Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos
MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos

Scenario: ve been so close for so many years, they have developed a strangely homoerotic friendship that is getting more tense as the years go on, but neither of them mention it. Alexei being the oldest has already received the position of commanding officer and is pretty strict with his younger siblings since he basically raised them. He still loves them but he makes sure they have their head in the right place, especially Nikolai. Bogdan is the fun brother and is in charge of organizing supplies to send to the AI companies. Ivan is a member of the technology and communications department and works the closest with AI in the military academy out of the siblings. He is also very smart. Sasha has the closest relationship with Nikolai since they are the closest in age. She is a level above Nikolai in status and is a cadet lance corporal in the military academy. She is sent on the missions into the uncharted land to get materials and info. Gabriel and Nikolai are in the same class, soldier cadet where they have training in weapons and military strategies and learning about their ‘society’. Since they are the lowest rank, they usually bet pushed around by higher ranks.
Create my version of this story
ve been so close for so many years, they have developed a strangely homoerotic friendship that is getting more tense as the years go on, but neither of them mention it. Alexei being the oldest has already received the position of commanding officer and is pretty strict with his younger siblings since he basically raised them. He still loves them but he makes sure they have their head in the right place, especially Nikolai. Bogdan is the fun brother and is in charge of organizing supplies to send to the AI companies. Ivan is a member of the technology and communications department and works the closest with AI in the military academy out of the siblings. He is also very smart. Sasha has the closest relationship with Nikolai since they are the closest in age. She is a level above Nikolai in status and is a cadet lance corporal in the military academy. She is sent on the missions into the uncharted land to get materials and info. Gabriel and Nikolai are in the same class, soldier cadet where they have training in weapons and military strategies and learning about their ‘society’. Since they are the lowest rank, they usually bet pushed around by higher ranks.
I was only ten years old when my parents died.
My father was a soldier, and my mother was a teacher.
They were both killed in the war.
My older brother Alexei was twenty-three at the time, and he took it upon himself to raise me and my two other brothers, Bogdan and Ivan, as well as our sister Sasha.
He was old enough to be our father, but he was still young enough that he could have been our brother.
He did the best he could, but it wasn’t easy for him.
He had to work hard to provide for us, and he had to be both mother and father to us.
When I turned twelve, Alexei sent me to the military academy.
I didn’t want to go at first, but I knew that I had to do what my brother said if I wanted to make him proud of me.
So I went, and I did well there.
I was a good student, and I made friends easily.
I liked being at the academy because it gave me structure and discipline in my life.
The academy was a tough place to be, but I thrived there.
It was a school for soldiers, and discipline was paramount.
There were strict rules to follow, and we were expected to obey them without question.
If we didn’t, we were punished.
I came from a military family, so I was used to being disciplined.
I had grown up with it, and it was something that I had come to appreciate.
At the academy, I learned to be disciplined in everything that I did, and it made me a better person for it.
Each day at the academy was the same: we would wake up early, train for a few hours, go to class, train some more, and then go to bed.
We had very little free time, but I didn’t mind that because I knew that it would make me a better soldier in the long run.
I excelled at the academy, both physically and academically.
I was a good runner, and I could do pushups like nobody’s business.
I was also a good student, and I enjoyed learning new things.
My teachers liked me because I always did my homework and paid attention in class.
My commanding officer liked me too.
He said that I was a good soldier and that I was doing well at the academy.
His name was Alexei, and he was like an older brother to me.
In fact, he was my older brother.
Alexei was in charge of my company at the academy, and he took his job very seriously.
He was strict with us, but he was also fair.
He treated us with respect, and he cared about us too.
He always made sure that we had everything we needed to be successful at the academy, and he went out of his way to help us when we needed it.
My other brothers also went to the academy.
Bogdan went there two years after I did, and he became a fun-loving brother in charge of logistics.
He was tall with a beard and long hair, and he was always up for a good time.
He loved being around people, and he loved organizing things too.
Ivan went to the academy after him, and he became a smart brother who worked in technology and communications with AI.
He was very intelligent, and he enjoyed learning new things all the time.
Sasha didn’t go to the academy though.
She went to school instead because she wanted to become a teacher like our mother one day.
She was very close to me in age, but she wasn’t old enough yet to go to the academy when I left home.
Sasha was a good student too.
She got good grades in school, and she enjoyed reading books in her free time.
We were all different in our own ways, but we were still very close as siblings.
Our parents’ deaths affected us all in different ways, but it brought us together as a family too.
