Soulbound: A Pact for Love
MidReal Story

Soulbound: A Pact for Love

Scenario: I traded with the devil for a girl.
Create my version of this story
I traded with the devil for a girl.

Lucifer Morningstar

the devil broker, no direct relationships, imposing with charismatic allure, manipulative and enigmatic


Damien Black

the dealmaker, no relationships, tall with sharp features, cunning and secretive


Elara Hart

the traded girl, related to Damien through the deal, petite with bright eyes, resilient and hopeful

I traded with the devil for a girl.
I didn’t know her, but I knew she was worth it.
I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I knew it was too late to turn back.
I didn’t know who she was, but I knew she was mine.
I didn’t know what he would do to me, but I knew he would come for me.
I didn’t know how it would end, but I knew it wouldn’t be good.
I didn’t know anything, but I did it anyway.
And now here we are.
The dealmaker and the traded girl.
The man who made a pact with the devil and the girl who was saved because of it.
The man who will do anything to save her and the girl who will do anything to save him in return.
The man who will die for her and the girl who will die for him in return.
The man who will break his pact with the devil and the girl who will pay the price for it in return.
I stood at the threshold of Lucifer Morningstar’s chamber, my knuckles white around the handle of the door, my heart heavier than it had ever been.
I knew that once I crossed this threshold, there would be no coming back.
Once I stepped into this chamber and looked upon the face of the devil himself, there would be no turning back.
This was my last chance.
My final gamble.
I couldn’t go back now.
They had told me all about her curse.
They had whispered it in my ears and hissed it against my neck.
The shadows danced around me in silent warnings, and I heard them loud and clear.
If you don’t do something now, you will lose her forever.
And I had to do something.
I couldn’t just stand by and watch her die, not when I had the power to do something about it.
I didn’t know what she had done to deserve it.
I didn’t know what I had done to deserve it.
But no one deserved that fate.
No one deserved that curse.
Not even her.
Not even me.
I didn’t know what kind of deal we would make tonight, but I knew deep in my heart that I would make a deal with the devil if I had to.
If he was the only one who could break this curse, then I would make a deal with him.
Whatever the cost, whatever the price, whatever he wanted from me—I would give it to him.
Because I couldn’t let her die like this.
I couldn’t live with myself if she died like this, knowing that I could have done something to save her.
Knowing that she would have lived if only I had traded with the devil sooner, instead of holding onto my pride until it was too late.
If I lost her now, then there would be no coming back for me either.
And so I did what I had come here to do.
I pushed open those grand doors and stepped into the chamber where Lucifer Morningstar waited for me to make my deal with him.
“Ambassador Black,” he greeted me with a smirk on his lips, “to what do I owe the pleasure?”
The devil was as imposing as ever—towering over me with his broad shoulders and his dark eyes that seemed to see right through me—but he wore his allure like a second skin.
He was so charismatic that it was almost hypnotizing, but he was also so manipulative that it was almost paralyzing.
He could have convinced me to do anything if he wanted to—and he probably would have—but I wasn’t here for him tonight.
I was here for her instead.
“I need your help,” I said to him.
“With what?”
I had fallen straight into his trap, and now there was no getting out of it again.
The room was a sickly red in color, and the walls pulsed with it as though they were still alive and breathing and watching all of us together in the same room.
The air was thick and heavy with the scent of burning brimstone, and it made my lungs hurt as I breathed it in—my head light and my stomach turning as I waited to be called upon by the devil himself from his throne of bones and shadows in the center of the room.
“This isn’t real,” I whispered under my breath, but it didn’t help any to ease my nerves or to calm me down again, so I fell silent once more and waited for my turn to come around at last as the shadows slithered around me and the echo of my words bounced off of the walls.
“Damien Black,” a voice called out to me from the darkness, and I looked up to find Lucifer Morningstar watching me from his throne, a smile on his lips as he watched me struggle to remain calm at long last, “come closer.”
I took a deep breath in the hopes that it would help me to steady my nerves, but it didn’t work, so I took another one instead and tried again, but it didn’t work any better that time either, so I finally just gave up on it altogether and made my way over to the throne where the devil was waiting for me at long last.
He watched me come closer with a hunger in his eyes that made me more than uncomfortable, but I forced myself not to look away from him again now that he had my attention—as much as I wanted to—and I refused to look down either when the weight of his gaze became too much for me to bear because I didn’t want him to think that he had already won this game before it had even begun.
I fell onto my knees instead when I finally reached him there on the throne, though, because I was far too weak-willed to stand up against the weight of his gaze for very long, and so I fell apart in front of him where anyone else might have been able to keep themselves together instead.
“What can I help you with today?”
he asked me as he watched me fall apart in front of him at last, and I tried to answer him even though I knew that there was no point in doing so because he would have already known what I would have said before I even said it anyway.
“I need you to break a curse,” I told him at long last, “for me.”
Soulbound: A Pact for Love
“You’ll come around and you’ll see that this is the best thing that you could have ever done for yourself.”
The devil began to laugh then as if there was something funny about all of this, but there wasn't anything funny about it at all.
I had come here for help when I had no other choice left available to me—and he thought that this was the best thing that I could have ever done for myself?
There wasn't anything about this that was going to be good or great—not for me or anyone else—and so there wasn't anything funny about this at all.
I hated the way the sound of his laughter filled the chamber, but there wasn't anything that I could have done about it now that it was already far too late for me.
“Oh, you’re serious, then,” Lucifer said when the sound of his laughter finally began to fade away.
I nodded at him from where I had fallen onto my knees and refused to look back up into his eyes because I knew all too well just what it was that I would find in them if I did—just what it was that he would be able to do to me if I dared to look him in the eyes again after all of this.
I could feel a chill run down my spine when the devil finally began to speak again, though, and so I clung onto the sound of his voice when it filled the chamber instead so that it wouldn’t be able to get inside of my head where it would have been able to dig its hooks into me easily enough.
“I can break your curse,” Lucifer said after a moment, “but you should know that Elara will still die no matter what you do.”
I felt as if the very ground beneath me had just been ripped out from beneath me when the devil told me this and fell further into despair because of it even though I had already known this long before coming here to seek him out in the first place.
“The curse will always take its toll,” Lucifer continued on after another moment more—I couldn’t see him anymore because my eyes had already started to blur from the tears—and so I couldn’t have been sure if he was watching me or not now.
“But you can always be there to help her instead.
You can always be there to save her yourself.
You can be there to save her from all of them.”
I felt as if my heart was breaking all over again at the sound of his words and fell further into despair because of it even though I was desperately trying not to.
“The dead will never stop coming after her,” Lucifer went on at long last after a moment more.
“They will always be here to claim her soul even though she’ll be reborn every time that they take her away from you again.
She’ll live for a time—and then she’ll die once more—but she’ll be ours again before long.
And it will happen over and over again until you break our agreement.”
Soulbound: A Pact for Love