MidReal Story

Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale

Scenario: I am Jennie and i want to be prom queen
Create my version of this story
I am Jennie and i want to be prom queen
"Jennie, you should totally run for prom queen."
I look up from my phone to see Mia grinning at me.
She’s sitting on the edge of my bed, her legs crossed and her hands clutching a pillow to her chest.
I’m sitting in front of my vanity mirror, applying a fresh coat of mascara to my lashes.
I pause and give her a curious look.
"Because you’re popular, you’re pretty, and you’re nice," she says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
"I think you’d be perfect."
I smile at her compliment but shake my head.
"I don’t know. I mean, Lily is running too. And she’s popular and pretty and nice."
Mia rolls her eyes.
"Lily is not nice. She’s a total bitch."
I laugh at her bluntness.
Lily Chen is one of the most popular girls in our senior class.
I raise an eyebrow at Mia, who nods knowingly.
"She is a bitch," she confirms, "but that’s why people like you better.
You’re nice to everyone, even the new kids and the underclassmen.
Lily only cares about herself and her little posse of followers.
" I shrug, not wanting to get into a debate about Lily's character.
I've known her since we were in kindergarten, and I know that despite her charm and beauty, there's a mean streak in her that runs deep.
She's always been competitive with me, whether it was for grades or boys or popularity.
It’s like she sees me as some sort of rival she needs to squash to feel better about herself.
"I just don’t want this to turn into some big drama," I say, returning my attention to my eyelashes.
They're looking great today; not too clumpy and not too thin—just right.
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
"You know what would be really dramatic?" Mia suggests with a sly smile that makes me wary.
"If you ran against Lily for prom queen."
I laugh at the idea, but inside, I'm already imagining it.
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
The thought of us going head-to-head in some kind of political showdown is both terrifying and exhilarating.
"I’d rather not have to deal with that," I say, shaking my head as I put the mascara wand back in its tube.
"That would be a nightmare."
Mia shrugs, but she doesn’t look convinced.
"You could always drop out if it gets too crazy. But I think it would be fun. You’d get to campaign and make posters and stuff. It would be like running for class president all over again."
I laugh at the memory.
"Except that this time there’s no promise of ice cream after the election."
Mia grins and tosses the pillow aside so she can sit next to me on the bed.
"But there is the promise of a crown. And a sash. And a place in the yearbook. And bragging rights for the rest of your life."
"True," I say, nodding in agreement.
"Okay, fine. I’ll run."
Mia’s eyes light up with excitement, and she lets out a happy squeal as she throws her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
She’s sitting on the edge of my bed, her legs crossed and her hands clutching a pillow to her chest.
Her curly brown hair is pulled back in a messy bun and her bright brown eyes are sparkling behind her glasses.
She has a smile that can light up a room and a laugh that is contagious as hell.
Mia is the kind of girl who can make friends with anyone and everyone she meets because she’s confident but approachable at the same time.
She’s always been good at making people feel comfortable around her, even people who are shy or have trouble fitting in at school.
It doesn’t hurt that she’s also incredibly smart and funny and beautiful on the inside and out.
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
Mia is the kind of girl who can make friends with anyone and everyone she meets because she’s confident but approachable at the same time.
She’s always been good at making people feel comfortable around her, even people who are shy or have trouble fitting in at school.
It doesn’t hurt that she’s also incredibly smart and funny and beautiful on the inside and out.
I can’t imagine what my life would be like without her in it because she’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember.
"What about Lily?"
Mia nods slowly, like she’s thinking hard about something important.
"Lily is popular and pretty and nice," she says in a singsong voice before dropping her hands and letting out an exasperated sigh.
"But she’s not you."
Unfortunately for me, Mia isn’t taking no for an answer today.
"Jennie Thompson," she says in a stern voice that makes me want to laugh, "you have been runner-up for prom queen for three years straight. It’s your senior year. You have to at least try to win this thing."
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
I shrug and give her a sheepish smile, not wanting to admit that she’s right.
"Okay. You’re right. I’ll run for prom queen."
Mia’s face lights up like Christmas morning, and she lets out a happy squeal as she throws her arms around me and hugs me tight.
"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"
Yes, it is.
But also terrifying.
"Jennie, you should totally run for prom queen."
I look up from my phone to see Mia grinning at me.
She’s sitting across from me at our usual table in the cafeteria.
Her curly brown hair is pulled back in a messy bun and her bright brown eyes are sparkling behind her glasses.
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
She’s one of the smartest girls in our class, which is why she’s my go-to person for studying and homework help.
But even though Mia is a full-on nerd, she’s also extremely popular and has tons of friends in all different social circles.
Which is why I can’t understand why she’d want me to run for prom queen this year.
I close my phone and set it down on the table before leaning back in my chair.
"Thanks, Mia. I appreciate your support. But let’s be real here. I have no chance of beating Lily," I say.
Lily Chen is a tall, slim girl with long black hair and big brown eyes.
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
She’s from Taiwan and moved to America when she was twelve, so she has an accent that makes everything she says sound exotic and interesting.
She’s also really smart and hardworking, which is why she’s valedictorian of our class.
She’s kind of a goody two-shoes, but people like her because she’s nice and pretty and always has a smile on her face.
I, on the other hand, am a blonde cheerleader who spends most of my time hanging out with my friends instead of studying.
I guess you could say I’m kind of a slacker, but I still manage to get good grades without trying too hard.
I’m also nice and pretty and popular, but not as much as Lily is.
Especially when it comes to boys.
She always has a boyfriend, while I’ve only ever had one serious relationship, which is still going strong.
Despite all that, Mia is convinced that I should run for prom queen this year.
"You don’t know that," she says when I remind her of how badly I lost to Lily last year.
"Maybe if we run a really good campaign, we can give her a run for her money."
I raise an eyebrow at Mia, who looks back at me with a knowing expression.
I ask.
"Nothing," she says with a shrug.
"I just think that if we run a really good campaign, we could expose Lily for who she really is and maybe some people will change their minds about voting for her."
I laugh at Mia's suggestion, even though I know she’s being serious.
"Okay, so we’re going to smear Lily’s name all over social media and call her out in front of the whole school?"
Prom Queen Rivalry: A High School Tale
Mia nods slowly, like she’s thinking hard about something important.
"Lily is popular and pretty and nice," she says in a singsong voice before dropping her hands and letting out an exasperated sigh.
"But she’s not you."
Unfortunately for me, Mia isn’t taking no for an answer today.
"Jennie Thompson," she says in a stern voice that makes me want to laugh, "you have been runner-up for prom queen for three years straight. It’s your senior year. You have to at least try to win this thing."I shrug and give her a sheepish smile, not wanting to admit that she’s right.
"Okay. You’re right. I’ll run for prom queen."
Mia’s face lights up like Christmas morning, and she lets out a happy squeal as she throws her arms around me and hugs me tight.
"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!"
Yes, it is.
But also terrifying.
"Jennie, you should totally run for prom queen."
I look up from my phone to see Mia grinning at me.