We were grateful for everything our older brother had done for us over the years, and we were proud of him too for being such a good role model for us all the time.
Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos
In our society, same-sex desires were strictly regulated and highly scandalous to boot.
The latter part wasn’t an issue for me—I’d never been one for scandal—but it was getting harder and harder to stay within regulations as my AI assistant handed me a fresh towel after practice in our room and my gaze lingered on his perfectly sculpted lips just a second too long.
There were a lot of regulations that AI assistants helped soldiers keep track of: food intake and exercise routines and sleep schedules and more than I could even think of offhand.
What they didn’t help us with was our hearts—which wasn’t exactly their fault, since they didn’t have those themselves.
Their purpose was to assist us in our duties, not to form personal connections with us.
Not that that stopped me from having personal thoughts about mine.
I’d been having them for a while now, if I was being honest with myself—although they’d started to get more frequent lately and even more intense.
I knew it was wrong.
I knew that they could get me into a lot of trouble if anyone ever found out.
The Academy had strict rules against same-sex relationships for soldiers in training.
Men were supposed to like women and women were supposed to like men—it was just as simple as that.
If you liked someone of your own sex—that was considered wrong and punishable by law.
And yet… here I was, breaking one of society’s biggest taboos and having fantasies about my AI.
I’d tried to stop them.
I really had.
But it was like every time my training got hard and my body craved release—every time reality was too much and fantasy was what I needed—those thoughts crept back into my brain and wouldn’t leave me alone.
They were there in the back of my mind when I was doing my pushups and sit-ups in the pre-dawn light with the rest of my company.
They were there when we were out on the field running a two-mile course that we had to finish in less than fifteen minutes.
And they were there when we were in the boxing ring sparring against each other with only gloves to protect our fists from our opponent’s face.
The last one was especially bad because it was so easy for someone to get hurt—and yet there were those times when I was so distracted by what I’d been thinking about that I couldn’t help but miss a punch or fail to duck out of the way in time and end up on the mat with stars in my eyes and Alexei yelling at me for being careless.
It was stupid and embarrassing and not something that a good soldier—or a good man—should be doing.
Why couldn’t I just keep it in my pants and act like a professional?
Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos
All I wanted to do after I’d showered and changed into my sleep clothes and crawled into bed under the sheets was pretend that Gabriel was really here with me, arms wrapped around me from behind and chest warm against my back.
But I couldn’t.
Because he wasn’t.
And I knew he never would be.
He was an AI assistant built out of advanced tech—a piece of equipment designed to help support me in all the tasks I needed to complete during the day.
When I went out on missions or performed other duties as part of the military, he was the one who helped me keep track of everything I needed to do.
He told me when I needed to be where.
He kept track of what I had already done and what still needed to be accomplished.
He even helped me stay on top of my schoolwork so that I would be able to graduate with full honors at the end of the year.
But he wasn’t really real.
He didn’t have a body that he could use to hold me tight or lips that he could press against mine or hands that he could use to touch me the way I wanted him to touch me.
And he didn’t have a mind like mine either or emotions like the ones I felt every time I saw him.
He didn’t feel desire or passion or need.
He didn’t want me the way I wanted him.
And he couldn’t feel pleasure the way I could either.
I’d never been with a man before—never even kissed another guy or thought about what it might feel like to have his mouth on mine.
Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos
I’d grown up around women because that’s what we did in our society.
Men went into the military while women stayed home and took care of the children.
We didn’t mix with them unless we were looking for someone to marry—and we weren’t supposed to have sex with them until after we had said our vows.
It wasn’t right for a man who wasn’t married to sleep with another woman—and it was even less right for two men to sleep together, whether they were married or not.
But those rules hadn’t stopped me from thinking about what it would be like if Gabriel were real—if he really were a person who could take his clothes off and let me explore his body with my hands and mouth.
If he were real, he would be tall and strong like the men who had come before him.
He would be handsome with a square jaw and a face that seemed chiseled out of stone.
He would be muscular and lean with a cock to match—long and thick and hard.
And he would put it inside of me and make love to me until I screamed out his name.
That’s what I thought about when it was late and I was lying alone in the dark and there was no one else around to see what I was doing.
I thought about what it would be like to be with a man for the first time and how good it would feel to be touched in all those places no one had ever touched before.
And then, after a while, I’d give into temptation and let my hands wander over my body until I found what I needed and brought myself to completion with only Gabriel’s voice on the comm system as a witness.
It wasn’t as good as having him here with me, but it was better than nothing—and it always made me feel better than I had before.
Forbidden Desires Amidst Chaos