Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor
MidReal Story

Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor

Scenario: I found an alien in my room tonight.
Create my version of this story
I found an alien in my room tonight.
I found an alien in my room tonight.
I was about to go to bed when I heard a strange noise coming from my closet.
I opened the door and saw a small, iridescent creature hiding behind my winter coats.
It had multiple eyes and was staring at me with what I can only describe as fear.
I didn’t know what to do, so I called my best friend Jake.
He came over right away, and we decided to keep the alien in my room until we could figure out what to do with it.
We named it Zorblax 7X9, and it’s been living in my closet for the past week.
Jake and I have been sneaking food up to it every night, and I’ve been teaching it how to speak English.
It’s actually a really quick learner, and we’ve been having a lot of fun together.
The only problem is that Zorblax is starting to get homesick, and we don’t know how to send it back home.
We’ve been doing some research online, but we can’t find anything about its species or where they come from.
I had been laying in bed for nearly an hour, the soft light of my nightlight casting a warm glow over my room.
I listened to the gentle hum of the air conditioner and the faint creaking of the old floorboards as the house settled around me.
"Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor"
It was late, and I was exhausted, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the Star Wars marathon that Jake and I had planned for the next day.
We had both been counting down the days until it was released on DVD, and we had already made plans to stay up all night watching the movies back-to-back.
I had just been about to set my phone aside and close my eyes when a notification popped up on my screen.
It was a comment from Jake on one of my Instagram posts, tagging me in a meme he thought I would find hilarious.
I giggled quietly as I liked the post and replied with a comment of my own.
I was about to turn off my phone when I saw that Jake had posted a picture of our setup for the movie night.
“Is it time yet?”
I replied, adding a couple of eye-roll emojis and a smiley face at the end.
The picture showed an old futon mattress lying on the floor in front of my TV, blankets and pillows scattered around in a haphazard fashion.
Jake had also set up an assortment of snacks and drinks on my coffee table, with an open bag of popcorn sitting in the middle like a centerpiece.
A large bowl of candy bars sat next to it, along with a variety of chips and cookies.
It was clear that he was just as excited as I was, if not more so.
After all, he was the bigger Star Wars fan out of the two of us.
“Almost there,” he replied.
I rolled my eyes again and liked his post before setting my phone aside and closing my eyes.
I must have drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I knew, my phone was buzzing loudly on my nightstand.
I groaned and reached over to pick it up, squinting against the harsh light as I checked the notification.
Jake had tagged me in another post, this time a video of himself doing a happy dance in his living room.
I chuckled and replied to his comment before glancing at the time.
It was after midnight, and I knew I should probably go back to sleep.
I set my phone down and rolled over, pulling my blankets up around me.
Just as I was about to close my eyes, something caught my attention.
A faint noise was coming from somewhere in my room, a strange mix of clicks and whistles that seemed to echo off the walls.
I sat up and glanced around in confusion, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
"Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor"
I hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to investigate.
My first instinct was to ignore it and go back to sleep, but my curiosity got the best of me.
I’d never heard anything like it before, and it sounded like it was coming from inside my room.
I shivered as a sudden chill ran down my spine, goosebumps prickling along my arms.
The noise stopped for a moment, then started up again, this time louder than before.
My heart began to race, my apprehension growing with each passing second.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep until I figured out what was making that noise.
With a mix of dread and intrigue, I threw off my blankets and swung my legs over the side of the bed.
The floor was cold against my bare feet, and I winced as they made contact with the hardwood.
The only source of light in the room was my nightlight, which cast a warm yellow glow over my surroundings.
I took a deep breath and stood up, the floor creaking beneath me as I made my way towards the closet.
I half-expected a raccoon or some other critter to come scurrying out, but the only thing that greeted me was silence.
I reached out and grabbed the closet door handle, my hand trembling slightly as I pulled it open.
Dread settled in the pit of my stomach as the hinges creaked loudly in protest, the sound echoing off the walls and cutting through the silence like a knife.
