I’m just a friend,” she said.
“Can I be your friend too?”
I asked eagerly.
She smiled and knelt down in front of me so we were eye to eye.
And that’s how I met Lysandra Moonshadow.
I don’t know what my mom and Lysandra talked about that day, but I remember spending the whole afternoon playing with her while my mom made us tea.
She was so nice to me, and she looked at me like she really saw me, if that makes sense.
Even though it wasn’t until years later that I learned what she really was, I think part of me knew even then that there was something different about her.
But I didn’t really understand until a few days ago, when I accidentally showed my wings at school for the first time.
It was so weird.
One minute, everything was fine, and the next, I felt this weird tingling sensation all over my back, and before I knew it, I had a pair of gorgeous, iridescent wings sprouting from my shoulder blades.
It should have been a nightmare come to life.
I mean, I’ve always known I was different from everyone else, but it’s one thing to feel different and another thing entirely to have everyone see it written plain as day for the whole world to see.
But instead of running away from me or calling me a freak, everyone flocked around me, staring at my wings in awe.
It took me a second to realize what was happening, but then I looked around and saw the wide-eyed expressions on my classmates’ faces, and I knew they were looking at my wings.
I opened my mouth to tell them that they were seeing things, but when I looked down at myself, I saw them too.
I gasped and spun around to get a better look at them, and when I did, they shimmered like stardust.
That’s when I realized that no one else could see them.
It was like they were invisible to the rest of the world except for me.
And of course Thorne too.
He’d been standing right next to me when they appeared, just like always, his dark eyes scanning the crowd as he kept an eye out for danger.
But instead of looking bored like he usually did during my classes, his gaze was fixed firmly on me.
As soon as he realized that I’d noticed him looking, his cheeks turned pink and he cleared his throat awkwardly before glancing away.
He’s really cute when he gets flustered like that.
“Elara, are you okay?”
Lysandra asked gently.
She was standing next to me with her hand on my shoulder, watching me with a worried expression on her pretty face.
I nodded numbly and tried to fold my wings back up so no one could see them, but they were so big and awkward that it was almost impossible to hide them completely without turning my back on everyone—which would have been pretty hard to do with a bunch of curious students surrounding us on all sides.
“Can we go somewhere private?”
Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal
Thorne asked quietly, his voice low and husky.
He turned to look at Lysandra, and I saw the way his dark eyes flashed with something strange and feral.
It was gone in an instant, but it left me feeling weird and off balance, like I’d just witnessed something that I wasn’t meant to see.
Lysandra looked ready to protest, but she just nodded and shot Thorne a knowing look before turning to me with a smile.
“Of course, dear,” she said gently.
“Let’s get you out of here.”
I nodded gratefully, and we made our way to the nearest empty classroom.
The whole way there, I kept my head down and did my best to ignore the curious whispers and concerned looks that followed us as we passed.
When we finally arrived, Lysandra closed the door behind us, and Thorne let out a relieved breath before reaching out to take my hand in his.
“Elara,” he said softly, his dark eyes searching my face.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
I nodded, and he sighed before closing his eyes and holding out his hand.
A second later, a glowing crystal appeared in his palm.
It shone brightly, illuminating the room with its soft, golden light, and I raised my hand to shield my eyes from its glare.
“Thorne,” I gasped, “what are you doing?”
I tried to look at him through the light, but I couldn’t make out his face clearly—it was just a dark shadow surrounded by a halo of golden light.
“What is that?”
I asked, trying to get a better look at the crystal.
“It’s called a moonstone,” he said gently.
“It’s made of pure moonlight, and it can be used to shield our true forms from prying eyes—like humans.”
I gasped in awe as I watched the light dance across the room, but my excitement quickly faded as I remembered what had just happened in the library.
“So what does that mean?”
I asked nervously.
“Are you going to erase their memories?”
“No,” he said with a sad shake of his head.
“That would only make things worse.”
“Then what are we going to do?”
I asked worriedly.
“I don’t know,” he said honestly.
“All we can do is wait and see what happens next.”
I nodded, and he sighed before turning back to look at the crystal in his hand.
He was quiet for a minute, and then he glanced back at me with a sad smile on his face.
“Are you ready?”
he asked gently.
I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but before I could say anything, the light from the crystal faded away.
And when it did, I gasped and stumbled back, my eyes wide with shock as I took in Thorne’s true form for the first time.
I’d seen him use his moonstone many times over the years, but I’d never seen what he was hiding underneath before.
And now that I can, I get why he wanted to keep it a secret from everyone else.
I mean, I’ve never really thought of him as hot—after all, he’s my bodyguard and practically my brother and everything—but he definitely is.
No wonder he doesn’t want anyone else to see him like this.
It’s not just because he wants to keep my wings safe from prying eyes.
It’s because he’s afraid of people finding out that he’s a fae too.
But as much as I get why he wants to keep it a secret, I’m still kind of hurt that he didn’t trust me with this sooner.
I mean, we’ve been friends for my whole life, and he never thought to tell me about this?
It feels like I don’t really know him at all.
Thorne must have seen the hurt in my eyes, because he reached out to touch my arm gently.
“Elara,” he said softly.
“Say something, please.”
I opened my mouth to reply, but when I looked up at him, I saw something in his eyes that made my heart flutter.
Instead of the usual sadness that always seemed to be lurking just beneath the surface, there was something else there—a spark of excitement and joy that almost made me forget why I was upset in the first place.
Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal
It took me a moment to place the feeling, but when I did, everything started to make sense.
It was the same feeling I’d had when I saw my wings for the first time—the same rush of joy and wonder and happiness that had washed over me when I realized what they meant.