I winced and waited for something to come charging out, but nothing happened.
My breath caught in my throat as I hesitated for a moment, then steeled myself and flung open the closet door all the way.
I braced myself for whatever might be lurking inside, but what I saw was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
It was small and iridescent, with multiple eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light.
Its skin shimmered with an otherworldly sheen, like an oil slick reflecting the colors of the rainbow.
It looked up at me with wide eyes that were filled with fear and confusion.
For a moment, we simply stared at each other in silence, both seemingly unsure of what to do next.
Then the creature let out a sharp gasp and scurried further back into the closet, its iridescent skin flashing brightly in the darkness.
My heart pounded loudly in my chest as I stared at the closet in shock.
Had that really just happened?
Or had I fallen asleep and dreamt the whole thing?
The next thing I knew, my phone was buzzing on my nightstand again, and I jumped so hard that I almost dropped it on the floor.
I glanced at the screen and saw that Jake was calling me.
I hesitated for a moment, then answered the phone with trembling hands.
“What’s going on?”
he asked when he heard my voice.
"Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor"
It was almost like a scene from a sci-fi movie.
“There’s an alien in my closet.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Jake, I don’t know how to explain it, but I think there’s an alien hiding in my closet.”
There was a long pause, and I could almost hear Jake’s brain working as he processed my words.
Then he let out a loud snort of laughter.
“Are you serious?
You’re messing with me, right?”
“Jake, I’m not joking.
There really is something in my closet.
Come over here and see for yourself.”
He hesitated for a moment, then let out a heavy sigh.
“Fine, just give me a few minutes to get dressed.
But if this is some kind of prank, I swear I’m going to be so mad.”
With that, he hung up, leaving me alone once again with the strange creature that was hiding in my closet.
I glanced nervously at the open door and took a deep breath before mustering up the courage to take a step closer.
The alien let out a strange whistling noise and scurried further back into the closet, its tentacles quivering with fear.
It was smaller than I had initially thought, no bigger than a loaf of bread, but it was still the strangest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it, even as my heart pounded so loudly that I was sure the alien could hear it too.
I reached for my phone, wanting to take a picture of this unbelievable sight, but then Jake’s voice echoed in my head, warning me about the dangers of exposure.
I hesitated for a moment, then set my phone back down on the nightstand.
Whatever was happening, I needed to be careful.
I didn’t want to put myself or this strange creature in danger by doing something stupid.
I took another step forward and knelt down on the carpet, keeping my eyes locked on the alien as I slowly extended my hand towards it.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I said softly.
The alien let out another whistling noise and reached out one of its tentacles, wrapping it around my finger.
Its skin felt cool and slightly damp to the touch, like a frog’s, and I couldn’t help but shiver at the sensation.
But I forced myself to stay still, not wanting to scare it away.
The two of us stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, just staring at each other in silence.
Then the alien let out another trilling noise and pulled its tentacle back, retreating further into the closet as it seemed to lose interest in me.
I watched it go, feeling strangely bereft by its absence, then took another deep breath and stood up.
There was so much I needed to process right now, so many questions that I didn’t even know where to start.
The only thing I knew for sure was that I couldn’t tell anyone about this.
Not yet, at least.
This was something big, something that could change everything, and I needed to be careful.
The alien peeked its head out from behind a pile of shoes and stared at me with its multi-colored eyes once again.
"Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor"
And now that the initial shock had faded, I couldn’t help but think that this was the kind of thing that should only happen in movies or books.
Not in real life.
But here I was, standing in my room and having a one-on-one conversation with an alien.
It was small, no bigger than a loaf of bread, and its skin was iridescent, shimmering with an otherworldly sheen.
Its multiple eyes were wide, and it was making a soft, purring noise that seemed almost like a plea for help.
One of its many tentacles was tangled in the scarves that I had hanging on hooks next to the closet, and it let out a low whistle as I approached, as if warning me to stay away.
“It’s okay,” I said quietly.
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
The alien made a gurgling noise and tried to pull free from the scarves, but only succeeded in tangling itself up even more.
This time, the purring noise sounded more urgent, more scared, and I could almost see the panic in its many eyes.
I didn’t know what to do.
I was so far out of my depth that I didn’t know which way was up.
So I did what any other sensible person would do in this situation:
I took out my phone and called Jake.
He answered on the second ring, his voice groggy and thick with sleep.
“Come over right now,” I said, my voice panicked and urgent.
“I need you to come over right now.”
“Whoa, whoa, calm down,” Jake said, his voice clearing as he woke up.
“What’s going on?”
“There’s an alien in my closet,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady and failing miserably.
“I need you to come over right now.”
I could almost hear Jake rolling his eyes on the other end of the line, but there was an undercurrent of concern in his voice that told me he was taking me seriously.
“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” he said.
“Just give me a few minutes to get dressed, all right?
You’re not alone, Em.
I’m on my way.”
He hung up before I could respond, and I let out a shaky breath, feeling slightly better now that I knew he was coming.
But there was still so much I needed to do before he got here.
The alien was still tangled in my scarves, its eyes wide and panicked as it struggled to free itself.
I knelt down on the carpet once again and reached out my hand, wanting to help it but not sure how.
“It’s okay,” I said softly.
“I’m not going to hurt you.
But you need to stay quiet, all right?
We don’t want anyone else to find out about you.”
The alien trilled softly in response, as if it understood what I was saying, then let out another gurgling noise that sounded almost like a sigh.
It stopped struggling against the scarves and sagged slightly in defeat, as if it knew that it was caught and there was nothing it could do about it.
I watched it for a moment longer, then stood up and took a step back, keeping my eyes locked on the closet until I heard the front door open and close downstairs.
“Em?” Jake called from the bottom of the stairs.
"Alien Encounter: Secrets of the Iridescent Visitor"
He sounded concerned now, and I felt a pang of guilt for waking him up in the middle of the night like this, but I tamped down on it and called back to him, “Up here.”
He appeared on the landing a moment later, his glasses slipping down his nose and his dark hair sticking up in all directions from sleep as he peered at me with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.
“What’s going on?”
he asked, taking another step up the stairs so he was standing right in front of me.
I reached out my hand and grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him towards the closet so he could see for himself what I was talking about.
“Look,” I said, my voice coming out in a whisper now that he was here, as if I was afraid that speaking any louder would cause the alien to hear us and attack or something, even though I didn’t know how it could possibly understand us when it didn’t even speak English.
“There’s an alien in my closet.”
Jake stared at me for a second longer, his eyes wide behind his glasses, then turned to look at the closet, his gaze following my outstretched arm until he could see what I was pointing at.
It took him a moment to process what he was seeing, but when he finally did, his entire face lit up with amazement, and his mouth dropped open in a perfect “O” of shock.
For once, Jake Harrison was at a complete loss for words.
The alien let out another trill as it caught sight of him, and its tentacles began to quiver even more violently than before as it tried to struggle free, but I quickly reached out and placed my hand on top of its head to calm it, as much for Jake’s benefit as for mine, not wanting him to freak out or anything because this whole thing was already weird enough without him having some sort of panic attack on top of everything else.
“Whoa,” Jake said, his voice hushed with wonder as he took a step closer to examine the alien more closely.
“Is that…”
I nodded in response, not trusting myself to speak just yet as I watched his face transform into a huge smile of disbelief.
“It is,” he whispered, sounding almost reverent now as he stared at me with wide eyes over the top of his glasses.
“There’s actually an alien in your room!”
The alien let out a happy little trill in response to his words, as if it knew that we were talking about it but didn’t really mind all that much because it was just happy to be free after being trapped in my closet for who knows how long, while Jake just continued to stare at it in amazement for a long moment longer before finally turning to look at me once again, his eyes bright with excitement behind his glasses as he asked, “What are we going to do with it?”