And if I felt like that after seeing my own wings, I can’t imagine what it must have been like for Thorne to see them on me too.
Suddenly, all of my hurt and anger disappeared, replaced by a warm rush of affection for the boy standing in front of me.
My heart skipped a beat as I realized what this meant—that Thorne wasn’t just my friend or my bodyguard or even my brother.
He cared about me in a much bigger way than that.
He loved me, with all of his heart.
And however complicated that made things, I knew that I loved him too.
“Thorne,” I said softly, reaching out to take his hand in mine.
“It’s okay.I love you.”
I smiled up at him, and he smiled back, relief written all over his face as he pulled me into an awkward half-hug that almost managed to completely engulf me in his wings anyway.
After a few moments, we pulled away, each lost in our own thoughts, even as we both listened to the distant sound of the school bell ringing to signal the end of the day.
He reached out to take my hand in his again, and this time, I let him as we made our way back to our classroom to gather up our things and go home.
Only this time, everything felt different as we made our way through the empty halls of the school, bathed in the warm gold light of the setting sun.
If you’d told me this morning how different things would be by the end of the day, I never would have believed you.
But now that it was over, I was grateful for every moment—every laugh, every smile, every second that had brought me closer to Thorne than ever before.
Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal
A moment later, I felt something strange happening inside me—something that was both scary and exciting at the same time—but when I looked down at my body, I didn’t see anything unusual at all.
So I turned my attention back to my friend instead, smiling up at him as I felt his hand tighten around mine in response.
But when he didn’t say anything back, I looked up at him again, only to see that his eyes were wide with shock as he stared down at something behind me, a look of terror on his face.
And then I remembered what Thorne had said earlier about what it meant to be a fae—that we all had wings and horns hidden inside our bodies, just waiting to come out when we were ready for them to appear.
And it was clear that something was happening to me right at this very moment—even though I couldn’t see it myself, for some reason the rest of our classmates could see my wings appearing behind my back as they gasped in shock and surprise from their spots all around us.
We had all heard stories about what it was like when a fae’s wings first appeared—how beautiful they were, with iridescent wings that shimmered in every color of the rainbow—and how scary they were too, especially if they popped out unexpectedly in front of a whole crowd of people who wouldn’t understand what was happening or how to react.
But now that it was happening to me, I wasn’t scared—I was thrilled as I tried to turn around so that I could see my wings for myself for the very first time too.
But when I did, I yelped in surprise as I caught a glimpse of something huge and delicate and even more beautiful than I’d imagined, stretching out behind my back.
I could feel them there, even though they were still invisible to everyone else as I struggled to keep them hidden while I tried to figure out what to do.
But the more I tried to make them go away, the bigger and more solid they seemed to get, until it seemed like there was nothing I could do to stop them from appearing until after the moment had already passed.
And then, just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, my body started to lift off of the ground—and when I realized that I could feel myself floating up into the air even though I knew that I shouldn’t be able to, my eyes widened in fear as I caught a glimpse of the horrified look on Thorne’s face one last time before everything went dark.
The next thing I knew, I was standing on stage in front of the rest of our classmates, with dozens of curious faces staring up at me from below.
And just when I was starting to think that things couldn’t get any worse, Thorne walked up onto the stage and pulled me into a tight hug, even though he wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near me while we were at school.
Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal
After a long moment where we just stood there like that together—Thorne with his arms wrapped protectively but tenderly around my back while my wings extended all the way out to their full length of almost seven feet wide—I finally leaned back against him slightly so that I could turn my neck around to look back at him.
But just when I opened my mouth to say something to him, Thorne’s eyes flashed with an emotion that I could only identify as longing—and before I knew what was happening, he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.
And even though the contact was so light that it was almost nonexistent at first—like he was afraid to touch me too hard in case he broke me—it felt like my entire body exploded with pleasure.
And then before I knew what was happening, he deepened the kiss to make it longer and harder—and then he pulled away from me again so that he could look at me with a fierce expression on his face while he told me in a hoarse voice that echoed from somewhere deep inside of him, “I love you so much.” And then he gave me one last hug before he let go of me for good and backed away from the stage to give me some space.
As soon as he did, my wings disappeared again—although I could still feel them there underneath my clothes.
And then just when I started to wonder if everything that had just happened had been a figment of my imagination instead of real—I mean, how could Thorne possibly love me or want to kiss me if he had never done anything to show me how he felt about me other than telling me that he loved me in ways that didn’t count?—a hush fell over the crowd as everyone waited for me to say something.
But even though I opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out at first because I was so shocked.
I mean, not only had Thorne just kissed me for the very first time in my entire life—but my wings had popped out in front of everyone just now too!
It was a miracle that no one had seen or noticed them—or at least no one except for Thorne.
But then just when I thought that things couldn’t get any worse, Thorne suddenly appeared out of nowhere and walked up behind me until we were standing back to back.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered in my ear while I clung desperately to him so that I wouldn’t fall over—even though I knew that I shouldn’t be able to feel him there anymore now that my wings were invisible again.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you or take you away from me—not ever.”
But even though it was a sweet and comforting thing for him to say, something about it still made me nervous—like maybe there was something that I didn’t know or understand about what had just happened yet.
“Thorne,” I said stiffly while I tried to turn around so that I could see him properly.
But Thorne held me close so that I couldn’t get away from him even though I wanted to—and then I finally gave up and leaned back against him so that I could go where he wanted me instead of trying to fight him.
“Is there something you want to tell me?”
I finally said after a long moment when I couldn’t come up with anything better to say instead.
Enchanted Secrets: Fae, Love, and Betrayal